Volume: CBÉ 0190 Date 1936Collector Seán de Buitléir Locations Bannow, Co. Wexford Mayglass, Co. Wexford Mulrankin, Co. Wexford Templeshannon, Co. Wexford Whitechurchglynn, Co. Wexford List Browse Titles (76) 1. “This is the conclusion of what I sent in, in my last book. It concerns the work that goes on in a farmhouse kitchen.” Lore Transcribed 2. Seventh Son Lore Transcribed 3. Wake Games Lore Transcribed 4. Blessed Wells Lore Transcribed 5. Cures Lore Transcribed 6. Dead Coach Lore Transcribed 7. “Near Tottenham Green a long time ago a black dog used to be seen.” Lore Transcribed 8. Childrens' Games - Taws Lore Transcribed 9. Skittles Lore Transcribed 10. Hunt the Fox Lore Transcribed 11. The Fool in the Middle Lore Transcribed 12. Blind Booby Lore Transcribed 13. Rounders Lore Transcribed 14. Apples and Oranges Lore Transcribed 15. The Divil and the Angel Lore Transcribed 16. Around the Green Gravel Lore Transcribed 17. “There is another game used to be played.” Lore Transcribed 18. “I was going to the Co. Kilkenny wan day and I went into a road...” Lore Transcribed 19. “This is a rhyme that a person must say without drawing his breath.” Lore Transcribed 20. “There was a travelling man used to go around this county about fifty years ago...” Lore Transcribed 21. Parnell's Rhyme Lore Transcribed 22. Wake Games Lore Transcribed 23. Hurry the Brogue Lore Transcribed 24. “Another game played at wakes was "my man John"...” Lore Transcribed 25. Inscription on a Tombstone in the Old Church of Bannow Lore Transcribed 26. “Some people say that the City of Bannow wasn't buried at all...” Lore Transcribed 27. Signs of the Weather Lore Transcribed 28. Petticoat Loose Lore Transcribed 29. “Mike Byrne of Bannow was coming home one night and a black dog followed him. ” Lore Transcribed 30. Jack the Giant Killer Lore Transcribed 31. “When people are churning it anyone come into the dairy that they should take a hand at the churn...” Lore Transcribed 32. She gees or whirlwinds are very plentiful down in Bannow. They are always called She-gees by the local people. Lore Transcribed 33. “There was a wake one night in a certain house.” Lore Transcribed 34. Fairies Lore Transcribed 35. “I heard another story about the fairies.” Lore Transcribed 36. “When the Danes were here in Ireland they would make wine out of the heath. ” Lore Transcribed 37. “It is a very lucky thing to lie down in a bunch of ferns for Our Lord slept in them.” Lore Transcribed 38. My Old Finian Gun Lore Transcribed 39. “Here I am a stranger last night...” Lore Transcribed 40. The Redmoor Song cbe.types.AMH Transcribed 41. Rats' Cleverness Lore Transcribed 42. “There was a smith one time and he was very poor...” Lore Transcribed 43. Fairies Lore Transcribed 44. There was another man going out to shoot wan morning at four o clock... Lore Transcribed 45. Wake Games and Tricks Lore Transcribed 46. Bonfires Lore Transcribed 47. “There was a man one time and he was going with a girl for a number of years.” Lore Transcribed 48. “There was a man named Peter Breen working...” Lore Transcribed 49. The Murder of James Carey Lore Transcribed 50. “There was a king in Ireland long ago and he had wan daughter,...” Lore Transcribed 51. “There was a man one time and he got married but he had no family. ” Lore Transcribed 52. “Long ago the tide used to come from Kilmore Quay to Baldwinstown.” Lore Transcribed 53. “There was a man wan time and he was married an' had a big family. ” Lore Transcribed 54. Foxes' Tricks Lore Transcribed 55. “There was a man went out one morning to shoot.” Lore Transcribed 56. Mummers' Rhymes Lore Transcribed 57. “I saw a birch flag making hay for the Lord of Tyrone” Lore Transcribed 58. “There was a certain thing that I forgot to mention when I was writing down the doctor's rhyme. ” Lore Transcribed 59. The Eviction of Coolroe Lore Transcribed 60. The Wife of the Bold Tenant Farmer Lore Transcribed 61. Ballyshannon Lane Lore Transcribed 62. “Long ago there were houses on the Saltee Islands and there was a man named Park...” Lore Transcribed 63. “There was a family lived in Kilquawn by the name of Cardiff...” Lore Transcribed 64. “There were two fellows by the name of Bill Kenderick and Willie Magrath...” Lore Transcribed 65. “One morning at Kilmore Quay...” Lore Transcribed 66. “It is a custom in the Co. Wexford that when a person goes in to a dairy he or she must say "God bless the work"...” Lore Transcribed 67. Mummers' Rhymes Lore Transcribed 68. “There was a gentleman and his servant travelling around the country one time.” Lore Transcribed 69. The Glen Rose Lore Transcribed 70. Pat Devereux Lore Transcribed 71. Granuaile Lore Transcribed 72. Johnny Hart Lore Transcribed 73. Lonely Banna Strand Lore Transcribed 74. “There is a man living in Mayglas by the name of Thomas Barnwell.” Lore Transcribed 75. “Back to well beloved Ireland...” Lore Transcribed 76. “A poor boy one time went out to seek his fortune. ” Lore Transcribed Mode: Magnify Zoom Jump to page / 291 Archival Reference The Main Manuscript Collection, Volume 0190, Page 002 Image and data © National Folklore Collection, UCD. See copyright details. Download
1. “This is the conclusion of what I sent in, in my last book. It concerns the work that goes on in a farmhouse kitchen.” Lore Transcribed
20. “There was a travelling man used to go around this county about fifty years ago...” Lore Transcribed
31. “When people are churning it anyone come into the dairy that they should take a hand at the churn...” Lore Transcribed
32. She gees or whirlwinds are very plentiful down in Bannow. They are always called She-gees by the local people. Lore Transcribed
37. “It is a very lucky thing to lie down in a bunch of ferns for Our Lord slept in them.” Lore Transcribed
58. “There was a certain thing that I forgot to mention when I was writing down the doctor's rhyme. ” Lore Transcribed
62. “Long ago there were houses on the Saltee Islands and there was a man named Park...” Lore Transcribed
66. “It is a custom in the Co. Wexford that when a person goes in to a dairy he or she must say "God bless the work"...” Lore Transcribed