The Main Manuscript Collection

This collection includes every aspect of the Irish oral tradition. New volumes are added on a regular basis. More information

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38 results
  1. (no title)

    There was one time in the back places of Donegal a wee Island they call Inisbofin...

    CBÉ 0270


    2 January 1937

    Dómhnall Ó Baoghaill

  2. (no title)

    One time there was a king an' a queen an' the both got married.

    CBÉ 0270


    2 January 1937

    Dómhnall Ó Baoghaill

  3. (no title)

    Well in oul' time when pigs were swine...

    CBÉ 0270


    4 January 1937

    Jonnie Grahams

  4. (no title)

    There was one time an' there lived in Glen a' Baile Dubh a young boy.

    CBÉ 0270


    5 January 1937

    Seán Mac an Ghuill

  5. (no title)

    There was one time over in Bárr-Coilleadh there was an' oul' man...

    CBÉ 0270


    5 January 1937

    Seán Mac an Ghuill

  6. Paidir

    An chéad subhailce a fuair an Mhaighdean Bheannuigh...

    CBÉ 0270


    5 January 1937

    Peadar Mac Aodha

  7. (no title)

    Mise Tomás Ó Gallachubhair as Baile 'n Chaisil.

    CBÉ 0270


    5 January 1937

    Tomás Ó Gallachubhair

  8. (no title)

    Bhí fear ann fad ó shoin agus sé 'n t-ainm a bhí air Cú Chulainn.

    CBÉ 0270


    5 January 1937

    Tomás Ó Gallachubhair

  9. (no title)

    Níl a'n sgéal dar h-innsigheadh ariamh nach rabh ag an fhear seo (Proinnseas Ó Gaallachubhair) nó laoidheannaí nach rabh aige...

    CBÉ 0270


    7 January 1937

    Tomás Ó Gallachubhair

  10. Tobar Beannaithe Ghleann na Geise

    Bhí 'n brathair 'Ac a' Ghoill ar shiubhal i dtír mhór na h-Eorapa.

    CBÉ 0270


    1 December 1936

    Pádraic Mac an Ghoill

  11. (no title)

    Ag cionn cuan Luachrois Bhig comhgarach dó Árd a' Ratha tá árdan mór gainnimhe a dtugtar "Mol an Toigh Móir" air.

    CBÉ 0270


    1 December 1936

    Pádraic Mac an Ghoill

  12. (no title)

    Tá céad go leith bliadhain nó mar sin bhí Caiftín Níosbairt 'na chomhnuidhe i "Woodhill"...

    CBÉ 0270


    1 December 1936

    Pádraic Mac an Ghoill

  13. Caiftín na Mire

    CBÉ 0270


    2 December 1936

    Pádraic Mac an Ghoill

  14. (no title)

    The old Seanchaidh's of Áithe tell a story in connection with the great drowning at Bruckless about a hundred years ago.

    CBÉ 0270


    2 December 1936

    Pádraic Mac an Ghoill

  15. (no title)

    This is the story of Jack, the widow woman's son from Ireland.

    CBÉ 0270


    2 December 1936

    Seán Ó Baoghaill

  16. (no title)

    The' were an' oul' man an' an oul' in it one time, an' they had one child.

    CBÉ 0270


    7 December 1936

    Jonnie Grahams

  17. (no title)

    The wuz a man one time an' he had two pigs at a fair to sell them, a black pig an' a white one.

    CBÉ 0270


    9 December 1936

    Jonnie Grahams

  18. (no title)

    There was three brothers Huddin an' Duddin an' Donal.

    CBÉ 0270


    9 December 1936

    Jonnie Grahams

  19. (no title)

    There was a oul' man one time an' his name was Caralon.

    CBÉ 0270


    9 December 1936

    Jonnie Grahams

  20. (no title)

    There was a king in Irelan' one time an' he had a son...

    CBÉ 0270


    10 December 1936

    Jonnie Grahams