The Main Manuscript Collection

This collection includes every aspect of the Irish oral tradition. New volumes are added on a regular basis. More information

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38 results
  1. (no title)

    People in olden times war a lot different ta what they are now, there was no knowin o' all the vagaries...

    CBÉ 0470


    29 January 1938

    Margaret Donagher

  2. (no title)

    The Butter cannot be taken until the milk has broken.

    CBÉ 0470


    29 January 1938

    Margaret Donagher

  3. (no title)

    I heard this sthory from me mother too (God resht her sowl), an' this musht be a very very ould wan for none o' the old people round about, ushed ta know it...

    CBÉ 0470


    29 January 1938

    Margaret Donagher

  4. (no title)

    There was wance a very rich man, an' he had wan daughther, an' three sons, an' he was very fond o' the daughther, because she was the youngesht...

    CBÉ 0470


    30 January 1938

    Dominic Mac Airt

  5. (no title)

    A lot o' the people from round Conway's Cross in Geevagh direaction go to the fair o' Drumkerrin, thats in Leitrim.

    CBÉ 0470


    30 January 1938

    Éamonn Ó Cóghain

  6. (no title)

    Two men from Whitehill came huntin' ta Ballindoon wan an' there was a great dale o' talk about all the rabbits that war ta be had in the graveyard.

    CBÉ 0470


    30 January 1938

    Éamonn Ó Cóghain

  7. Poteen Stories from Cloghogue

    CBÉ 0470


    1 February 1938

    Seán Breathnach

  8. (no title)

    Pat had anether narrow eschape too.

    CBÉ 0470


    1 February 1938

    Seán Breathnach

  9. A Trick

    CBÉ 0470


    1 February 1938

    Seán Breathnach

  10. (no title)

    I was in Bartley Conlon's in Derralea last Monday night. It was a beautiful moonlit night.

    CBÉ 0470


    14 February 1938

  11. More Stories from Cloghogue

    CBÉ 0470


    18 February 1938

    Seán Breathnach

  12. A Story of Ballindoon Abbey

    CBÉ 0470


    18 February 1938

    Seán Breathnach

  13. (no title)

    An old belief in this district is, if during the baptism of a child, a sponsor, leaves out any of the words...

    CBÉ 0470


    18 February 1938

    Seán Breathnach

  14. (no title)

    Well this sthory that Im goin ta tell ye now, nothin' could be thruer than it. There was an ould man taken badly sick over there at Bricklieve...

    CBÉ 0470


    18 February 1938

    Seán Breathnach

  15. (no title)

    Another story much the same as the above, is told about a man who lived in Riverstown.

    CBÉ 0470


    18 February 1938

    Seán Breathnach

  16. A Story of Mount Dodwell

    CBÉ 0470


    18 February 1938

    Seán Breathnach

  17. (no title)

    Aye an' I heard anether wan too about a Protestant that refreshed a phriesht the shelther o' his roof at wan time...

    CBÉ 0470


    18 February 1938

    Seán Breathnach

  18. (no title)

    Well I spose yar tired listenin ta sthories about cures an' the likes be now, well I'll tell ye a fairy sthory that happened ta mesel...

    CBÉ 0470


    18 February 1938

    Seán Breathnach

  19. (no title)

    I'll tell ye anether wan now before I go ta bed, an' it happened not too far either.

    CBÉ 0470


    18 February 1938

    Seán Breathnach

  20. (no title)

    Well I heard a sthory from Micheal Tom Pether at wan time, an' its a very ould sthory indeed. You wouldn't mind o' him, or a good many oulder than ye aither.

    CBÉ 0470


    20 February 1938

    Micheal Donagher