The Main Manuscript Collection

This collection includes every aspect of the Irish oral tradition. More information

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  1. Line Drawers to Rath

    CBÉ 0265

    there was two line drawers coming from Carlow & they stopped at Haroldstown at Mr Morris Doyles Rath with two horses & two load of lime & one man said to the other "go up & get a sip of boiling water & we'll have a sip of tea" So the man went up & when he did go up there was a dance on in this house in the rath so this other man waited until 6 o'c in the morning & there was no sign of him so he looked all around & he inquired from the people of the neighbourhood & there was no trace of this man to be found so he went on to Tinahely with his two load of lime & he came back to Carlow & he went to
  2. Line Drawers to Rath

    CBÉ 0265

    the priest & he told him that he had lost his comrade in Haroldstown in the Rath so the priest told him for to go that night year with the same two horses & the same two cars & two load of lime to the same place & he did so & at 2 o'c. that night his comrade came up to him & he said "Why didn't you come up? We had a great couple of hours & there was a dance on, Here's the boiling water"
    "My good friend" he says "you were away for a year". "No I wasn't" he says "I was away 2 hrs". So they went on to Tinahely again so they came back & nothing happened him after.
  3. Antrim John

    CBÉ 0265

    Hackett chased Taylor of Tinahely
    to Arkins (house) of Arklow.
    Taylors sister was married to
    Arkins & Arkins was Hacketts
    first cousin. He told Arkins
    to hand out Taylor or give him his
    double barrel gun & [___] said
    "Arkins my cousin don't me deny
    Hand me out Taylor or his double barrell gun"
    "You will not get Taylor or his
    double barrell gun"
    And with that bespoke he loaded quite smart and lodged a brace of bullets in Andy Hacketts heart.
    (Neill who was with Hackett said)
    "Andy where are you now"
    "I am here" replied Andy & he spoke it very low