The Main Manuscript Collection

This collection includes every aspect of the Irish oral tradition. More information

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  1. Jack and the Brown Horse

    CBÉ 0106

    He then plunged into the water and swam away through the raging foam. Jack remained behind the wall of sand and watched the tide coming nearer. After about half an hour it was within a foot of the wall and there was still no sign of the brown horse coming back. Jack was beginning to feel a little uneasy when he saw the tide coming high the edge of the wall. It was now within a couple of inches of the top and there was still no sign of the horse. One inch now, and no horse coming! Jack began to tremble. He didn't care whether the brown horse got the red mare and the three foals or not, all he was afraid of was that his faithfull friend would be drowned. The water was now at the very top of the wall, and Jack had to take
  2. (no title)

    There was a man lived in...

    CBÉ 0106

    very lonesome place. He saw a light in a little glen and made for it and he saw a man and he sitting on a large flat stone and he was after dealing a pack of cards and had them laid out on another flat stone. He had a small stump of a candle for to show him light. The man with the cards [?] his head when Martain came up to him and asked him would he mind playing a game of cards. Martain saw the two hands of cards on the stone and they tempted him, so he sat down, and commenced to play. The Martain noticed that the man he was playing the cards with had horns on him, and that he had a cloven foot. Martain being a divil-may-care [?]of a fellow, wasn't a bit knocked about
  3. (no title)

    Dan O'Connell had a son called Morris, an he was a famous duelist...

    CBÉ 0485

    Dan O'Connell had a son called Morris, and he was a famous duelist, he could always hit his mark, no matter how he fired.
    He got a sate in Parliament the same time his father an' the ushed to be in the House o' Commons together. Dan was makin' a speech wan day, an it seems the other members o' parliament didn't care alot about it for they was continually coughin' an scrapin' their feet, an thryin to interupt him every way they could. Things was goin from bad to worse anyway, an Dan was beginnin' to find it abit hard to make his speech even though it took agood dale to put him off what he was sayin, when the nexht thing was his son Morris sthood up an' he laid his pistol on the table, an' sez he "the firsht man that interrupts let him be prepared to fight me"
    If it was fot he shot every man in the House dead at that minit, there couldn't be greater silence.
  4. Long Story - Jack and the Giants

    CBÉ 0460

    was it but a little dagger with an inscription on it:-
    "He who holds this fears nothing in the world"
    "Begob, this must be useful," says jack, and he put it in his pocket.
    Just as he was putting it in his pocket he heard a tremendous roar behind him. He looked round and he saw a giant about nine foot high coming to take his life.
    "What are you trespassing here for?" says the giant
    "What care is that to you?" says Jack
    "You're very saucy," says the giant. "But before I take your life I will grant you wan wish: which will I blow you away with my breath or squeeze you between my nails?"
    "None of them" says jack, "I will fight yez."
    The giant laughed, and put out his hand to catch Jack, but Jack leaped wan side and pulled out his dagger from his pocket and cut the hand off