An Príomhbhailiúchán Lámhscríbhinní

Cuimsíonn an bailiúchán seo gach gné de thraidisiún béil na hÉireann. Breis eolais

Scag na torthaí


206 toradh
  1. (gan teideal)

    There was a doctor wan time and he made a bargain with a man...

    CBÉ 0220

    There was a doctor wan time and he made a bargain with a man, whose wife was sick, that if he'd kill her, or cure her he'd get fifty pounds.
    The Doctor attended her for a while but the woman died. The doctor came along and demanded his money. The man did want to pay. "Didn't you make the bargain that if you'd kill her or cure her that I was to give you fifty pounds"? says the man. "Yes" says the doctor.
    "well, you didn't kill her or cure her" says the man. "She died".
    The doctor had to go without anything.
  2. Béaloideas from Little Cullenstown, Foulkmills (Barony of Shelmalier) - Black Dog

    It happened wan night in a house near Adamstown....

    CBÉ 0220

    someone come running into the yard in a terrible fright. 'Twas a neighbouring man and he came with the bad news that an uncle of their's was was just after being killed on the roundabout a mile away from the house.
    The black dog came to tell them the news first; and ever since a black dog is supposed to be seen at the place where he got killed.
  3. (gan teideal)

    There was a man once and he had an evil eye.

    CBÉ 0221

    There was a man once and he had an evil eye. There was no harm in the eye until he was twenty wan years of age. Then it suddenly became bad and it was said that he could kill people with wan look of it. If he didn't kill the people by looking at them it would almost be as bad for they wouldn't have any luck at all. Their horses and cattle would die or something else would happen to them. So he had to keep that eye covered all the time when he began to find out that it wasn't good. But sometimes he would forget himself and take the covering off it and then something awful would happen. Four or five times it happened that he uncovered this eye. One night he was coming home from the town and going full of beer. He was hardly able to walk he was so bad. So he ran down in the ditch and rested for
  4. (gan teideal)

    There was a king wan time and he had a beautiful daughter.

    CBÉ 0221

    says Jack "you spoke too late I killed the ram just before I came here". Jack used to play any amount of tricks of that kind, and he always came out on top himself. He got sick at last through all his tricks and then the two brothers got very jealous of him. So they planned together that they would kill him. They knew the room where he slept and didn't they decide that they would go this night and stick him with a long sword through the body. Begor wasn't Jack listening to them and didn't he go home and and fixed up a false man in the bed, and then he got under it and when the two brothers came along with their long sword and drove it through the false man. Jack let a roar and a bawl and the two step-brothers outside began to laugh and to sing. But they soon hooked it, for they
  5. (gan teideal)

    There was a king wan time and he had a beautiful daughter.

    CBÉ 0221

    skin. Jack said he couldn't give it for that. Then a man came up and offered Jack one thousand pounds for the skin. Jack then sold the skin and went home and then he met his two step-brothers, and he put his hand in his pocket and he took out the thousand pounds. They asked him how in the name of wonder did he get all that money. He told them that he sold all the cattle skins and got a hundred pounds each for them. "Begor" says the two brothers "we will go home and we will kill all the cattle we have and sell all the cattle we have and we will make our fortune". So they went home and they killed all their cattle and then they skinned them and went to the fair and started asking one hundred pounds each for the skins. But if they were there until Tibb's Eve they
  6. (gan teideal)

    There was a duel fought in Carrigmannor...

    CBÉ 0221

    There was a duel fought in Carrigmannor between Cokely and Harvey. It last for a long time but in the end Harvy killed Cokely.
  7. (gan teideal)

    I have heard another story of a man who had three sons.

    CBÉ 0221

    permission to go to town and step out all day like that. He said that he went to town of his own accord and spent a good day and thought that it was nearly time for him to get a day. The two brothers turned on him and they nearly killed him, and they would have killed him only for the dog coming to his aid. They told him to go and work and poor James had to milk all the cows and do all the work that evening and the two brothers would do nothing. He worked away in the place a little longer now and he was in better heart for he had some money made and knew that whenever he wanted to make any all he would have to do would be go to any town or fair and bring the dog with him. Nearly every
  8. Farmer and Three Sons

    CBÉ 0265

    & sent him home so Tom said to the mother "Kill me the cock & bake me the cake & I'll go seek my fortune so she asked him which would he have the half of it with her blessing or the whole of it with her curse so he said he would have the whole of it with her curse so she got out on top of the ditch & he going away "My curse go high & my curse go low & my curse go with you wherever you go" & he went until he came to this little bridge so he met the same fate as Bill so Jack, Jack was the youngest says "Bake me the cake Mother & kill me the cock & I'll go seek my fortune" & Jack took half the cock & half the cake with her blessing & the mother got out on top of the ditch & she says "My blessing go
  9. San Micheál agus San Martán

    CBÉ 0407

    Yes we kills a cock for St Martin & for St Michael. Long ago if a woman hadn't a cock to kill she'd go to Tipperary & buy one, and maybe bring home two or three & gives them to people who wouldn't have one fit, or maybe never (nacrá) a fowl on the floor at all. The cock would be killed the night before each feast & the blood sprinkled on the door & on the door jambs & on the threshold.
    St Michael 27 Sept
    St Martin 11 Nov.
    The old people used to reckon St Martin's Eve like this from All Sts' Day: "9 nights & a night NAUDUS" (9+1)
    St Michael would take take the blood any time, a day or two before or after if a body forgot, but St. Martin was CROSS - he had to have the blood on the night of the 10th of Nov or he wouldn't be in with you for the year coming"
  10. An Tarbh Breac

    CBÉ 0463

    heed of this. When the master arrived at the palace the King asked him if he had brought all his household. He said "Yes" except a cowboy who refused to go even to the shore to look on the two previous days. He said there was little likelihood that he was the man who killed the dragon. The King said that everyone would have to come and he ordered a regiment of his soldiers out to bring Jack in. Jack expected that the King would send a regiment for him and made preparations accordingly. He took out his box of army into the open in the fields and lay down beside it. He saw the regiment coming and waited till they came up to him. When they said he would have to come he said "I'll show ye whether I have to come or not." He opened his box and ordered out his army and told them to kill all the soldiers except one man. They did as they were told and then
  11. Long Story - Jack and the Giants

    CBÉ 0460

    off with the cows to his master's farm. The cows were let in on the farm and then in on the giant's land, and Jack went in after them. And scarcely had he done so when the ground shook under him with the terrible roaring, and lo! Jack saw tearing down the lawn an enormous, mortial giant, with three heads on him.
    "Well," said Jack, "I'm doomed to-day anyhow. God bless us!" But he thought of his little dagger, and took it out of his pocket.
    "Ho! Ho! Jack the giant killer", said the giant, "you killed my two brothers and I'll kill you now."
    "If you do", says Jack, "you will have to earn it" going for the giant and cutting off wan of his heads with the first blow. The giant fell, and before he recovered Jack cut off another head. The giant begged for mercy and told him he would forgive him for killing his two brothers, and that he would give him the keys of his treasure and a milk-white mare into the bargain.
    The giant handed over the keys to Jack and then Jack finished him by cutting off
  12. Long Story - Jack and the Giants

    CBÉ 0460

    from the pocket of the overcoat with the dagger in his hand: "Steady me mon, Sure you're not going to kill a woman Kill me if you are able!"
    The giant laughed at him & said: "You're a very plucky little man you'll be wonderful when you'll grow big"
    "I'm as big now as ever I'll be", says Jack
    They made peace again anyhow, and their two went and ate their supper, and went off to bed.
    When morning came the giant got up and the first thing he did was to go and see if Jack was alright in his box; and he was. He called his mother to get up and get his breakfast, that he should go off to fight the soldiers today again.
    She wasnt long getting up and preparing the breakfast for him and Jack got up and ate his too. Like the day before Jack got into the pocket of his overcoat and went off the help him kill the soldiers. This day the giant was damn hard set, so begob Jack went
  13. (gan teideal)

    There was a woman one time lived in Shan about eight miles from the town of Wexford.

    CBÉ 0106

    went up to him and says he. "I don't want and of your old guff but the king sent me here for three bags of oats and that's all I want."
    The giant drew his sword and made a charge at Jack but Jack went back for his walking-stick. He then went towards the giant and they fought a great duel, but after a time Jack got the better of him and laid him out with his walking-stick. But all Jack's troubles weren't over yet. When he had he giant laid out, out comes another big giant with two heads, and saw the other giant lying dead on the ground, and got furious. "you have killed my brother, but by my song you won't kill me." So himself and Jack started to fight and the like of it was never seen in the three
  14. The Bad Times

    CBÉ 0189

    milk in a bottle, and the cake in his pocket; and he said they'd ate it by degrees on the way. If he ate it al together 'twould kill him.
    The people used pluck nettles and ate them that time.
    The nettles used kill 'em too in the end.
  15. Black Dog

    CBÉ 0189

    Down near Carrigbyrne a big black dog used be seen every night at the same hour. There was an ould man living there and he used see him every night. The ould man thought that it was some dog prowling around looking to kill sheep or ate eggs or kill fowl, so he decided this night that he'd shoot him. This night he hid inside his own barn door with a gun ready. 'Twasn't long 'til the dog came into the yard. He raised the gun to fire, but his two hands fell helpless to his side, and the gun fell on the ground. In that instant the dog disappeared. The man always believed after that that it was the devil was in it.
    I always heard that you should never interfere with anything that doesn't interfere with you, especially in the nighttime.
  16. The Adventures of Patsy

    CBÉ 0220

    wan flew wan way and all the rest flew off in the opposite direction. Well" says Patsy "I took up my gun and let blaze at the wan crow. She was up about a thousand feet in the heavens but it made no difference. I drove the bullet right through her and killed her stone "could." Well the chap run over to where she was after fallin' and picked her up and brought her over to me and says he all wonderful "Begor Patsy" he says ye needn't have fired at all the fall would would have killed her." "Well" says Patsy was he a bright fella."
    "I was strollin' along the road another day" says Patsy "and begor a man, I was dying for a smoke, I had plenty of tobacco but I had no knife to cut a bit to fill me pipe so I was wondering what I would do. I heard a fella mowing would a seythe in the fild beside the road and begob I went to the gate and stopped there till he had mowed over to where I was. He was mowing a meadow, a big strong able fella he was but I knew by by him he had no edge on the blade. I wailed till he came over anyhow and I asked him for a loan of his pen
  17. Go and Kill a Hussian for Yourself

    CBÉ 0220

    was too superior with the pike and soon the horse received a prod that brought him down rider and all and soon the rider was down never to rise again.
    There was a general uproar and a rush commenced, but the commander shouted to the men to keep their ranks. "That yeomen" said he tempted his fate our enemy only acted in self-defence, and if he doesn't insult this fallen yeomen let him go about his business. Soon the croppy was stooped down and he raiding the yeoman's pockets like wan man when in comes a comrade of his and he asking for a share in the plunder "Oh its all damn fine" said the first croppy "Go and kill a Hussian for yourself."
    That sayin' is used still. For instance if wan chap found a cherry tree laden with cherries and another chap comes and starts eating them the first chap says "Hey go and kill
  18. (gan teideal)

    There was a king wan time and he had a beautiful daughter.

    CBÉ 0221

    Then they took her up on their backs and they went into the town and they started calling all the body snatchers to come out and have a look at her. When they came they told them that their mother died of some kind of a disease that none of the doctors knew anything at all about. The body snatchers looked at her and they began to laugh saying that a person having his or her skull battered in was no new disease, and they told the two brothers to bring home the woman and bury her before the policemen would catch hold of them, and get them hanged for killing their mother.
    The two brothers then looked at each other and they were fairly well ashamed of themselves when they saw the brutal way in which they killed their mother. Then all the small
  19. (gan teideal)

    There was a man and his wife lived in a small house.

    CBÉ 0221

    would go off with himself. "Begor" says the wife "if you goes off I will follow you". "Well if you are going off" says he "make sure and rake the fire before you go" So the woman raked the fire up in her lap and followed him. But before he was gone very far she went on fire, and he had to throw some water on her and put her in the bed. So the husband took a notion to stay a little while longer. After some time however the wife got alright and they lived away together for another while.
    One day not long after this the husband told the wife that they would kill a pig and have some meat to grease the cabbage. So they soon killed the pig and then they eat it up and the husband went off to his work. When he came home in
  20. Jack the Strongfella

    CBÉ 0460

    heard that the giant was dead she was delighted and then she told him that she was a princess and that her father was the king of Russia She said that she was on a visit to the king of Ireland's palace wan time and wan evening she went out for a walk by herself and she was going through a wood when who did she meet but the giant. He caught her by the hand, and she said that she got such a fright that she fainted off. He took her up in his arms and ran off to his castle with her and when she came to herself she was in that very room and she hadn't left it since.
    Jack then told her all he had done and said that he had killed the giant and had also killed the witch.
    the princess was so delighted with Jack for all he