School: Poll Réamoinn (Cailíní)

Pollremon, Co. Galway
Treasa, Bean Mhic Diarmada
The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0014, Page 365

Archival Reference

The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0014, Page 365

Image and data © National Folklore Collection, UCD.

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  1. XML School: Poll Réamoinn (Cailíní)
  2. XML Page 365
  3. XML “Bread”
  4. XML “The Local Forge”

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On this page

  1. (continued from previous page)
    or griddle. For boxty large potatoes were picked and washed. They were then scraped with a piece of a tin. In this tin holes were made. This was called a "Scraper". The ingredients used were salt, flour and milk. The cake as baked in a pan. Oaten-meal bread was made from meal, soda, sometimes flour and water. This was baked in a griddle or on a tongs. The soda-cakes were made from flour, soda, salt and butter milk. That cake was made every day at present but the others are not made as often.
    Long ago the people made cakes every day. The sign of the Cross was put on top of the cake in honour of Our Lord's Crucifixion. This was done at bhristmas especially. Bread was often baked against the fire. A heavy stool was placed before it the fire and the cake was left against this.
    At bhristmas and when the "Statrons" came to a house they had all kinds of cakes. The above information was obtained from the school children's parents.
    Transcribed by a member of our volunteer transcription project.