School: Nead an Iolraigh (roll number 11669)

Cloonlooaun, Co. Galway
Bríd Ní Chadhain
The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0006, Page 092

Archival Reference

The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0006, Page 092

Image and data © National Folklore Collection, UCD.

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  1. XML School: Nead an Iolraigh
  2. XML Page 092
  3. XML “The Drowning of Jack Nee”

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On this page

  1. Jack Nee a dump fisher man from Letter used to fish a lot with the handline in Letter bay. On the first of October 1887 he was fishing off Curragh. A strong wind had been blowing all day and towards night it increased gradually to gale force.
    Jack did not appear to notice it in time he was so absorbed in his work. Frank Fitz Patrick an old Cashleen man saw him and knowing was in danger he waved to him to come ashore in Curragh. But Jack foolishly made for Letter.
    When Fitzpatrick went home he told his people that Jack would surely be lost that night. He was right. The fish and oars came ashore on the white strand at Curragh and the boat went to Ballin akill
    Jack's body was on the strand fifteen days later. He was terrible swelled & had no clothes except a piece of a sock on one leg
    (continues on next page)
    Transcribed by a member of our volunteer transcription project.
    1. events
      1. hardship (~1,565)
        1. drowning (~292)