School: An Clochar, Carraig Thuathail

Carrigtohill, Co. Cork
An tSr. Celestine
The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0385, Page 337

Archival Reference

The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0385, Page 337

Image and data © National Folklore Collection, UCD.

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  1. XML School: An Clochar, Carraig Thuathail
  2. XML Page 337
  3. XML “Religious Stories”

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On this page

  1. My mother was born in Donegal and she told me this story.
    Once upon a time two brothers and a sister lived together in an Island called Ory Island off the west coast of Donegal.
    Their parents were dead and as the children grew up they became very careless about their religion so after a time they disagreed with the priest because he threatened them that he would turn them into rocks if they did not attend Mass so they made up their minds to have revenge and one night they set out in a boat to burn the priest's house.
    However they were not gone very far when the boat overturned and they were changed into three rocks.
    It is supposed that they sail every seven years in the direction of the Island where the priest lived and unless they are seen while sailing by someone on that Island it would be destroyed.
    An other story.
    My Aunt told me this story and it happened outside Tralee. She saw the field herself.
    One night a man was going home through a field after being cardplaying in a neighbour's house and suddenly a strange looking man dressed in black
    (continues on next page)
    Transcribed by a member of our volunteer transcription project.
    1. genre
      1. narratives (~478)
        1. religious tales (~1,085)
    Folktales index
    AT0810: The Snares of the Evil One
    Annie Curran
    Carrigtohill, Co. Cork