School: The Vale (An Gleann)
- Location:
- Leiter, Co. Cavan
- Teacher: S. Ó Brolcháin
Open data
Available under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
- XML School: The Vale (An Gleann)
- XML Page 403
- XML “Kidney Disease”
- XML “Cut or Bruise”
- XML “Heart Trouble”
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On this page
- (continued from previous page)the most successful one was a [?] of fine twigs of the broom brush. The tender shorts were cut off from this bush and boiled. The patient drank a half glass every morning until cured.
Lus na laor was another remedy applied in the same way and lady's mantle another [?] which was used with success for the kidney disease also. - House leek is a plant or herb. It grows on old houses or old wall and in no other place. If you chew the leaf of it between your teeth and apply it to a cut or bruise it will heal it directly. Plantain leaf is another plant also used for the same purpose, and it is also supposed to stop blood. Water-cress is a plant that grows at springs. In olden days they used it for
- and the old folk believed that it would(continues on next page)