The Schools’ Collection

This is a collection of folklore compiled by schoolchildren in Ireland in the 1930s. More information

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9 results
  1. (no title)

    I remember a little shop over near the Alley just where Paddy Mc Gee is livin' now, it's eighty years ago since it was there...

    CBÉS 0882

    James L. Doyle, Kitty French


  2. (no title)

    Wakes long 'go used to be always held in barns they never used to be in dwellin' houses an' we used to spend the night playing all sorts of games.

    CBÉS 0882

    James L. Doyle, Josie Kehoe


  3. (no title)

    There used to be travellers going round the counry an' they'd have Butts of ash on their shoulders an, they'd stop in the farmers' houses...

    CBÉS 0882

    James L. Doyle, Josie Kehoe


  4. (no title)

    There was no such thing as flour bread when I was a chap, we had barley bread an' oaten bread, an' plenty o' cutlen stirabout for our breakfast.

    CBÉS 0882

    James L. Doyle, Josie Kehoe


  5. (no title)

    Me Aunt Nelly often tould me all about the burnin' of Scullabogue barn.

    CBÉS 0882

    James L. Doyle, Kitty French


  6. (no title)

    I suppose you often heard of the woman in Garranstacle that killed the Hussian, its in Fr. Kavanagh's history.

    CBÉS 0882

    James L. Doyle, Kitty French


  7. (no title)

    There was a clergyman in Newbawn wan time, and he was nearly the first around here that used tay.

    CBÉS 0882

    James L. Doyle, Paddy Kehoe


  8. (no title)

    There were no mowing machines long ago, and the people used to be up at all hours in the mornin' cuttin' with scythes.

    CBÉS 0882

    James L. Doyle, Patrick Kehoe


  9. (no title)

    I think there was a church long ago in Courtdale graveyard, did you ever see that little holy water font in the middle of the graveyard...

    CBÉS 0882

    James L. Doyle, Josie Kehoe
