The Schools’ Collection

This is a collection of folklore compiled by schoolchildren in Ireland in the 1930s. More information

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11 results
  1. (no title)

    Once upon a time a beggar who was very strong came to a house and asked for a pipeful of tobacco and the man of the house said that he would give it to him....

    CBÉS 0629

    Joseph Bonfield


  2. (no title)

    There was a man long ago who lived a very holy life but he used never go to Mass.

    CBÉS 0629

    Joseph Bonfield


  3. (no title)

    Long ago many strange things were seen in Knockerra Lake.

    CBÉS 0629

    Joseph Bonfield


  4. (no title)

    There was a mermaid in the lake also.

    CBÉS 0629

    Joseph Bonfield


  5. Hidden Treasure

    Once upon a time a man dreamt three nights running that he would find his fortune on the quays of Limerick.

    CBÉS 0629

    Joseph Bonfield


  6. Hidden Treasure

    Once upon a time a man dreamt three nights in succession that there was gold buried in a fort that was in a field belonging to a man named Hasset.

    CBÉS 0629

    Joseph Bonfield


  7. (no title)

    Once upon a time a man was fishing in the Shannon and he caught a mermaid in the net an as soon as he saw her he....

    CBÉS 0629

    Joseph Bonfield


  8. (no title)

    Once upon a time a man was living in Knockerra who made potheen and the peelers heard about it, and they came to...

    CBÉS 0629

    Joseph Bonfield


  9. (no title)

    Once upon a time there was a man named Dan Troy who was supposed to be going with the fairies.

    CBÉS 0629

    Joseph Bonfield


  10. Biddy Early

    Once a woman who was living in Knockerra was sick and was nearly dead and a man was sent to Biddy Early on horseback and she have him a bottle...

    CBÉS 0629

    Joseph Bonfield


  11. (no title)

    Once upon a time there were races in Limerick and every one of this district went there except a man called Dan Troy.

    CBÉS 0629

    Joseph Bonfield
