The Schools’ Collection

This is a collection of folklore compiled by schoolchildren in Ireland in the 1930s. More information

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  1. The Fairies

    CBÉS 0697

    Page 352

    The fairies are the Tuatha De Danaans. Most people believe in fairies. Now those fairies are supposed to live in the old forts. Many people are afraid of the anger of the fairies. There are many old tales told about the fairies. When young children do not do as they are told, their mothers threaten to bring them to the fairies. The fairies are very important
  2. Fairy Raths

    CBÉS 0845

    Page 523

    by fairies It is built with stones and the fairies were heard kicking football
  3. Folklore

    CBÉS 0012

    Page 453

    and dancing. He heard the fairies singing - Monday, Tuesday. The man said Monday Tuesday and Wednesday. The fairies ran up to the man and asked him to teach them that song. The man taught them the song. The fairies asked him that gift die he want he said to take the hump off his back. The man went home without the hump. There was another man in the same village and he had another hump. He asked the man what did h do to the hump and he said the fairies took it off him. He said how did the fairies take the hump off you and he said I went into a fort and I heard the fairies singing Monday Tuesday Monday Tuesday and I said Monday Tuesday Wednesday. All the fairies ran up to me and asked me to teach them the
  4. Fairies and Humps

    CBÉS 0137F

    Page 10_007

    One night a man was going visiting very late. He came to a wall and all the fairies came up to him and took him away to a house. The man had a hump and he asked the fairies to take it off him because he heard they had taken a hump off another man before. The fairies took it off him and hung it up behind the door and sent him home. The man met his neighbour the next morning and he told him the fairies took the hump off him. The other man had also a hump and he also went to the fairies. He went in and he asked the fairies to take the hump off him. The fairies took down the other man's hump
  5. Fairy Story

    CBÉS 0725

    Page 023

    There was a town in Cornmore, [near Clonmellon: a flat boggy stretch between Clonmellon and Kilskryne containing Cnocnaree.] It was destroyed years ago. Cnoc-na-Rí was a place where the fairies used to play. They were seen about a 100 years ago by [?] Comaskey. They were riding horses around Ros-na-Rí and had red coats on them. Once a man heard the fairies singing there and chains rattling. There were paths all through Cornmore with the fairies, no one could live there with the fairies. They were seen dancing together and the cattle used to gather in a crowd to hear the fairies singing. Many people went down to Cornmore and were never seen again. Anyone that would rake the fire at nigh would find the track of the fairies in the ashes in the morning. There are no fairies in Cornmore now.
  6. How to Kill a Fairy and to Hang a Fairy

    CBÉS 0822

    Page 003A

    Say "There are no such things as fairies" then a fairy dies.
    When speaking of fairies if you do not wish them to hear you mention the day of the week thus - "Today is --- I hope the fairies don't hear us."
    An old man at the time of Anglo Irish Treaty when he heard of lunches said "If you eat with the fairies the fairies have you." That is if the fairies ever brought anyone away, that person could return if he did not eat anything the fairies gave him.
  7. The Leprechaun

    CBÉS 0977

    Page 218

    They are called fairies or leprechaun. They live mostly in forts. Long ago the people believed that they fairies would have dancers, and some said that they heard them playing music and dancing. Old people used to say that they'd see a door opening in the side of a hill, and the fairies marching out playing music. There is an old story about fairies that were in a fort. One night there was a man with a hump on his back going by the fort, and he heard the fairies playing music, and he began to play the same sweet music. The fairies heard him, and the king asked who was that, some of the fairies said that it was such a man. He told them to bring him in, until they would take the hump of him, and they brought him in, and took the hump of him, and sent him away without any. There was another man in the district that
  8. The Fairies

    CBÉS 1100

    Page 175

    It is said that every year the fairies come, and sit beside the burn, and read books. There is a glen up in Argrey hill, and every night the fairies come out to dance about the Glen. The fairies used to play tricks on the people in this district. In winter at night when the moon was shining the fairies liked it best because they could come out to dance. If you were passing a holly bush you would hear the fairies talking, and dancing. The fairies always held a ball at night when all was quiet. All the people were afraid of the fairies because the fairy godmother would use her wand at them and change them into something.
  9. Stories Connected with Fairies

    CBÉS 1123

    Page 356

    says the wee man "if ever you'll see me again". The fairies of Ireland and the fairies of Scotland are going to fight on a certain night and if we win you'll see me again but if the fairies of Scotland win then we will be all killed and you'll never see me again. "And how am I to know who'll win" says the poor man. Come to this well on a certain night says the wee man and if the well is clear we won and if the fairies of Scotland won the well will be muddy". The poor man went to the well on the appointed night and the well was as muddy as if all the ducks in the country were muddling in it. So then the poor man knew that the fairies of Scotland won and killed all the fairies of Ireland and there are no fairies in Ireland now.
  10. A Story about Fairies

    CBÉS 0632

    Page 75

    man of the house opened the door and he saw the fairies passing the house. Some of the fairies were friends of the man that were dead and gone with years. All the fairies went in to Harvey's fort, and they began singing and dancing and inside in the fort. One of the men had a fiddle and he began to play a tune the fairies were playing One of the fairies came out of the fort and told the man that if he played that tune again he would kill him and the man ran home as fast as he could.
  11. Fairy Legends

    CBÉS 1118

    Page 231

    ben-weeds for horses. In olden times the children would have to have salt and meal on their hands to keep the fairies from harming them. Fairies were supposed to take people away to their forts and sometimes left "changlings" in place of the child or person taken. People believed that the tongs should be placed over the cradle when the child is sleeping alone as a precaution against fairies harming the child. It is also believed that if the tongs is put over the "irons" by the fire, the fairies cannot enter the house. Red ribbon around the cow's horn keeps the cows safe from fairies. When we bless ourselves with holy water the fairies cannot harm us.
    Also we are told that fairies used to shoot cows, when the cows would "graze on a "gentle" spot. We call a place "gentle" when it is supposed to belong to fairies. A "shot" cow became weak and would not eat. There lived in this district a man named Denis Kelly in Belure, who could cure a "shot cow". He was always sent for when this happened. When Denis came he measured the cow and found where she was "shot". The cure was the "coom" (or black) off nine pots and nine grains of shot from a flask (ammunition holder) for a muzzle loading gun. This shot drove out the fairy shot and the cow became well again.
    There is a fairy fort in Dan Mc Laughlin's land in Glenagivney and very often fairies were heard singing, clapping, drilling and churning un this place. William Mc Laughlin is supposed to have seen the fairies here quite recently. This
  12. A Story

    CBÉS 0012

    Page 023

    It was said that people used to be brought by fairies and those people that were carried away had to bring other people they knew to the fairies. There was once a man that the fairies brought and every night at twelve o'clock he used to hear the sound of a whip and he used to have to go out and join the fairies. One night when he was with fairies they told him to bring them a certain woman who was ill. He had to go or the fairies would whip him. When he reached the house he thought every one was looking at him, but they could not see him at all. When he was trying to hide in the house he spilled a bucket
  13. A Fairy Tale

    CBÉS 0046

    Page 0356

    There once lived a crowd of fairies who used to help a noggin maker to make noggins. A lovely girl was getting married. The fairies wanted to get the girl. They made up a plan that the night of the feast they would gather in the rafters of the house. One little fairy was to tickle the girl's nose with a wisp of straw then she would sneeze three times and if no one said "God Bless us", the fairies would have her. The night of the feast all the fairies gathered in the rafters and one little man tickled the girl's nose and sneeze. No one heard her with the laughing. She sneezed again and no one said anything. The last time she sneeze the noggin maker said "God Bless us," and when he did the fairies flung him down on the table and he told all the story of the fairies and he got a reward.
  14. Fairies

    CBÉS 0849

    Page 250

    came out and the fairies carried her away. One night the family had nothing to eat. He went to the fairies rath and asked for another and he said where is my only daughter. All the fairies said they saw no sight of her. They gave him another bottle and when he said the words up came his daughter and three men with sticks and they beating the girl. The fairies shouted from outside "Stop stop them bottle," so they stopped The fairies said together 'Sidhe ghaoth". It sweep off the roof. Off fell the roof all was inside turned into fairies. My grand-mother told me that when you would see a "Sidhe Gaot" you should get a fist of dust and pelt it after it and you should say. "God and the road go with you".
  15. Old Fairy Tale

    CBÉS 0927

    Page 271

    Once upon a time there was a band of fairies all met together in a field up at Kilquade. There was a man working in Kilpedder at the same time and the fairies were waiting to catch him. All the fairies had little ponies so they caught the man, they had no pony for him and they gave him a calf to ride. He agreed to ride the calf, so him and the fairies rode off. During the time they were riding along and one of the fairies said to the man, "Don't start a word without finishing it." "Very good," said the man. So they rode on until they got to Mr. Sherlock's raheen, and the ponies failed to do the jump across the ditch but the calf jumped it and when the fairies got the man in the raheen they went back to Kilquade and the poor man (han) had to stay there.
  16. Fairy Forts

    CBÉS 0029

    Page 0314

    Cnuck-Ma, he met the high king of the fairies. He said "Welcome, John Jones, we want you tonight. My fairies are gong to hurl the Roscommon fairies. You are to stand close to the goal, and when you get the ball, put it out. All my fairies will see you and the Roscommon fairies will not".
    "If we beat the Roscommon fairies, the Roscommon people will have to be buying from the Galway people for seven years, and if the Roscommon fairies beat us, we will have to be buying from them for seven years. We will never win without a living man: Here I go" said John Jones. At twelve o'clock, the match started
  17. Fairy Forts

    CBÉS 0043

    Page 0059

    3. There was a man from Chapelfinnerty who was once brought away with the fairies when he was with the fairies a while he did something out of the way to them and they threw him out when the man came back he would not tell anyone anything about the fairies. He only said he was in a fort near balla. There was a man named Tom Barrett in the townland of Liscune living near a fort. One night when the fairies were taking him out thro' the window of his house a man who was going to a fair with his cow saw them and he took the child from the fairies Barrett lived to be an old man but the fairies gave him crooked eyes.
    4. There in a fort in the townland of the Hillswood. One night about twenty years ago, when my father was coming home from the one o'clock train in woodlawn, he heard fairies playing hurling. It was a grand starry night when he was coming he heard great noise like laughter and he said when a goal would be scored there would be great fun and laughter. There is another old, fort in the townland of Ballyglass kept a few years ago, there was a cave a few miles long leading past it, but there were so many sheep lost that it had to be stopped
  18. Belief about Fairies

    CBÉS 0265

    Page 020

    People of long ago had great belief in fairies. The old people did not like to offend the fairies because they thought it might bring bad luck on them. I have often heard of old fairy tales. It is said that the fairies lived under the ground in old fort's called "Shees" They played lovely music. Some people coming home from fairs or markets or even from rambling were enchanted by the music and sat down to it. Before long they were asleep and dreaming about the dancing and music that the fairies were playing. In the morning when they awoke they would think that they were hours down under the ground with the fairies. It is said that if you carried a horse shoe in your pocket you would not be enchanted by the music. There is a lot of old customs of May day connected with the fairies. If you went into another house on May day you would not get a coal to put on you pipe for fear the fairies would bring out the fire for the rest of the year. There is a fort up hills called (Lith [?]) "Lish-na-leana." Its name tells us that it is the fort of wee folk. Many people,
  19. A Fairy Tale

    CBÉS 0752

    Page 246

    Once upon a time there lived in the parish of Cashel, Co. Longford, named Patsy Delaney. This man was supposed to have something to do with the fairies. The fairies used to do all the work for him at night time. One night there was a dance in some house. The fairies wanted to steal a nice girl from the dance. They could not steal her without some live person with them so they brought Patsy. The fairies and Patsy started and of course no one can see the fairies or anyone they bring with them unless they appear to someone. Patsy and the crowd arrived on the collartie just over the table where the girls were eating. Whatever girl the fairies wanted they made her sneeze three times. If no one said "God bless us" the fairies would have that girl. It happened that the girl that sneezed was some relation to Patsy. When she sneezed the three no one said "God bless us." Patsy did not like to see
  20. A Fairy Tale

    CBÉS 0768

    Page 025

    There was a girl who lived a mile outside the town of Longford. Her first name was Mary. Her mother had died when she was young but her father was alive. One day there were no sticks in the house so she went out to a wood near by and at the bottom of a tree she saw two fairies.
    The fairies said to her come in to our palace and have a dance to the music. She saw herself getting smaller. She went in. All the fairies began to gather round her and dance about her When it was time to go home she told the fairies that she was going and promised them to go back again. She gathered her sticks and went out of the wood, and when she came to her fathers house there were strange people in it. The three hours that she spent with the fairies were three hundred years. So she went back to the wood weeping and the fairies saw her and gave her a purse full of gold. She went to and got a house built with the money and lived happily there. The fairies often came to see her afterwards.