The Schools’ Collection

This is a collection of folklore compiled by schoolchildren in Ireland in the 1930s. More information

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  1. Herbs

    CBÉS 0741

    Page 392

    The most common weeds on the farm are : thistles, nettles, dock, scutch grass, "Preshaugh", dandelion, chick-weed, "forans", rushes, ferns, comfy, reeds, spearment, Burdock.
    Thistles grow mostly on good land.
    Nettles grow everywhere. They are good food for fowl. If you get a sting of a nettle, rub a dock-leaf to it. Don't scratch it, and it will get better.
    Dandelions are yellow "jaundice" and to eat the stalks will cure blood pressure.
    Rushes grow in tufts and in low boggy land.
    Chick-weed grows in gardens, turnips and mangels. It spreads rapidly. It has a white flower. It blooms in the Autumn. It is easy to pull it. Fowl eat it.
    In winter when people have no vegatables, they gather water cress from drains. It is wholesome.
    Scutch grass chokes the crops and prevents them coming up.
  2. Local Cures

    CBÉS 0768

    Page 308

    Toothache - A tooth pulled by your own teeth out of skull.
    Sickness - There is a well of St Brigid's in Ardagh and if you tie a rag on a bush beside it you will be cured as soon as the rag is withered.
    For a cold - (1) Garlic eaten (2) hot buttermilk and sugar drank.
    sores and thorns - (1) poultice of white bread (2) wax (3) a linseed poultice. (4) fat bacon applied to the affected part.
    warts - (1) holy water rubbed on the wart nine mornings in succession fasting. (2) the juice of dandelion rubbed on
    Sty- Nine gooseberry thorns to the stye and throw away the ninth one without pointing it.
    The following have cures -
    For burns - Mrs Green Oldtown Ardagh Co Longford
    Miss Baxter Killen Longford.
    ring worm - Patrick McGarry Moydow with ointment.
    Mrs Thompson Drumloher Longford with a liquid mixture including Burdock.
  3. Luibheanna

    CBÉS 0309

    Page 248

    BRIOSCLÁN - Silverweed
    Tá leigheas ann dos na dathaca. Briosclán agus leamhnacht beirbithe (?) i dteannta a céile

    MEACAN DÁ THÓGHA - Great Common Burdock
    The roots boiled are applied as a powder for Ringworm, and several other sores and wounds

    PLUISICÍN (?) - Pignut
    Bíonn cnámha beaga ceangailte de preamhaca na luibhe seo, agus itheann daoine iad

    Tá an luibh seo ana nimneac. Is le seo a mhárbhiuigtear (?) an t-iasc ins na h-aibhne agus ins na loca

    GIOLCACH - Broom
    Tá sé ag fás ar an gcnoch ar thaobh an bhóthair idir tig Mongó, agus ag tig Seán Mach Cárthaig. Deintí scuabanna as, agus bhí sé go maith cun na n-oighean a ghlanadh fadó nuair a deintí an t-im sa bhaile. Tá leigheas ann don Dropsy. (at)
    Was much used a disinfectant long ago by burning withered Giolcach.

    LUSAIRE AN DEANGÁN - nó grafán na gcloc or wall pepper.
    Cuireann sé daoine ag urlachán deirtear
  4. Local Cures

    CBÉS 0325

    Page 081

    If a gander was fasting and he was allowed to breathe into the patient's mouth that would cure thrush.
    Soap and sugar was supposed to cure boils and thorns.
    A foxe's tongue will cure burns.
    A child born on good Friday and baptised on Easter Sunday was supposed to cure with its breath.
    Goose grease was good for swelling.
    A child born after the fathers death could cure thrush.
    The seventh son or daughter was supposed to have certain cures.
    Food left after a ferret could cure measles.
    The Míosac was used for kidney trouble.
    The ribleaf was used for a cut or sore to draw out the dirt
    Cockle or burdock was used for scurvy.
    Mashmallow was used for plasters.
    Red dandelion was used in lung disease and rheumatics.
    Foxglove was used for all evil sores, and skin diseases.
  5. Cures

    CBÉS 0455

    Page 234

    Bogbean is used to cure rheumatism
    Clover is used to cure cough
    Comfrey is used to stoop bleeding
    Elder flowers are very nourishing
    Marigold is used to cure measles
    Dandelion is used to cure measles
    Dockroot is used to cure cancer and sores
    Yarrow is used as a tonic and will cure coughs and colds.
    Thyme is used to cure coughs, colds and indigestion
    Self heal if gargled cures sore throat
    Poppy heads made into a poultice will cure neuralgia
    Burdock is used to cure skin diseases
  6. Liosta Focal a Bhíonn i nGnáthchaint agus i gComhrá Muintir na hÁite seo

    CBÉS 0506

    Page 320

    an insect found plentifully in hay and of such a nature that if it comes in contact with a human or animal body, it embeds its head firmly beneath the skin. It is as tenacious of its hold that though the body be removed, the head remains fixed in the skin of the animal or person it has adhered to.

    "Moll" = (? Miol) = the usual name by which the youngsters of my time designated the caterpillars of the different butterflies.

    Smuilc = An ape-like face

    Crádán = the burr of the Buachallán Mór or giant burdock. (Tiob. Ár.)

    "BOWN-LOCK" (Tiob. Ár) and "bine-lock" (Croom) = the weal on the sole of the foot caused by walking when barefoot, on a sharp stone. It was commonly believed among the children in Tiob. Ár. that this "bown-lock" was due to having walked on a "hairy moll".

    Codladh-na-Seasamh = the epithet given to a lazy sleepy individual (Tiob. Ár.)


    Adúirín = the cord used to tie a beart of hay or of brosna = apparently Dorúighín (Cromadh)


    "Out-na-Rawke" (?) (Tiob. Ár.) = a dirty slovenly lazy lapadach fellow.

    Círín = a cock's comb

    (Continued on page 85
  7. Local Cures

    CBÉS 0657

    Page 216

    Local Cures (Contd)
    Heart-disease - Three oaten cakes to be eaten every day for three days.
    For an ingrown nail - Cut a v out of the middle of the top of the nail.
    For bladder and kidneys - Burdock seeds boiled and drink the tea. It is also used for fits and convulsions.
    For rheumatisim, scurvy, indigestion, fevers and dropsy - Bogbean boiled and drink the tea of it.
    For the liver - Dandelion boiled well and drink the tea.
    For coughs and bronchitis - Marsh-mallow boiled well and drink the tea.
    For the kidneys - Parsley boiled well and drink the tea.
    For rheumatism - Celery boiled and drink the tea.
    For indigestion and billiousness - Eat boiled rhubarb.
    Spring and autumn medicine - Boiled meadowsweet and drink the tea.
    For worms and nervousness - Souter-
  8. Local Cures

    CBÉS 0740

    Page 107

    mixed with vaseline will help to grow the hair.
    Honey used instead of Cod Liver Oil is a very good emulsion.
    The juice of the bilberries is useful for burns and scalds - and also for eczema.
    Burdock. Grows in ditches and on waste ground. The "burs" when (thornwn) thrown, stick to ones clothes. The seeds and roots are used for Kidney trouble - such as gravel and stone and dropsy.
    Sprains - The leaves bruised and soaked in hartshorn make an embrocation Caraway, Used for wind.
    Grass which grows on a rock will cure worms.
    Worms in children. The grated outside of a fresh carrot - the red part a teaspoonful at night.
    Watercress - or "Mustard and cress" cures scurry and blood trouble.
    Watercress over which is poured boiling vinegar will cure headaches.
    Garlic used for indigestion. The bulbs boiled till soft and put into a jar with vinegar is a cure for asthma.
    A slice off garlic rubbed on the scalp will cure baldness.
  9. Herbs

    CBÉS 0942

    Page 113

    ½ oz Agrimony
    Raspberry Leaves
    Gentian Root
    Boil in a quart of water slowly for five minutes strain when cold take a wine-glass ful three times a day
    Ulcerated Stomach
    Clivers ½ oz
    Budrock-Roat ½ oz
    Raspberry Leaves ½ oz
    Boil in a quart of water for five minutes, strain and when cold take a wine glass full 3 or 4 times a day
    Elder-berry was made by boiling the berries of the elder and adding a little brandy and a few raisins
    Burdock roat was boiled with other herbs for blood diseases. comfrey was used for making medicine long ago. It has a small blue flower
    Dandelion Root ½ oz.
    Agrimony ½ oz.
    Boil in a quart of water slowly for
  10. Old Cures

    CBÉS 0970

    Page 029

    2) The cure for Heartburn. To eat a daisy leaf at the begining of the year.
    3) The cure for a burn.Planting leaf cures a burn
    4) The cure for bleeding at nose. Foxtongue cures bleeding at the nose.
    5) The cure for flukes. Malefern cures flukes in cattle.
    6) The cure for cold. Mullein cures colds.
    7) The cure for toothache. Southernwood cures toothache.
    8) Cure for dropsy. Mustard seed cures dropsy
    9) Cure for jaundice. St Johns wort cure the jaundice
    10) Cure for kidneys. Butcherbrom cures the kidneys
    11) Cure for weak blood. Burdock seed cures weak blood
    12) Cure for Diarrhoea Rhubarb root cures diarrhoea.
  11. Herbs

    CBÉS 1118

    Page 23

    Dandelions when boiled in water is good for people with a bad heart. Bogbine boiled in water and drank cold is good for asthma. Bouglas is good fro poultices. Centry boiled and the water drank is good for indigestion. Wellink for a cold. Water-cress is good to eat for purifying the blood. Calumy and rice boiled together is good for a burn. Chicken weed boiled and put on a sprain is a good cure. Garlic is good for neuralgia. Groundsel boiled and made into a poultice is good for rheumatism. The seven sisters is good for warts.
    Burdock: Cure for sprains.
    Aarons Rod: Stops bleeding.
    Cowsharmain: Good for kidneys.
    Surrages: Cure for bad
    Sage: Cure for headache
    Healing leaf: Good for healing a wound.
    Whein blossoms: Good for purifying the breath also for dying.
    Thyme: Good for stomach
    Chicken-weed: Good for lowering swelling.
    Ivy-leaves: Good for Eczema.
    Rippengrass: Good for cuts.
    Bluebell roots: Good for boils.
    Coltfoot: Good for asthma.
  12. Herbs Found in the District

    CBÉS 0706

    Page 065

    Mouses Ear.
    Dock leaf.
    Sow thistle.
    Chick weed.
    Blind nettle.
    Ground sell.
    Robin run the hedge.
    The Devils Garter.
    Scarlet Pimpernell.
    Fox's tongue.
    Knap Weed.
    Butter cup.
    Bishop weed.
    Lamb's quarter.
  13. Farm Implements  etc.

    CBÉS 0837

    Page 258

    Préataí - more modern sound Pyéata softening the R to Y
    Póirín - small potato
    Sciollán - potatoes cut for "seed"
    Tráithnín - (1) grass-stem (2) worthless (3) "not worth a T-"

    Cipín - (kippen) small twigs - her "Eyes on kippens" = WATCHFUL, ALERT

    Brosna - kindling for fire
    Sgeach - whitethorn bush - a bush to fill a gap
    Nóinín - Daisy
    Fraochán - (pr. Fraw-hun) Bilberry
    Sponnc - coltsfoot
    Ceig - cow-parsnip
    Praiseach - wild mustard
    Buachalán - ragwort
    Ceannbhán (pr. kan-a-vaan) - bog cotton

    Ceannbhan bheag - pr. kan-a-vaan vig - smal white flower used to cure mínéarach

    Fasach - (1) coarse grass on roadside or headland
    (2) minding cows grazing on road - "fuzzucking" (?)
    (3) grazing

    Bolgán béice - fuzz-balls: usually called "bolgán-BAKERS"
    Cáise Púca - toad-stools

    Fás na h-Aon Oidhche - (1) mushroom (2) one who grows up very quickly as said to be like a "fás na h-aon oidhche"

    Clapóg - a large leaf like burdock or big docks
  14. Cures - Herbs

    CBÉS 0313

    Page 213

    Juice cures warts, dandelion tea a good tonic
    Juice, (from boiling the leaves) cures impurities in the blood.
    Good for worms in children.
    Cowslip Flowers
    Tea made from cowslip flowers induces sleep.
    are useful in alleviating swelling. They also induce sleep, if placed under the pillow.
    Alleviates irration caused by a sting
    Eaten as a vegetable, are a blood purifier give to turkeys, pigs.
    Elder Flowers
    Make wine, good for colds and kidney trouble
    Elder Berries
    Make wine, causes pespiration
    Black Currants
    Make wine, good for sore throat.
    Marigold Flowers
    Prevent suppuration
    Wild Parsnip
    Cures Whitlow
    Carrigeen Moss
    Cures chest and lung troubles
    (Leaves boiled) - juice is good for kidneys
  15. Luibheanna agus Plandaí

    CBÉS 1075

    Page 136

    Tom na Sguaibe
    Crádhtan (Burdock).
    Biolár (Water Cress).
    Barum no Bachrán (Bog Bean).
    Neanntóg (Day Nettle).
    Docán, nó Capógaí.
    Buachaillín Buidhe
    Caisearbhán (Dandelion).
    Cúl-Fáith (Nettles).
    Caonach (Moss).
    Caonach an t-Sléibhe. (Bog Moss)
    Caor - Aitinn (Juniper).
    Riodógaí (Bog or Mountain Myrtle).
    Cál Phádraig. (St. Patrick's Cabbage).
    Fraocaí Dubha (Mulberries).
    Bocán Barrach - Mushrooms.
    Flíath - Chickweed.
    Slánlas - Ripple - grass.
    Fóirín - Scutch - grass.
  16. Weeds Harmful - Some Useful

    CBÉS 0982

    Page 254

    Banweed, or (Bohleen - Buidhe) called here.
    Yellow Gowan
    Colt's foot
    Sit - Fast or Bishop-Weed
    Red Shauk
    Deaf nettle
    Scutch grass
    Clock Sorrel
    Crow Foot
    Horse Pipes
    Lamb Quarter
    Fairy Flax
    Wild Mustard
    Cut Finger x
    Iron Rod
    Meadow Daisy
    Peppermint x
    Fairy Fingers - White and Red
    "Doorelonta" (fern)
    Bog Bone (?)
    Meadow- Sweet
    Robin - Run - The - Hedge
    Devils Bit
    Hare's Bit
    Wild Vetches
    The Seven sisters
    Buachailín Buidhe
    Rose Noble
    Ladies Mantle