The Schools’ Collection

This is a collection of folklore compiled by schoolchildren in Ireland in the 1930s. More information

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  1. Bread

    CBÉS 0948

    Page 086

    Potato cake, Boxty bread, and Oaten meal bread were eaten. Potato cakes were made with potatoes, flour, and salt. Oaten meal bread was made with oatmeal and salt. The vessel in which the bread was baked was called a pot-oven. Bread was made in front of the fire on cabbage leaves. The recipe for Boxty bread is wash and peel potatoes and put in one third of boiled potatoes grated. Put these in a linen bag a squeeze and put salt and flour with them. Bread was made every day. Marks were put on top of the cake to ornament it. The people used to make Boxty bread for Hallow E'en. Griddle bread was made too. Flour was not
  2. Bread Long Ago

    CBÉS 0964

    Page 304

    The chief bread that people ate long ago was oaten bread or boxty. The oaten bread was made out of oaten meal and it was baked before the fire on a griddle. It took the bread a long time to bake. It was very hard and dry and good for their teeth. The boxty was made from potatoes and flour. There are two kinds of boxty which are boiled and baked. When it is boiled we let it cool and then heat it in beef dripping.
  3. Halloween

    CBÉS 0982

    Page 032

    On hallowe'en night we usually have great sport. We eat nuts, apples, barm brack and boxty. Boxty is made by peeling some raw potatoes and grating them. When the potatoes are grated they are put in a cloth and the water is wrung out of them. When the water is all wrung out of them they are mixed with boiled potatoes. Then there is flour put on them and a pinch of salt, then the boxty cake is put on to bake in an oven. We play many games on that night such as, "Blindman's Buff", "Hiding the thimble and "Nuts in the fire". How we play Blindman's Buff is one person gets a blind on him or her. Then that person after the others trying to catch them. If that person succeeds in catching anyone the person caught will have to get on the blind next. The blind is a handkerchief. One person stops in the house and hides the thimble.
  4. How Boxty Was Made in Olden Times

    CBÉS 0991

    Page 012

    First the potatoes were washed. Then they were greated into a basin. After that they were wrung, and the water of them was kept, and starch was made out of it. Then the boxty was put into a basin to which some salt and sugar were added. Then all were mixed up together and made into a cake. Then it was put into the oven and baked by the fire-side for a few hours. There is not so much boxty made now as in former days. It is very bad to eat too much boxty.
  5. Bread

    CBÉS 0177

    Page 075

    In olden times tea was not used except on Christmas Day.
    The ingredients used for bread long ago were wheat salt and buttermilk. No soda was used in olden days.
    Long ago people used not bake each day. A certain supply of bread was baked once a week. It was also the custom for the old people to put the sign of the cross on the cake when putting it into the oven. Up to the present day that custom is carried on. It is said to help the cake to bake.
    In olden times bread used to be baked in front of the fire on a support made of iron. This was called a griddle.
    It was from raw potatoes boxty bread was made. Mrs Torsney of Riverstown was a noted boxty-bread baker, so also was Mrs John Dwyer formally of Ogham Co. Sligo. Mrs Philips from the same locality was noted for her boxty bread. Up to the present day there are many old women who make boxty bread. Mrs Wims of Cloonamahon, Mrs Brian Sweeney formally of Lackagh, Mrs McDonagh also of Lackagh and Mrs O'Hara of Lackagh. Almost all the old people from Lackagh and it's surroundings eat boxty-bread.
  6. Bread

    CBÉS 0014

    Page 097

    There are a lot of different kinds of bread such as. Boxty, potatoe cake, slap jack, otean bread, and soda bread. This is how boxty is made first a scraper is made this is how it is made a piece of tin is got and boared and the side that the stabbers are on
  7. The Food in Ireland Long Ago

    CBÉS 0041

    Page 192

    Whitewater was made from oaten meal and water. They used butter and milk very often too. There was another drink called whey and it used very often.
    There was also a food called Boxty. There is not much Boxty made in Ireland now. There are some old proverls about boxty one of which is; Boxty bread is gone ahead since Judy lost the seraper.
    There was another food something like porridge called prósón. It was also considered very wholesome. Prósón was made from oaten meal and water.
    When people would be digging potatoes out in the field they would make a fine out in the field and roast the potatoes and eat them.
  8. Food in Olden Times

    CBÉS 0054

    Page 0304

    was mostly used this made from the flour of rhy and was made with sour milk and was black in colour when baked. Boxty bread was used on special occasions such as weddings, christenings and at Christmas, this was made by scraping raw potatoes through the flour. While this was being baked on a griddle the woman of the house sang -
    Boxty on the griddle
    Boxty on the pan
    If you dont eat Boxty
    You'll never get a man
  9. Food in Olden Times

    CBÉS 0078

    Page 266

    The people made a rhyme about boxty bread. It ran thus
    Boxty on the griddle,
    Boxty on the pan.
    If you don't eat boxty,
    you'll never get a man.
  10. Bread

    CBÉS 0090E

    Page 04_031

    There were many kinds of bread long ago namely: Black Bread made with some kind of grain. Potato Cake made from cold boiled potatoes. Yellow Meal bread Oaten Meal Bread and Boxty bread. This Boxty bread was almost black. It was made from raw peeled
  11. Fataí

    CBÉS 0090F

    Page 13_031

    Potatoes are set in drills at present but long ago they were set in ridges. Drills are the nicest way because everything can be done with the horses. The nicest potato the people had long ago was the Champion. The nicest potato at present is the King Edward or the Irish Queen. The other sorts of potatoes are very good for pigs and poultry. The half rotten potatoes are used in boxty. Boxty
  12. Bread

    CBÉS 0116

    Page 125

    The names of the bread the people used in olden times were boxty bread, potato(es) bread and griddle cakes. The way to make boxty bread is get raw potatoes and scrape them and put some flour and a grain of salt and water. Then mix them together and put it down on a pan. The way to make a potato cake is to boil potatoes and peel them. Mix the flour and potatoes together and bake them.
  13. Bread Long Ago

    CBÉS 0123C

    Page 06_002

    in a pan. A boxty cake was made with raw pototoes. The potatoes were scraped with a tin with many holes. When the potatoes were scraped they were put into a cloth and sqeezed dry then they were put into a dish and salt and flour added. Then the cake was baked in a pan. When the boxty was half baked it was taken off the
  14. Boxty

    CBÉS 0127

    Page 442

    About sixty or seventy years ago when the people used not get any flour to buy they made their bread from oatmeal. They made boxty also from the potatoes. Every year when they used have finished digging the potatoes they used all gather in one house and make a lot of boxty and have a great feast. They got a piece of tin in which they bored holes with a nail and this they used to scrape the the potatoes which were first peeled and it was called a scraper. They used only the
  15. Food they Used Long Ago

    CBÉS 0149

    Page 369

    The food they used long ago was, boxty, stirrabout and potatoes. They used to eat three meals a day. They used to have boxty in the morning for the breakfast. They used to have potatoes for the dinner and they used to have stirrabout for the supper. They used to call the dinner “the baggan. [?]
  16. Food

    CBÉS 0152

    Page 394

    yea 1850 about 88 years ago. Noggins were used as cups long ago. These were made like saucepans. They were made out of wood. They people used eat oatmeal cakes. Cakes made from rye, and boxty cakes. They used have oatmeal cake on November's night. They used have boxty cakes on Christmas night, Usually they used have potatoes for breakfast, dinner and supper.
  17. How Boxty is Made

    CBÉS 0181

    Page 261

    not as much raw potatoes put in the baked boxty as in the boiled boxty. Also the baked is cooked on a pan for about an house and a half.
  18. Bread

    CBÉS 0184

    Page 0190

    Querns were used in the mills in former times. People remember of them been used. Boxty was made very often long ago, it was the most plentiful meal. There was about a half dozen cakes made each time. There was only a grater and a basin used at the making of boxty.
  19. Bread-Making

    CBÉS 0195

    Page 466

    Bread Making.
    Here are the names of the bread that was made long ago by the people; -boiled boxty, boxty loaf, praty cake, soda cake, oat meal cake and pancake,
    Boiled boxty is made in this way. Get about two dozen of potatoes and wash them clean. Then they are grated and wrung and they are made into little cakes about the size of a saucer. Afterwards they are put into a pot of boiling water for about ten minutes. They are taken out then and where they are buttered well and a cup of tea with them they be very nice.
    A boxty loaf is made in this way. Get two dozen of potatoes and wash them clean. Then they are grated. Afterwards there is a pinch of salt and a spoonful of soda mixed through it. Then it is baked in cakes in a hot oven. When it is baked and taken out and buttered well I think it is the nicest of all the cakes. Praty cake is made like this. Boil a pot of potatoes and then peel them. Then break them into basin, and
  20. How Our Grandmothers Made Food or Bread from Potatoes, also Starch

    CBÉS 0207

    Page 414

    they would wring it. Afar that they put a little flour on it and made cakes of it, then they got a pot of boiling water and put the cakes into it to boil. It was from the water that they wring out of the boxty that they made the starch. They used to leave the boxty water to settle for a while. Afar an hour they would skin the top of it, and the starch would be on the bottom.