The Schools’ Collection

This is a collection of folklore compiled by schoolchildren in Ireland in the 1930s. More information

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  1. A Story

    CBÉS 0769

    Page 324

    In olden times all the old men used to ramble from house to house for a talk and a jest after a hard days work. They spent the night telling stories or some other interesting events which occurred during their lives.
    On e old man had this strange story to tell. He told them about a ghost he saw one morning when was going to the fair in Mullingar. He and his son started a 2' 'o' clock
  2. The Local Forge

    CBÉS 0773

    Page 336

    news of the village, together with the latest ghost stories, may be heard.
    In 1821, Mooney's forge was part of the mill and it was outside the forge that King George on his way to the Curragh was presented with a roll of scarlet cloth by the owner of the mill.
  3. Strange Stories

    CBÉS 0801

    Page 191

    Strange Stories.
    Out in Ballyboggan their is a little horse and there was a man init and he died, and some people locked the door and if you open the door the ghost will jump out at you. And when you go up to bed at night three ghosts will run after you with silver bands and their heads
  4. Local Heroes

    CBÉS 0829

    Page 106

    Daniel Dowling of Clonmeen was a noted dancer. He was a great step dancer and he usually danced horn pipes and reels. He went by the name of "Dan the dancer".
    Thomas Lalor of Bawnaughra was a great story teller. He was very fond of telling ghost stories and fairy tales. Daniel Purcell of Bawnaughra was an other noted singer and his favourite song was The Stars and Stripes of Liberty.
  5. Ghost Stories - A Ghost Story

    CBÉS 0835

    Page 225

    One dark winter's night a man was going home from rambling, he had to pass a graveyard on his way home. When he was drawing near the graveyard he began to think of all the ghost stories which his grandfather had told him. He was getting very much afraid. When he was passing the graveyard wall he saw a white object up on the ditch, he was very frightened and he turned and went back frightened and he turned and went back the way he had come with the hair standing on his head. When he stopped running he decided to go back and see what it was. On coming back to the wall the white object was there still. He went up
  6. Folklore - A Story

    CBÉS 0839

    Page 037

    My grand father was visiting his cousins some years ago. They were telling ghost stories around the fire when suddenly one of them said "did you ever see the dead coach." We will go out now and see it. It passes through the field at the back of the house every night about eight o' clock. They all went out and they heard some noise in the distance. As it came nearer it got bright and they nearer it came the brighter it got and the more noise it made. Some of the company began to get afraid and one by one they disappeared. To of them agreed to wait and see what is really was but as it drew near the noise was so terrible and the light so dazzling that they lost courage and went in. They never went out again to watch it but it was believed to pass every night at the same time.
  7. Local Heroes

    CBÉS 0853

    Page 077

    Kilcoran was a great mower. He used to reapan acre of corn a day with the scythe. Mr Roe whol lived in Kilcoran was an excellent singer. Mary Walton and Mr Hoyne who lived in Newtown were two wonderful story tellers. They used to tell frightening ghost stories.
    Eamon Cass
  8. My Home District

    CBÉS 0870

    Page 021

    them are over eighty they do not speak Irish but the children of the village gather round to heat them telling ghost stories.
    The people have slated houses. In former times the houses were more numerous, but some of them are in ruins to - day. The owners of them emigrated to the United States in the famine time.
  9. A Ghost Story

    CBÉS 0881

    Page 351

    that he did give it back to her.
    He believed in ghost stories after that and he never went out after twelve any more.
  10. Hunter Gowan's Ghost

    CBÉS 0896

    Page 103

    There used to be many stories told about Hunter Gowan's ghost, and with the passing of years they are fading out of local tradition. It is said that Father Francis Redmond curate at Camolin in 1798, prevailed on the Insurgents, when they entered Lord Mountmorris's mansion at Camolin Park to restore some of the property they had taken for the purpose of their campaign. A tradition accuses Hunter Gowan of conspiring at the priest's death, and that on a fabricated charge, Father Redmond was arrested, conveyed to Gorey, and there hanged, and buried with an Insurgent named Patrick Carroll. For years a square mound, on the side of Gorey Hill, and facing Kilnahue Lane, was out as the site of the grave. There is a strange story of an apparition, which was said to cause
  11. Games I Play

    CBÉS 0904

    Page 575

    telling ghost stories and other tales also, in the Winter nights.
    Boys play different games from girls. Boys play marbles and spinning tops white girls amuse themselves in other ways.
  12. Folktale - An Old Barracks in Fenagh

    CBÉS 0905

    Page 261

    the bush, and looking up he saw the pale face of a woman sitting on the seat I have mentioned. Her face looked very troubled, and she was crying bitterly. The man thinking she was a real woman, and moved with compassion for her, forced his lips to say, "Can I help you." He face seemed to light up with joy, and waving her lily white hand, she disappeared mysteriously, and the light also disappeared. It was found out on looking up the matter that some years passed a woman was getting water it this well, and she fell in, accidently, and was drowned. Now her ghost is suppose to come back to the old Barracks, and so firmly is it believed in the district, that people are afraid to venture near the old Barracks or the bush, as there are so many supperstitious stories to about them.
  13. Composition - On Ghosts

    CBÉS 0937

    Page 090

    In the long winter nights the people sit around the fire telling ghost stories. They are a great pass time and very interesting. Like everything else some people are better at telling them than others. Ghosts are always supposed to be seen anytime from sunset to sun rise. They are mostly persons, who are dead, seen back again moving about. Sometimes you hear of such things as wraiths which are people who are alive and seen in certain places where they are not at all. The ghosts are seen in all kind of forms, some in the form of a black dog, while some take the form of lights, and again when nothing is to be seen only a strange noise coming from some place where there is no cause for it. You need to be very
  14. Hidden Treasure

    CBÉS 0938

    Page 287

    hidden in this fort. He went and searched for it and got a little potful. When he was searching for it he saw a ghost and he fled. He went back to look for it but he got no more. It is still supposed to be there. The buried treasure consists of gold. The supposed value is not known. I have heard of some old coins being found in this district. I have never heard any traditional stories connected with the Danes, but I have heard stories of fairies. When looking for this hidden treasure people eat brawn, onions, and potatoes. Fairies are supposed to guard this treasure. Fairy lights have been often seen on this fort. I have never heard any other treasure stories.
  15. A Local Ghost Story - The Largan Ghost

    CBÉS 0978

    Page 156

    Many and varied are the stories about the "Larigan Ghost". About 80 years ago, in a house in Larigan called "Black Pea's"; there was believed to be a ghost.
    It was a very disagreeable kind of spirit. At night when the neighbours were gathered in the house around the
  16. (no title)

    A man James Kellot of Carria and Killinkere Virginia Co.Cavan...

    CBÉS 0997

    Page 339

    Bailieboro, sixteen or seventeen miles. Not many people nowadays would think of walking such a journey because they have too many luxuries. The people long ago wore beards the people now say that is why they were so strong.
    There is a man named Edward Lynch who is a great story teller. He used to come a ceilidh to houses and spend the whole nights in telling all different kinds of stories. He used to love telling ghost stories.
  17. Ghost Story

    CBÉS 1018

    Page 071

    One night about twelve o'clock there was an old woman going along the road past the rectory gates. Opposite the rectory gates there is a field called the Devils Rocks. Well this old woman was going along and she often heard stories about these rocks but she did not pay any heed to these stories. Then a man dressed in white appeared. The woman seeing the man got weak and sat down on the ditch. She had a pair of beads round her neck. Then the man disappeared and she could not find them. She got up to go home and the man came again. This time the old woman fainted. Then the ghost gave her back her beads and disappeared.
  18. The Parish of Donaghpatrick

    CBÉS 0022

    Page 0437

    Archbishop Kerritt was a native of this parish. He was only six months ordained when he was made a bishop. Father Morrin is the present P.P. He is successor of Father Michael Heaney who succeeded his uncle, Canon Pat Heaney. The latter was responsible for the present church - for the building of it. Fr Michael Heaney was a great story teller - had a great fund of witty stories, ghost stories - family history and was a wonderful horseman. He had a thrilling experience once when on horseback. It seems the horse he was riding had hunter's blood in his veins. At once (the horse was like any ordinary nag on the road) when crossing the fields, the horse careered madly across every field & stone wall towards the house, the rider powerless to stop him. The horse never slowed down till he came to the stable door which fortunately for the rider was closed & only then the horse stopped.
    Before Canon Pat Heaney there were Father McNamara, Fr McCullock, Fr Loftus and Fr Molloy. Earlier P.P.s were Father John Scahill, Father Bradigan, Canon Jon Lynch, Fr Anthony Lynch
  19. Folklore - A Story

    CBÉS 0097

    Page 210

    There was once a man who lived in Ballindine about forty years ago. One time he happened to be coming from Dublin on the night train.
    When he reached Claremorris station at twelve thirty a.m. he expected someone to meet him with a car to take him home, But there was no one. He waited for a half an hour when suddenly it dawned on him that he had not written to them to say what day he was going home.
    There was nothing for him to do but to set out on foot, The night was dark but he went on bravely without fear of anything. All went well until he came to Garryduff Claremorris. then thoughts of different stories he had heard about Ghost crossed his mind. He began to feel very creepy and he was about at the loneliest part of the road when he
  20. A Ghost Story

    CBÉS 0153

    Page 159

    matter. Then he said that I was not the first one to get a "fret in that self same place. The strange thing about it is that nobody is given a start there except of "duskess" or a half - an - hour after, or thereabouts.
    I brought the cattle home and threw them a "pelick" of hay, and mind mind you the "done" alright for me, though I throught "mesel" that a day's good they'd never do, they got such a fright that evening. Some people don't believe in ghost stories but let me tell you this - if they saw all I "seen" and heard all I heard they'd mighty soon change their minds.