The Schools’ Collection

This is a collection of folklore compiled by schoolchildren in Ireland in the 1930s. More information

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  1. Old Crafts

    CBÉS 0544

    Page 351

    In olden times there were many industrious carried on in this district. There was a water mill in Rathcarden for grinding corn and one in Millmount. They ceased to be worked about fifty years ago. There was a weaver living in Pallas Street, Borrisoleigh named Patrick Corcoran. After a few years he left Borrisoleigh and got a better job in the woollen mills in Ballyardella.
    There was a stone-cutter living in Lower Street Borrisoleigh named John Brophy. He came from Holy Cross he was also a thatcher. Patrick Mahon is a cooper in Borrisoleigh. the Mahons were coopers for three generations. He is still living in Borrisoleigh. There was a basket maker living in Borrisoleigh named John Ralph about twenty years ago he went to Upper Church and is still living there. There was a brewery where the chapel of Borrisoleigh is now.
  2. In the Penal Days

    CBÉS 0544

    Page 362

    There are two Mass Paths going through Thomas Younge's land Killamoyne Borrisoleigh. Co. Tipperary. Some people go to Mass that way now. There was an old church in Lisnakieve, Parish of Borrisoleigh Co. Tipperary. And it is said that there was a church in Jermiah Darcy's Killamoyne. Borrisoleigh. Co. Tipperary There is a Mass Path in Mrs Corbetts Killamoyne Borrisoleigh. Co. Tipperary. It is said that mass used be said in John Bourke's valley in Penal Days, Curralee, Borrisoleigh. Co. Tipperary. There is a mass rock behind John Quinlans Greenane
  3. Local Heroes

    CBÉS 0544

    Page 304

    and he ran five miles in one day in one hour And it is also said that a man named Bill Bourke of Seskin in the parish of Upperchurch was a great runner he ran one mile in one quarter of an hour. It was also said that a man named William Bourke of Rusheen in the parish of Borrisoleigh was a great swimmer and he got a great prize. It was said a man named Ned Bourke of Killamoyne in the parish of Borrisoleigh was a great mower. He mowed seven acres in three days. It was said that a man named Batt Dignan of Dromtarsna in the parish of Borrisoleigh that he was a great walker. It was said that a man named Patsy Quinn of Coumbeg in the parish of Upperchurch was a great mower. Thomas Bourke N. J. Castle Quarter Borrisoleigh was a great runner. Patrick Gilmartin of Greenane in the parish of Borrisoleigh that he was a great walker he used to walk from Greenane to Nenagh and it is fourteen miles, and that would be twenty eight miles in the day. At times there was a great man dancing named Michael Quinlan Glenanogue in the parish of Borrisoleigh he was a great dancer. He danced single hornpipe and all kinds of Irish dances. He got great prizes
  4. Local Heroes

    CBÉS 0544

    Page 306

    and Tipperary and various parts of the country. One day a man named Joe Fogarty, Gurteenadawn, Borrisoleigh, Co Tipperary was going through a field in which there was rabbits, he saw a rabbit in the middle of the field. He came up to the rabbit and as he drew near the rabbit the rabbit ran away and Joe ran after him, and caught the rabbit going into its burrow.
    Joe Kinane, Gurtnahalla, Upperchurch, Co. Tipperary was another noted runner. Michael Moloney, Drumtarsna, Borrisoleigh, was a great swimmer he was the best swimmer in the parish when he was eighty years. Michael Ryan, Knockahorna, Borrisoleigh was a great mower he was able to mow an acre a day. William Bourke, Cullohill, Borrisoleigh was a noted dancer he was Munster champion, he was also a great hurler. It is said that John Ryan Cooloun[?], Borrisoleigh was a great story teller, he was able to tell some very funny stories. I do not know any of them. Another great story teller was Willaim Hartnett, Ross, Borrisoleigh, Co. Tipperary.
    Pupil; Edward Stapleton, Gurteenadawn, Borrisoleigh, Co. Tipp.
    From whom got; Joe Fogarty, Gurteenadawn, Borrisoleigh, Co. Tipp.
    54 yrs.
  5. Hidden Treasure

    CBÉS 0544

    Page 256

    In Cronovone, in the Parish of Borrisoleigh, and in Co Tipperary there
  6. Local Heroes

    CBÉS 0544

    Page 305

    There lived a man named Michael Small Gurtnacranna Borrisoleigh was captain of the rebels during the Black and Tan war. One night there was a raid on Shevrie barracks and as Michael Small was on his way home during the night. He was by himself and the Black and Tans killed him not far from the Barracks.
    Jim Maher of Rusheen, Borrisoleigh, Co. Tipperary was a noted runner. He was a great half mile runner, he beat many opponents. William Heffernan Pallas Cross Borrisoleigh, Co Tipperary. He was a great walker One morning he set out walking on a message to Dublin and was home again the following evening Another great walker was John Stapleton Knockahorna, Borrisoleigh, Co Tipperary. He walked to several fairs to Charleville and back again
    Thomas Stapleton Coursepark Borrisoleigh, Co. Tipperary was a man who suffered heavy feats of endurance during the fighting He took messages in hard winter for the boys to Cashel
  7. Local Heroes

    CBÉS 0544

    Page 307

    to lift any weight he could lift two sacks of potatoes under each arm. Joe Kinane, Gurthnahahalla[?], Upperchurch, Co. Tipperary was a good four hundred yards runner. Jim Maher was a good mile runner. Pat Ryan (Dan) if Ballyboy, Upperchurch was a good mile runner. Frank Short of Upperchurch was a good runner. Thomas Burke Castle Quarter Borrisoleigh was a good hundred years runner. Bat Dignan Drumtarsna was a good walker. Willie Carrowl Lower St Borrisoleigh was a good jumper he used to jump a river. Ned Burke of Killamoyne Borrisoleigh Co. Tipperary was a good mower he used to mow an acre and a half of hay in one day. Pat Ryan (Dan) Ballyboy Upperchurch was a good mower in his time. It was know of him one morning to get up at the brake of day and cut half an acre of hay and to walk fourteen mile to Nenagh and to run a mile race and to win it. Edward Ryan Rathcarden is a good mower. William Burke won the champion-ship of Munster. Paddy Kinane is a good dancer of Upperchurch, Co. Tipperary. Jack Fanning Upper St, Borrisoleigh is a good dancer. Paddy Kinane of Upperchurch Co. Tipperary is a good singer and also is a good story teller in Irish and English. Jack Hannig Upper St. Borrisoleigh Co. Tipperary is a good singer. Jim Maher of Rusheen Upperchurch Co. Tipperary was a good runner.
  8. Local Heroes

    CBÉS 0544

    Page 314

    was a great story-teller in Cullohill, Borrisoleigh Co. Tipperary called Pat Treacy
  9. Local Happenings

    CBÉS 0544

    Page 328

    One evening there was a man coming home from Thurles, named John Ryan, Gurtnahalla, Borrisoleigh,
  10. Old Crafts

    CBÉS 0544

    Page 347

    There were three brothers living in Ballyboy, Upperchurch. whose names are John Ralph. Bill and Tom. are famous for making baskets and craddles. Some years ago Tim Ryan Upper St. Borrisoleigh. Jim Bourke Glastrigan. Patrick Bourke. Cullohill, Thomas Cahill of the Ragg Martin Maher Pallas St, Borrisoleigh, are famous for making ploughs and fire cranes, Some time ago Mrs Ryan. Curnaboola and Mrs Ryan Ileigh are known for spinning wool, Some time ago they were two men living in Pallas St. Borrisoleigh. Patsy Corcornan and Thomas Prior Borrisoleigh, Some time ago Phil Murray. Coolderry. Thomas Shanahan; Finnaha Andy Ryan Borrisoleigh were known as good thatchers. Lime is burned at Walsh's in Drom.
  11. Local Place Names

    CBÉS 0544

    Page 373

    in Carrigeen Borrisoleigh Co Tipperary. Their is another field near me called the kiln field Their is a remain of an old Kill there. It is in Fitzpatrick field. A Hollow field near me and it is called the curcan. It is Burke's Cullohill Parish Borrisoleigh, Co. Tipperary. A field of William Fogarty it is called the killn. They should be a kiln there before William Fogarty of Cullohill Parish Borrisoleigh Co Tipperary
    Pupils Name:- Josie Kelly Carrigeen Borrisoleigh Co Tipp
    Got from:- Tim Kelly Carrigeen Borrisoleigh Co Tipp
  12. Local Roads

    CBÉS 0544

    Page 450

    The local roads are the main road to Kilcommon Cronovone road Ileigh road Pallass road Cullohill road Gurtnacranna road Ballyduff road Ballnahow road Ross road. The Cronovone road is from the Cross of Gurtnabarna to the Cross of Cronovone The Ileigh road is from the Cross of Ballyduff to the Cross of Knockahorna. Pallas road is from the bridge of Pallas to Borrisoleigh. Cullohill road is the road from the Cross of Ballyduff to Kerns Cross Ross road is from Kerns Cross to Borrisoleigh The Knockahorna is from Borrisoleigh to the Cross of
  13. Local Monuments

    CBÉS 0545

    Page 071

    said that there is a standing stone in Rusheen in the parish of Borrisoleigh, Co. Tipperary. Some say it marks the place where some chief or prince was buried. There is also stone's in Curnabool in the parish of Borrisoleigh, Co. Tipperary. There are some marks on them but you could not understand them. It is also said there is a stone in Fantane in the parish of Borrisoleigh, Co. Tipperary. It is said there is will filly's track's on it.
  14. Strange Animals

    CBÉS 0545

    Page 116

    There were a black sow in Rathcarn, Borrisoleigh. They were a white horse seen in Cronovonr, Borrisoleigh. About twelve o clock one night they were a man coming home from one of the neighbour's houses. He met a turkey cock on the road. The turkey cock was as big as a horse. He followed him a bit of the way home and then the turkey cock disappeared suddenly. The man's name that saw him was Thomas Shanahan Curnaboola Borrisoleigh. They were a brown bull seen in Cullohill, Borrisoleigh, Co Tipperary, it was guarding a Pot of Gold.
  15. Local Place Names

    CBÉS 0544

    Page 056

    birch-trees. It is situated on the road between Borrisoleigh and Nenagh.
    Curraheen: It means the little marsh. It is situated about four miles from Borrisoleigh.
    Glenanoge: Means the glen of the boys. It is situated about two miles from Borrisoleigh.
    Fishmoy: Means the swine plain. This place it situated between Borrisoleigh and Templemore.
    Coolgorth: Means the orchard. It is situated near Borrisoleigh.
    Roo: Means abounding in the herb Ru or Rubha.
    Ballaruan: Means the red road. It is situated about a mile from Borrisoleigh.
  16. Local Heroes

    CBÉS 0544

    Page 316

    It is said that a man by the name of William Bourke of Rusheen Borrisoleigh that he was a great swimmer in days gone bye and he got a large number of prizes for swimming.
    A man named Ned Bourke Killamoyne, Borrisoleigh that he was a great mower that mowed seven acres of hay in two days. And he is counted to be a great mower ever since. And another man named Patsy Quinn of Coumbeg Borrisoleigh mowed ten acres of hay in three days.
    Pupils Name. Josephine Kelly. Carrigeen Borrisoleigh
    Got from. Timothy Kelly Carrigeen, Borrisoleigh Co. Tipp.
    60 yrs.
  17. Severe Weather

    CBÉS 0544

    Page 331

    They were a big snow storm in Feburary 1933. They were sheep smoothered on Micheal Kelly and Thomas Kelly Dromgille Borrisoleigh Co Tipperary. They were another big snowstorm in Feburary 1833 they a good many trees and houses knocked. They were a big flood in 1935. It took one acre of hay on Patrick Burke Killamoyne Borrisoleigh Co Tipperary. It took three acre of hay on Daniel Devitt Killamoyne Borrisoleigh Co Tipperary. About the year 1932 they were a big storm of, and it took many roofs of houses and some trees. They were a big wind 1822 slates were blown down it is chimneys were blown down it was in it month of Feburary it was the twenthy seventh of the month and there was a fair the morning after the people were going to the fair and they had cars were brought off the wheels that happened in my locality and woods were destroyed all the trees were knoked down. As far as I know there was no animals killed in my locality on that night. There was a big thunder storm about two years ago. and there was a lot of cattle killed it was in month of June and there was a few people killed and they were hay burned. About 14 years ago there was a big flood and Jim Burkes pigs were sweep away.
    Pupils Name: Maureen Devitt Killamoyne Borrisoleigh Co Tipp
    Got from:- Denis Younge Rusheen Borrisoleigh Co Tipperary.
  18. Local Place Names

    CBÉS 0544

    Page 366

    is another field on the land of Thomas Kelly Drumgill[?] Parish of Borrisoleigh called the bog field. There are fields on the lands of Mr. Matthew McGrath Gurteenadawn called the "bull field". Skehan's acre, a man named Skehan lived there and he had an acre of land. The Quarry Field the high field and the kiln field. There is a place on the land of Mr Timothy Ryans of Ileigh in the parish of Borrisoleigh called Poll a Puca it is on the top of a hill and there was water in it before. There is a field on the land of Mr. William Waddick Drumgill in the parish of Borrisoleigh called the "well field"
    Pupils Name. Edward Stapleton Gurteenadawn Borrisoleigh
    Got from: John Stapleton Gurteenadawn Borrisoleigh, Co. Tipp
    54 yrs.