The Schools’ Collection

This is a collection of folklore compiled by schoolchildren in Ireland in the 1930s. More information

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  1. Old Roads

    CBÉS 0612

    Page 297

    This road was given to be made as "relief "during the "Famine Days" and the men worked there for a few pence daily.A very poor man worked there and he scarcely ever had a dinner.When the diner hour would come each man would sit by a wall and eat his humble meal.this man would also go as though he had a dinner of his own.But he would only sit and wait until dinner-hour be over and then he would join the others and and work on.This road leads from the Cross to "New Line"or the steam rolled road which runs from Ennis to Ennistymon .There is a hollow in the road Slab Garry ,because it is always wet and dirty and the water (named) from the two adjoining hills lodges there,and the famous "faction fighter" named Garry Barry lived near the spot long ago.There are three families who live near this road and to whom it would be very useful if it were repaired ,and they are now endeavouring to get a grant for its repair.
    the other road which branches from Árd a' Mhacahaire goes from that cross to Kilnamona and it is called the Kilnamona Road.This road was dotted with houses before the Famine but at that time the most of the people were wiped out, and the houses also ceased to be there but the names remain in some places ,
  2. Nicknames

    CBÉS 0613

    Page 238

    "Irishman" Commane of Kilnamona had Irish before anyone else in the district.
    "Coiner" Neylon of Kilnamona had a lot of money
    "Starch" Fitzpatrick of Loughville used always have his shirt well starched.
    "Coil" Frawley of Ennis used always be coiling a rope.
    "Bite a bread" Reidy of Bushypark used go around to the neighbours for a bite of bread.
    "Pegger" Keating of Toonagh was once great for boxing.
    "Fowler" O Keeffe, Kilnamona.
    "Hanndy" O Neill of Maghera is a thin slight man
    "Puck" Murphy Maghera has a long fringe.
    "Fox" Griffey of Kilnamona used be always hunting foxes.
    "Bán" Lyons of Barefield has white hair.
    "Brick" Fitzpatrick of Tullassa saved a house from burning and said "Im a brick" His family are called the "Brick" Fitzpatricks.
    "Champion" Duggan of Dysart is great for telling yarns.
    Maire "Bags" of Ballygriffey is a big fat woman.
    "Lamb" Kid" and "Stack" Casey of Ruan are three Patrick Casey's. The master named them thus to know them apart.
    "Bulldog" Kearney, Ennis bites when he is fighting
  3. Cistí Óir i bhFolach

    In the parish of Kilnamona, in the townland of Gurteen, in a field belonging to Pat McTigue...

    CBÉS 0610

    Page 274

    In the parish of Kilnamona,in the townland of Gurteen, in a field belonging to Pat McTigue, there is supposed to be a pot of gold hidden. Four men went in search of the gold one time and they saw a light around the spot. A wise man told them that it would be twins who would find the treasure, and one of them would be a hunch back. Pat McTigue has twin sons and one
  4. Cistí Óir i bhFolach

    In the parish of Kilnamona, in the townland of Gurteen, in a field belonging to Pat McTigue...

    CBÉS 0610

    Page 275

    of them is a hunch back. It is supposed that they will find the gold after a time. Mary O'Brien Knockatemple. Told by Mr Thomas OBrien, Kilnamona, Ennis, Co. Clare.
  5. Cistí Óir i bhFolach

    Long ago a pot of gold was supposed to be hidden at Ballyashea.

    CBÉS 0610

    Page 279

    It was never known whether they found the gold or not that night, but as the light was never seen there again it is generally believed that they did find it. Angela Keane, Ballymongaun. Told by Mr Patrick Keane, Kilnamona, Ennis Co. Clare
  6. Cistí Óir i bhFolach

    In the parish of Kilnamona, in the townland of Gurteen, there lived a woman with her son.

    CBÉS 0610

    Page 282

    send your son here tomorrow, then the man disappeared. That night the boy dreamt that he got the shoe of gold, next day he went to the same palce and dug more of the wall and he got the shoe of gold, then he went home and the little man was never seen there since. Agnes Rynne, Lickaun. Told by Mr Joseph Rynne,Lickaun, kilnamona, Ennis,Co Clare
  7. Cistí Óir i bhFolach

    In the parish of Kilnamona, in the townland of Gurteen, there lived a woman with her son.

    CBÉS 0610

    Page 281

    In the parish of Kilnamona, in the townland of Gurteen, there lived a woman with her son. One night the woman dreamt that there was a shoe of gold hidden on a wall near the road, a short distance for her house. Next day she went out with her son and they started digging the wall and worked hard until it was getting late. When they were going home they met a peculiar little man on the road and he said to her
  8. (no title)

    Years ago there were a man and his wife living in Kilnamona...

    CBÉS 0610

    Page 291

    Years ago there were a man and his wife living in Kilnamona;James and Mrs Henchy were their names.They lived in a very small house .The wife's name was Biddy.Well Biddy ,said James on Easter Saturday night ,you must have a good breakfast for me on Easter Sunday morning .I will indeed, James asthore,said Biddy.Sunday morning came and Biddy cooked six goose eggs and six duck eggs,he ate them all for his breakfast .They went to Mas then ,there were no seats in the church at that time .Biddy and James knelt side by side on the floor.While Mass was going on James said to Biddy,Oh,
  9. (no title)

    A long time ago a man left the parish of Kilnamona and went away to a foreign country.

    CBÉS 0610

    Page 293

    A long time ago a man left the parish of Kilnamona and went away to a foreign country.After a while he got a big shop and hoped to do great business.He went to a painter and asked him to paint his name over the door of the shop .The painter said he would .The shop man wondered greatly why no one came into his shop.At last a friend of his came into the shop one day and he read for him what was written over the door. The poor man was amazed when he heard what was read,"no one to come into this shop ,because the owner is a rogue,
  10. Toibreacha Beannaithe

    CBÉS 0610

    Page 343

    tree or bush near the well.No trout or other fish is supposed to inhabit the the well.Nothing is known locally of the antiquity of the pilgrimage.
    Tobar an Tasha- another holy well in the same field very little is known locally about this well, except that it is coffin shaped and was in olden times visited by parents who had disabled or infirm children.The child was taken to the well and dipped into it ,then wrapped up and taken home then if it were to get cured of its ailment ,of whatever nature ,it recovered rapidly .if not ,it died shortly after its visit to the Well.
    There is another Blessed Well not far from the ruins of Shallee castle in the parish of is called the well of the Three Golden Fridays.The Three Golden Fridays are the three Fridays before Christmas Day.people visit this well perform "Rounds"in the hope of getting a cure for sore eyes.
    At the end of the old school house in Kilnamona there was a Blessed Well. People who used suffer from headaches used go
  11. (no title)

    Long ago a farmer living at Kilcross sent his servant man with some sheep to another farm he had in Kilmaley.

    CBÉS 0610

    Page 415

    Long ago a farmer living at Kilcross sent his servant man with some sheep to another farm he had in Kilmaley .He arrived safely with the sheep and had some refreshments there.On his return home in the evening he said to himself that he would count the forts between Kilmaley and his master's home.he began to count until he came to a fort in Kilnamona.Two men walked out from the fort to him -men he
  12. Seanscoileanna

    CBÉS 0610

    Page 432

    The schools that were in this district were held in sheds and in barns or sometimes by a hedge. Sometimes the children used be taught out in the open fields. Some of the schools were called hedge schools .There was a school in Ballyashea in Kilnamona over a hundred years ago. The name of the teacher was Begley
  13. Famous Men from this Locality

    CBÉS 0610

    Page 448

    There was a man by the name of Michael Erwin Magowna Kilnamona. He was a famous mower.
    He used to mow an acre a day. One time he mowed seven acres in six days. It used be half past nine in the morning when he would start mowing and he used usually break off about six o'clock. James Hegarty Ballyduffmore Kilnamona was a famous walker. When he would be going to Ennis he would walk across the fields and crags bare-footed until he would arrive in Ennis. One time he was going ploughing and he had no horses collar. He got up about five o'clock in the morning and brought the cows and milked them, then he walked it to Gort and bought a horses collar there and walked it home again and he was home in time to go ploughing.
    There was a great mower living in this parish long ago. His name was Barry and he lived in the town land of Knockaughrim. He used to cut seven acres of hay in six days and walk two miles to his work each morning.
  14. Old Cures

    CBÉS 0610

    Page 463

    Old Cures
    At one time there was a rock near the school.In the side of the rock there was a hole.If one had a headache.It would be cured by putting the head into the hole of the rock.At one time the rock was broken.
    The people of Kilnamona used herbs as cures. Torpin is a cure for sore eyes. A man who never saw his father has cures.The seventh son of the family has a cures. One who licks a lizard has a cure for a burn.Leeches would draw blood from one's side .A drink ordered by a man who has a white horse would cure chin-cough.
    There is a well in the parish of Kilnamona called "Tobar na Teasadh" or the well of the ghost.people come to this well with sick children. They put straw on the water and if the straw floats,the child will live and if it sinks the child will die.
  15. Blessed Wells

    CBÉS 0610

    Page 469

    Blessed Wells
    There is a blessed well at Caherbanna,Kilnamona ,in the land of John Galvin.There is a story told about this well .Long ago there was a girl who had sore eyes and went to doctors and it was no good.She had a dream one night to go to the place where the well is now,and rub water that she would find there to her eyes .She did so and she was cured .Ever since people visit the holy well on Mondays and Thursdays and on holydays.
    There is a blessed well in the land of John Brody .it is called St. Lactan's well.The field it is in is called Laca. No one visits this well because very few know about it.
    There is a blessed well in the townland of Kilnamona in the land of Patrick Hegarty.It is called St.Loctan's Well.It is near the church-yard.There is a well in the land of John Morgan,Bannaher.People visit this well on Mondays and Thursday.The water of this well is a cure of sore eyes.
  16. Local History

    CBÉS 0613

    Page 198

    There was a cross-country hurling match in Rath between Corofin and Toonagh and Toonagh won. There was a match between Kilnamona and Dysert in Fushagh one Sunday and
  17. Nicknames

    CBÉS 0613

    Page 237

    "Johnny the lady" Crowe of Dysart is very like a lady in manner.
    "Touch" O Loughlin of Dysart used be always touching when he used be hurling.
    "Crikie" Considine Ballyneylon has a habit of saying "Crikie"
    "Skirt" Cullinan of Caherbanna used have a long tailed coat.
    "Cruaidh" Cullinan of Kilnamona is very mean.
    "Steamroller" Mc Tige from the big boots he wears
    "Pier" Sweeney of Drummeer is very straight.
    "Crick" Meehan of Dysart was a small little man not much bigger than a cricker (criogar)
    "Fox" Griffey of Kilnamona is a red haired man.
    "Ratty" Cunningham, Ennis is a small miserable man
    "Mountac" Cunningham, Ennis had no teeth in the front of his mouth.
    "Smiler" Hannon of Doora was always smiling.
    "Jolly-boy" Hoare of Ennis used always be laughing and talking to everybody.
    "Pinkie" Casey of Ennis was great for playing marbles
    "Luber" Tierney of Drumcliffe was a gambler
    "Hangman" Thady Hayes of Fountain was very wicked
    "Kid" Keane of Inagh was as supple as a kid.
    Danny "Rice" Cahill of Kilnamona had red whiskers
    "Rouser" Griffey of Inch was an awful talker.
  18. Old Schools

    CBÉS 0610

    Page 451

    Old Schools.
    There was an old school at the three cross-roads of Morhane, Ballymongaun and Caherbanna. The teacher got board and lodgings .he sat on a rough sugan chair or stool.The children wrote, but had no desks .They wrote on books left on a a plank .The plank was left on boxes .The ruins of the school can still be seen.
    There was an old school at Knockavaun,Ballyashea, Kilnamona.My grandfather went to the old school at Ballyashea and peter Begley was the teacher.he got small pay and board and lodgings.
    There was an old school at Drumcurreen, Kilnamona .Peter Linnane was the teacher.He got board and lodgings .My grandfather went to school at Drumcurreen.
    They had reading and sums. The answers of the sums were in a book called the coggin book.
  19. Place Names

    CBÉS 0610

    Page 460

    Place name's.
    There is an old road between Inagh and Kilnamona and there is a wet hollow in the road and it is called "Slob Garry".It was called that name because a man named Garry was drowned in that part of the road.
    There is a hollow near my uncle's house and it is called "Dawneys" was called that name because a man Dawney lived there long ago.There is a hill on the road near Ballyashea and it is called the "Isle na sprid".It is called that name because it is said a Ghost was seen there.
    There is part of the road near Kilnamona called "Betty's hill".it was called that name because a woman named Betty lived there long ago.There is a field in Patrick Leyden's land called the "Brianacs".There is a rock in
    James Halloran's land called the "tailors rock".
  20. Local History

    CBÉS 0610

    Page 484

    Long ago there were not many battles fought in this district. There was a battle fought on the bounds between Dysart and Kilnamona. There was a clan in Dysart and they were the O'Dea's. He was the leader of one army and Declare was the leader the leader of the other army. Some of the battle was held in Michael O'Keefe's land in Ballyashea.
    The army under the leadership of the O'Dea's won the battle. Dysart was often then called Dysart O'Dea. At that battle the people with spears that were made by the smiths of this district.

    John Ryan
    Mary O'Keefe