Bailiúchán na Scol

Bailiúchán béaloidis é seo a chnuasaigh páistí scoile in Éirinn le linn na 1930idí. Breis eolais

Scag na torthaí


374 toradh
  1. Local Place Names

    CBÉS 0036

    Leathanach 0073

    Killin Padraigh
    In the parish of Kilchreest.
    It got its name from a man by the name of Patrick who built a little church in it in former times but it is not to be seen at the present time.
    Gairidhe Colman.
    Gairidhe Colman is situated in the parish of Craughwell about two miles from our school. It got its name from a man by the name of Colman who was a carpenter, and who had a house in this field in olden times.
  2. St Colman

    CBÉS 0047

    Leathanach 0167

    St Colman is traditionally connected with this district. He was born in Kiltartan in the 6th century. Duac was his father's name and Reanac was his mothers name. He was very holy and he went to school to Aran studying for the priesthood.
    When he was ordained he came back again to Kiltartan but he did not like living among the people so he took a mass server with him and went down to the Burren mountains. They built a little timber house to sleep in. They had three little companions a cock, a mouse and a fly. The cock crew every hour to tell them the time. When St Colman used be asleep the mouse used run over his face to waken him and the fly used run along under the line when the saint used be reading because he had bad sight.
    St Colman and the mass server spent the lent on the mountain praying and fasting.
    King Guaire who was a relation of
  3. (gan teideal)

    Tá caisleán mór . . .

    CBÉS 0048

    Leathanach 0066

    Tá Caisleáin mór suidhte soir ó baile Cinn Mhara. Dún Guaire atá ar an áit in a bhfuil sé suidhte. Sé an fáth ar tugtar (?) Dún Guaire air mar bhí Rí i a chomhnuidhe ann fadó darbh ainm Guaire. Bí Naomh de dhriothair ag Guaire darbh ainm Colmán agus bhí sé in a chomnuidhe i Cill Mic Duaigh.
    Faoi Caraghas theigheadh Colmán ag guidhe agus ag trosgadh thuas i sléibhte na Boirne in a raibh leabaidh aige ann ar a tugtar "Leabhaid Naomh Colmáin". Bí buachaill óg in aoinfeacht leis freisin. Biodair ag trosgadh faoi Caraghas i gcomhnuidhe agus ní íosfadh siad acht araín déanta as min, eórna agus ní ólfadh siad acht uisge. An lá deirneach de Charaghas táinic an ocras ortha acht bhí an buachaill go h-an lag leis an ocras. Dubhairt an Naomh leis foighid a beith aige agus thosuigh sé ag guidhe ar Díá bídh a chuir chuca.
    Thárla an lá sin go raibh féasta mhór ag Guaire agus a chuid searabhántaí. Bí chuile shórt bidh leaghtha i miasaí ar an mbord aca. Díreach bhiodair bailighe timcheall an mbord ag dul ag ithe nuair a d'éirigh na Miasaí suas san aer agus níor stop siad ariamh gur tháinic go dtí an áit a raibh Colmán Naomhtha agus an buachail. Tosuigh siad ag ithe ar an bpoinnte. Ón áit ar d'fágh na miasaí gur stop siad ariamh tugtar Bothar Mian air uaid sin amach. Nuair a connaic Guaire é sin d'eirigh sé go beo tapaidh agus gleas sé féin agus a chuid searabhántaí na capaill agus as go bráth leo in dhiaidh na Miosa (?)
  4. (gan teideal)

    Tá tobar eile thios i Sliabh Mór ag an roilig.

    CBÉS 0085

    Leathanach 161

    an tainm atá ar an tobair Tobair Colmán. Bhí sgoil ag an naomh annsin agus tá an fothrach le feicéal ann fós.
  5. Local Patron Saint

    CBÉS 0098

    Leathanach 444

    The Patron Saint of this district is St. Colman. He was born in Innisbofin Island. He established a monastery in Mayo Abbey. The ruins of the monastery are still to be seen. In one of the walls there is a hole about three feet high and two feet wide. In the wall there a flight of stone steps which lead to the top of the building. There is a bigger hole at the top. It is known as the friars bed. St. Colman preformed many miricles there. There is a village called Kilcolman called after him. There is also a Holy Well there. The present Church in Claremorris is under his patronage. He also built monasteries in Kilcolman and Ballinsmalla. He is buried in Kilcolman. His feast day is the day before Ash-Wednesday.
  6. Local Saints

    CBÉS 0098

    Leathanach 490

    for keeping Easter. A conference at York under Bishop Wilfrid failed to settle the dispute. Osway the King taking the part of Wilfrid, St Colman refused to submit and left for the west of Ireland with 40 monks of Lindsfar Landing in Boffin, he was joined by many Irish monks. The Saxon and Irish monks differed about the ingathering of the harvest and St Colman decided to separate the monks and found two separat monastic establishments. For thi purpose he sailed to the mainlan (Mayo) travelled through wood lan till he reached the first cleared space in the present village of Mayo Abbey. Fatigue caused him to rest, and in his sleep he had a dream that the local chief
  7. The Black Friar of Mayo Abbey

    CBÉS 0110

    Leathanach 289

    and soon filled the table with oatmeal.
    Then Colman and his family had a good meal of stirabout.
    A while after, the mill was asked to grind gold.
    It did so and after that Colman and his family wanted for nothing.
    But some of his relatives heard about the mill and they resolved to steal it from him.
    They stole it and since Colman was a powerful man they were afraid of him and they decided to go to America
  8. The Black Friar of Mayo Abbey

    CBÉS 0110

    Leathanach 287

    hawthorn bush by the roadside.
    When he drew near it he saw a tiny little man hopping about it.
    The man asked Colman how much did he want for the cow.
    Colman told him he wanted five pounds for her.
    The little man offered him a tiny little mill about the size of an alarm-clock.
    Colman looked at the man scornfully and was about to drive the cow away when the little man laid
  9. Local History

    CBÉS 0117

    Leathanach 31

    Innisboffin (Cont.)
    to overthrow British Crown. After 2 yrs privation on the island and when on the way to Galway for execution God took him. Rev. Bernard Mac Gillacloon Provincial of Franciscans died of starvation corpse was found a hair rope set with nails was found round it. There was a garrison on the island manned by Cromwellian soldiers who treated Priests savagely. This ended when Cromwell left - about 35 priests died on the island. Rory O'Moore (-) escaped.

    Mayo of the Saxons

    St. Colman who is patron of Inishbofin was an Irishman. In Yorkshire sometime in the 7th century he disagreed with the Bishop of York. Colman left and came with some Irish and Saxon monks to Inisbofin and founded a monastery. They had hard times - no food except fish; land was poor and not able to support them. The Irish monks went back to the mainland to escape the Winter; the Saxons worked and when the food was produced the Irish returned to help them eat it - quarrel. In order to end quarrel Colman brought the Saxons to the mainland and built a monastery for them. It grew prosperous and famous and attracted students from the Continent hence:- "Mayo of the Saxons"
  10. Our Holy Wells

    CBÉS 0394

    Leathanach 200

    Saint Colman's sister heard the Angelus bell ringing in that field and she never said the Angelus.
    Saint Colman's well is visited every year on the 24th November.
  11. Our Holy Wells

    CBÉS 0394

    Leathanach 201

    There are two hold wells which I know. One is Saint Colman's Well in the parish of Cloyne and Our Lady's Well in the parish of Aghada.
    Saint Colman's Well is in Kilva, a townland of Cloyne, and Our Lady's Well is in Titeskin [?], a townland of Aghada.
    The 15th August is a special day of pilgrims to visit Our Lady's Well, and make their rounds. To gain the indulgence you must visit the well three times, and each time make three "rounds" and stop five times on each round saying five Hail Marys, and five Glories.
    At Saint Colman's Well you make the same rounds and say the same prayers.
    There is a field near the well and the old people
  12. Saint Coleman

    CBÉS 0484

    Leathanach 015

    Saint Colman.
    Saint Comlan is the patron Saint of Kilcolman, and on his feast day, a large concourse of people went their way to the well dedicated to him, and cures have been affected through using its waters.
    The old people of the locality tell many curious tales in connection with it. Those living in the vicinity, and for miles around never made use of the water for boiling or for any other household purpose. They say that in olden times the well was situated in the graveyard close to where the old Church now stands, but on one occasion, when an old woman washed clothes in it, Saint Colman removed the well, about a quarter of a mile away from the sacred grounds.
    The old people had, no doubt, a remarkable confidence in Saint Colman. It was one of their customs to fast on the eve of his feast as a mark of reverence. They tell us that he blessed the parish, so that no one would ever be killed by lightning there, and there is no evidence that such a calamity ever befell
  13. St Colman

    CBÉS 0497

    Leathanach 401

    There is a story told of a man who went to work on St. Colman's feast-day thus showing disrespect towards the Saint. That night he got his hire but, when he arrived home he found that he had not a halfpenny in his pocket.
    St. Colman died October 29th 1805 and is buried near the Abbey.
  14. (gan teideal)

    When St Colman was a little boy, he lived with a farmer in Co. Galway

    CBÉS 0599

    Leathanach 282

    When St Colman was a little boy, he lived with a farmer in Co. Galway.One day his master went to a fair and he
  15. (gan teideal)

    When St Brigits Day comes everyone makes a cross of timber...

    CBÉS 0615

    Leathanach 033

    When St Brigits Day comes everyone makes a cross of timber and put in the rafter. When St Patricks Day comes everyone wears a shamrock. The people visit St Colman's well, this well is far off in the mountain, it is between two mountains on the way to Tubber. Where this (noun) well is situated is called Kilala. St Colman spent many years there as a hermit and he worked many miracals. St John's Day comes on the twenty ninth of June and most of the people light a bon fire.
  16. (gan teideal)

    There are not many relics in this place. ...

    CBÉS 0615

    Leathanach 150

    There are not many relics in this place.There is one beyond at the seven churches in Geata Buidhe. It is an old cement stone and Colman written in Ogham on it. It is supposed to be put there by St. Colman. A person went digging for it once and a big cat jumped out and roared "Go! from my masters property Colmans". There is some kind of a valuable stone in it.There is another one at the abbey under the grave of a King of Burren but I do not know what kind it is.
  17. Béaloideas - Pátrún na hÁite seo

    CBÉS 0616B

    Leathanach 20_002

    turasanna céadna ann.
    Tá tobar eile i Glann i Cárn agus Tobar " Naomh Colmán " air. Deirtear go raibh Naomh Colmán ina chomnuide inaice leis an Tobar sin. Leigheas cun na sula isead an tobar sin chómh maith. Is í mo athair a dinis na sgéalta sin dom,.
  18. Old Graveyards

    CBÉS 0809

    Leathanach 118

    other one is in Rathlihen. It is seldom that any person is buried in Killoughey or Rathlihen. There are two graveyards that are not in use. One is in Ballyfarrel and the other one is in Killooley. These graveyards are very old. There is a graveyard by the name of Lynally. It is situated North of Tullamore. This graveyard belonged to St. Colman. It is very ancient and historical. It is used stil by the Protestants. The ruins of St. Colman's church are still t be seen beside the grave yard. This graveyard is in the parish of Rahan.
  19. Local Saint - in the Parish of Clara, Co. Kilkenny

    CBÉS 0859

    Leathanach 401

    St. Colman is the patron Saint of the townland of Church Clara. There is a well in field on Mrs. O'Keeffe's farm about 50 yards from the road & just opposite the place which is called "The Monument" (referred to already).
    This well was known in days gone by as "St. Colman's Well" and over a century ago, it visited by people seeking cures.
    A pattern used to be held at this well annually in those days, and "Rounds" were performed & prayers recited. This pattern was held on the Feast of St. Colman.
    Now it is just an ordinary spring well, famous for its clear, pure water.
    Pilgrimages or rounds
  20. Eachtra Chlann Rí na hIoruaidhe

    CBÉS 1062

    Leathanach 400

    cheudna. Dar leis fhéin:
    “Caithfidh rud éighinteacht a bhéith ar thóin na locha.”
    D’éirigh sé de léim ‘na sheasamh agus chuaidh de léim síos ins an áit a bhfacaidh sé an colmán ag teacht aníos; agus fuair sé caisleán thíos ar thóin an locha a bhí déanta d’umha agus bean óg ‘na seasamh ag an teinidh agus scian ‘na láimh agus maide ádhmaid agus í ag gearradh slisneach de. D’fiafruigh sé díthe goidé a thug annsin í; agus dubhairt sí leis go rabh sí ag suirghe le beirt chlann ríghte.
    “Agus” ar sise “pósadh ar fhear acú mé; agus athair an bhuachalla eile d’imthigh agus chuir sé faoi gheasaibh é agus rinne sé colmán de agus d’fhág sé ‘na shuidhe ar bhárr gheafta m’athara é. Agus ní rabh mise a fhágáil oidhche nó lá acht ‘mo shuidhe ag bun an gheafta ag coimhead air. Annsin d’imthigh m’athair agus rinne sé an caisleán seo domh agus d’fhág sé annseo mé ag gearradh slisneacha agus ag déanamh colmán dóbhta.”
    “C’ainm atá ar d’athair?”
    “Rí na Foraoise” ar sise.
    “Anois” ar seisean bheirfidh mise