The Schools’ Collection

This is a collection of folklore compiled by schoolchildren in Ireland in the 1930s. More information

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  1. Riddles

    CBÉS 0983

    Page 195

    and white stood still.
    A. An egg.
    Q. Humpty dumpty sat on the wall humpty dumpty got a great fall all the king's horses and all the king's men could not put humpty dumpty together again.
    A. An egg.
    Q. As white as milk as black as silk what hops on the road like hailstones.
    A. A mag - pie.
    Q. What makes a hen cross the road.
    A. To get to the other side.
    Q. Ink, ink on the bank thirty trapples and one shank
    A. A head of corn.
    Q What part of a cow goes into a field first.
    A. Her breath.
    Q. I have a little house and it would not hold a mouse and there are as many windows on it as the Lord Mayor's house.
    A. A thimble.
    Q. Trip, Tray and Trim which is the bitche's name.
    A. Which, is the bitche's name.
    Q. What runs deep without legs.
    A. Water.
    Q. Alive in the front, dead in the middle and baptized behind.
    A. A man harrowing.
    Q. What never was and never will be, put out your
  2. Riddles

    CBÉS 1010

    Page 179

    15. What is full of holes and carries water?
    - The crane.
    16. What is full and holds more?
    - A pot of potatoes
    17. A house ful and you could not lift a spoonful.
    - Smoke.
    18. What goes over the waterand under the water and never touches it?
    - An egg in a duck.
    19. Lazy mother, hard working father and twelve sons like other
    - The Clock
    20. Humpty dumpty sat on the wall,
    Humpty dumpty got a great fall,
    And all the men in Derry could not put Humpty dumpty together again
    - An egg.
    21. As I went out yon guttery gap.
    I met my uncle David. I sucked his blood and left him down easy.
    - A bottle of whiskey
    22. What is that, that walks with four legs in the morning, two at noon, and three in the evening?
    - Myself
  3. Riddles

    CBÉS 0149

    Page 325

    Humpty Dumpty got a great fall all the horses and all the king’s men would never put Humpty together again. An egg.
    Black and white and red all over. A Newspaper.
    What animal when the head is cut off it,[sic] will be an ox. A fox.
    Up the boreen down the boreen and carries the boreen on his back. A ladder.
    It opens like a barn door and closes like a trap and many things you will think of (that) before you will think of that. An Umbrella.
    What goes up when the rain comes down. An Umbrella.
  4. Riddles

    CBÉS 0212

    Page 303

    As I went out in yonder gap I met my uncle Davie. I cut out his head, sucked his blood and left him lying easy. Ans. - A blackberry.
    Spell broken down ditch in three letters. Ans:- gap.
    Twenty four white sheep standing in a hall out comes the red one and licks them all. Ans:- tongue and teeth.
    What do people fall against who fall out of an aeroplane? Ans:- Against their will.
    Little Jennie Huddle sitting in a puddle with a white petticoat and a green gown. Ans:- rushes.
    Little Jennie Huddle with a white gown and red nose, the longer she lives the shorter she grows. Ans:- a candle.
    Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall Humpty Dumpty got a great fall. five score and
  5. Riddles

    CBÉS 0047

    Page 0036

    27. I went up the boreen
    I went down the boreen
    and I carried the boreen on my back
    Ans. A ladder
    28. What is under the fire and over the fire by never touches the fire?
    Ans. A cake in the oven.
    29. A shipper of ditches
    A leaper of thorns
    A little brown cow with a pair of leather horns(?)
    Ans A hare
    30. What goes all round the house and stands in the corner?
    Ans. The tuig.
    31. Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall
    Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
    All the kings horses and all the king's men
    couldn't put humpty together again
    Ans. An egg.
    32. As went out the garden gap
    Who should I meet but Sick Redcap
    A stick in his hand a stone in his throat.
    If you tell me that riddle I'll give you a groat.
    Ans. A cherry.
    32. Black we are but much admired
    Men seek for us till they are tired
    We tire the horse but comfort man
  6. Riddles

    CBÉS 0096

    Page 6

    16. What is it, that when you take a bit off it, the longer it gets?
    Answer. A grave.
    17. It's neither inside the house, nor outside the house. and still the house couldn't do without it.
    Answer. A window.
    18. Why does a donkey prefer thistles to corn?
    Answer. Because he's an ass.
    19. Humpty, Dumpty sat on the wall,
    Humpty, Dumpty got a great fall
    All the king's horses and all men,
    Couldn't put Humpty Dumpty together again.
    Answer. An egg.
    20. As I went up the garden,
    I met my Uncle Davy.
    I cut off his head.
    And left his body easy. Answer. A head of cabbage.
    21. As I went out the garden, I pulled a bunch of rods,
    And no one could count them but the two hands of God.
    Answer. The hairs of your head.
    22. As I went up Shippin hill, Shippin hill was
    (3) shaking and all the men in Shippin hill wouldn't cover half an acre.
    Answer: Tráveníní[?].
    23. What's full and holds more?
    Answer. A pot full of potatoes when you pour water in it.
  7. Riddles

    CBÉS 0261

    Page 247

    As round as an apple,
    As deep as a cup,
    And all the men in Ireland,
    Would not pull it up.
    Ans: A well
    Patch upon patch,
    Without any stitches,
    Riddle me that,
    And I'll buy you a britches.
    Ans: A head of cabbage.
    It is round,
    It is a pound,
    And it does not weigh two ounces.
    Ans: A sovereign.
    Humpty, dumpty sat on a wall,
    Humpty dumpty got a great fall,
    All the kings horses,
    And all the kings men,
    Would not put humpty dumpty,
    Together again.
    Ans: An egg.
  8. Riddles

    CBÉS 0591

    Page 307

    As round as an apple as deep as a cup, All the king's horses couldn't draw it up.
    A well.
    As I went out a slippery gap, I met my Uncle Davy. I cut off his head and left his body easy.
    A head of cabbage.
    Ink, ank, under a bank, ten drawing four.
    A woman milking a cow.
    Humpty, Dumpty, sat on the wall.
    Humpty, Dumpty, got a great fall.
    All the King's horses and all the King's men, couldn't put Humpty Dumpty together again.
    An egg.
    These words are sung to the Irish tune of "off She goes"
    Riddle, riddle, me, such a riddle couldn't be,
    Thro' a rock, thro' a real, thro' an old spinning wheel,
    Thro' a horse's shin bone.
    Riddle me that or leave it alone.
    A moth.
    Riddle me, riddle me, randyo,
    My father gave me some seed to sow,
    The seed was black and the ground was white,
    Riddle me that and I'll tell you are on right.
    1. Writing - paper and ink
    2. Caite[?] of bread with[?] Caraway seeds.
  9. Riddles

    CBÉS 0668

    Page 011

    15 Round the house and round the house with a harrow after it.
    - A hen with a clutch of chickens.
    16 Humpty-Dumpty sat on a wall;
    Humpty-Dumpty got a great fall.
    All the king's horses and all the king's men
    Wouldn't put Humpty together again
    - An egg.
    17 Riddle-me riddle-me rantie-o.
    My father gave me seeds to sow.
    The seeds were black and the ground was white.
    Riddle me that and I'll give you a pipe.
    - A paper and ink.
    18 What comes into the house and goes out of the house yet never touches the house?
    - The sun.
    19 As round as a marble,
    As flat as a pan
    Half a woman and a whole man.
    - A penny (Victorian. Britannia was mistaken for a man).
    20 Riddle-me riddle-me ranty
    My father's legs were banty
    And if he heard me say that
    He;d put me into a ranty.
    - A frog.
  10. Riddles

    CBÉS 0706

    Page 439

    to you?
    A mother
    20 Why does a cow look over a fence?
    Because she cannot look under it.
    21 It opens like a barn door, and shuts like a trap,
    And many a thing, you'll think of, before you think of that.
    An umbrella
    22 Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
    Humpty Dumpty had a great fall,
    All the king's horses, and al lthe king's men,
    Couldn't put Humpty together again
    An egg.
    23 Two eyes and cant see.
    A scissors
    24 What goes up when the rain comes down
    An umbrella.
    25 A woman was once going to market with a load of geese. She met a man. "Good morning, Mam, with your score of geese," said he. "I have not a score, but if I had as many more, and a goose, and a goose, and half a goose, I would have a score," said the woman. How many had she?
    26 Twice in a moment, once in a minute, and not once in a hundred years.
    The letter m.
    27 What is it that has feet and cant walk?
    A blackbird.
    28 What is it that jumps the ditches, clips the thorns, little brown cow, and two leather horns?
    A hare.
  11. Tomhaiseanna

    CBÉS 0024

    Page 0057

    Mharibh. (Fear agus pota ar a cheann)
    Cén fáth ar fhéach an bhó thar an gclaidhe.
    (Mar ní fhéadfadh sí fhéacaint faoí an gclaidhe)
    Humpty Dumpty shúas ar an mballa séidh an gaoth agus thuit sé faoí ar an talamh. Phléasc an bhlaosc agus briseadh a chroidhe agus tháinig amach an t-sean bhean bhuidhe. "Anois" adéir sé, "cé go raibh sé bán anois tá sé buidhe . Ach ní fgéadfhadh síad Humpty Dumpty a chuir mar a bhí. (ubh bhriste)
    Cé mhéad gob a bhuail an chearc ar an talamh go raibh a sháith ithte aicí (aon gob amháin)
    Chúaidh fear go Gaillimh agus céad píosa ar a bhríste aige cén t-am a bhí sé?
    (Bhí sé in am aige ceann núa a fhághail.
    Cén mí is lúgha a gní mná cainnte ( Mí Feabhra)
    Ceithre cosa ar maidin dhá chois i lár an laé agus trí cosa sa tráthnóna
    (Duine ó aois pháiste go haois sean-dhuine)
  12. Riddles

    CBÉS 0038

    Page 0050

    Because selling papers moves the circulation.
    Which is the warmest day in winter.
    Over gravel I travel and I ride the mare that never foaled with the bridle in my hand.
    A Bicycle.
    I went into the grove and got it, I came out and looked for it.
    I could not find it, so
    I took it home with me.
    A thorn.
    Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall
    and humpty dumpty got a great fall, and all the
  13. Riddles and Puzzles

    CBÉS 0096

    Page 811

    Riddles and Puzzles
    3. Humpty Dampty got a got greatfull,
    and all the King's horses,
    and all the King's man,
    Could not put Humpty Dumpty to go there again. Answer: an egg.
    9. What is it it's green, blue, and white, and still the King or the queen can't come at it. Answer: A rainbow.
    10. Around the wood, around the wood, a still it can't get into the wood.
    Answer: A hoop on a barrel.
    12. As black as ink, but ink it tis'nt,
    as white as milk, but milk it tis'nt,
  14. Riddles

    CBÉS 0271C

    Page 04_002

    Question Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
    " " " " had a great fall
    All the kings horses and all the kings men could never put Humpty together again?
    Answer An egg on the wall and fell down.
    Question 20 sick (sisc) sheep went out a gap one died how many came back?
    Answer nineteen sheep.
    Q What tree has fire no effect?
    A. Ashtrees because when burned they are ashes still.
    Q Why is a pig in a parlour like a house on fire?
    A. Because the sooner it is put out the better.
    Q. What houses are easiest to break into?
  15. Riddles and Answers

    CBÉS 0285

    Page 164

    ... shoes when going to bed? A horse
    What is bought by the yard and worn by the food. A carpet.
    What insect does the blacksmith make. The fire fly.
    Four legs up and four legs down, soft in the middle and hard all round? Bed
    There was a man (of) who rode through a town of Great Britain. Was his name. His bridle and saddle was made of gold. Three times in th riddle I told his name? Was
    On the gravel I do travel. On an oak stick I do stand. I rode a mare that never foaled and caught the bridle in my hand. A boat.
    What is the difference between a cat and a comic?
    the cat has its claws at the end of its paws and the comic has its pause at the end of its clause.
    Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty got a great fall, all the King's horses ...
  16. Tomhaiseanna

    CBÉS 0583

    Page 125

    could not put Humpty, dumpty together again.?
    Ans:-An egg.
  17. Tomhaiseanna

    CBÉS 0081

    Page 352

    17. Word of one cilibal easy and short, spelt backwards and forwards the same, it expresses sentiments warm from the heart and to beauty it leaves principal claim. (the eye)
    18. What's the best side of a woman that we can see (The outside)
    19. What was the first thing Adam planted in the garden of Eden. (His foot)
    20. Humpty, Dumpty sat on a wall
    Humpty, Dumpty got a great fall
    All the Kings horses andthe Kings men
    Could not put HumptyDumpty together again (A broken egg)
    21. What sort of a box that is neither wood nor iron, nor lock nor key nor hinges and yet we all carry it (A Xmas box)
    22. I went out in the garden, I met my Uncal Tady, I cut his head off and left his body there (A head of cabbage)
    23. What is the first thing you open in the morning (Your eyes)
    24. What's the last thing you take off the ground before going to bed (Your feet)
    25. Twenty sheep went out a gap, twenty more followed that, a man and his dog, how many feet went out the gap (Two feet)
    26. I went up the boreen I met my Antie Noreen
  18. Games

    CBÉS 0094

    Page 158

    She is as clean as you are
    You are
    You are
    She is as clean as you are
    Humpty Dumpty Teddy bow-wow
    Then you may have her
    Have her
    Have her
    Then you may have her
    Humpty Dumpty Teddy bow-wow
    Kathleen Healy (V Class)
  19. Riddles

    CBÉS 0095C

    Page 14_001

    Why does a cow look over a wall?
    Because she could'nt.
    A little man standing under a wall eats every-thing he gets but he drinks no water?
    A fire
    Long legs short thighs a small head and no eyes?
    A tongs.
    Black and white and red all over?
    A newspaper.
    Humpty dumpty sat on a wall
    Humpty dumpty got a great fall and
    all the King's horses and all the
    Kings's men couldn't put him together again?
  20. A Collection of Riddles

    CBÉS 0350

    Page 258

    1) What smells most in a perfumer's shop?
    Answer :- The nose.
    2) Why is a vain young lady compared to a drunkard?
    Answer :- Because they are both fond of the glass.
    3) What goes around from house to house and never goes in?
    Answer :- A path.
    4) Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall.
    Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
    All the King's horses and all the King's men could not put Hunpty Dumpty together again.
    Answer :- An egg.
    5) As black as ink, as white as milk, and it hops on the ground like hailstone.
    Answer :- A pagpie.
    6) Twenty sick (six) sheep went out a gap nineteen fell dead and how many came back?
    Answer :- One.