The Schools’ Collection

This is a collection of folklore compiled by schoolchildren in Ireland in the 1930s. More information

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154 results
  1. Riddles

    CBÉS 0537

    Page 079

    Up chip-cherry and down chip-cherry and all the men in Derry would not climb chip-cherry
    A. Smoke.
    Londonderry, Cork and Kerry spell me that without a K?
    A. That
    As round as an apple as deep as a cup and all the king's horses would not pull it up.
    A. A well.
    Big belly mother, long-legged father and three little children all the same colour?
    A. A pot and pot-hooks.
    Humpty-dumpty got a great fall, all the king's horses and all the king's men would not put humpty-dumpty together again.?
    A. An egg.
    Written by Mary Shanahan,
  2. Riddles

    CBÉS 0561

    Page 119

    master and a station master?
    Answer: One trains the mind and the other minds the train.
    What walks with its head down?
    Answer: A boot nail.
    Patch upon patch without any stitches, riddle me that and I'll buy you a pair of breeches.
    Answer: A head of cabbage.
    I have a little house and a mouse would not fit in it and all the men in Derry could not count what was inside it.
    Answer: A thimble.
    How many sides has a bucket?
    Answer: Two - the inside and the outside.
    Little red nanny sits by the wall; she eats all she gets but drinks none atal.
    Answer: A fire.
    Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall. Humpty Dumpty got a great fall. All the King's horses and all the King's men would not
  3. Riddles

    CBÉS 0586

    Page 018

    How many cows tails would reach the moon
    A One if it was long enough
    When was beef the highest?
    A When the cow jumped over the moon.
    What part of the cow goes over the ditch first
    A Her breath
    As round as an apple as deep as a cup all the kings horses couldn't draw it up
    A well
    As I went out a slippery gap I met my uncle Davy, I cut off his heart and left his body easy
    A head of cabbage
    Ink ank under a bank ten drawing four.
    A woman milking a cow Humpty, Dumpty sat on the wall Humpty, Dumpty got a great fall
  4. List of Riddles

    CBÉS 0753

    Page 432

    Derry would not climb chip cherry:- (Smoke)/
    14. As round as an apple, as plump as a ball, can climb the church over steeple and all:- (The sun)
    15. What part of you reaches the wood first:- (Your breath)
    16. Patch upon patch without any stitches riddle me that and I will buy a pair of breeches:- (A head of cabbage)
    17. A head like a thimble, a tail like a rat, you could guess for ever but you could not guess that:- (A pipe)
    18. On yonder their walks a deer, Gold and silver be it bandelier, its neither flesh, blood, nor bone, and on yonder hill it walks alone:-
    (The moon).
    19. What's full and holds more:- a pot full of potatoes, when you pour water into it).
    20. Black and Red and white all over:- (A newspaper).
    21. Round and Round the wood, and never gets into the wood:- (The bark of a tree).
    22. As round as an apple, as flat as a pan, one side a woman and the other a man:- (A penny)
    23. Twents four white horses in a stall, here comes a red one and licks them all:- The tongue licking your teeth).
    24. Humpty, Dumpty sat on the wall; humpty
  5. Riddles

    CBÉS 0788

    Page 29

    Q, Hairy in and hairy out, hairy into Mary's mouth. What's that?
    A. The leg of a man's stocking.
    Q. What is it you break and still you don't break it?
    A. Silence
    Q. Why does a hen cross the road?
    A. To get to the other side.
    Q. What is it that goes round and round the wood but still never touches the wood?
    A. A shadow
    Q. Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall. Humpty got a great fall. All the king's horses and all the king's men could not put H D up on that wall again. What that?
    A. An egg
  6. Riddles

    CBÉS 1022

    Page 146

    if you were to guess for ever you would not guess that.
    A A pipe.
    XV. Q The man that made it didn't want it, the man that bought it didn't use it, the man that used it didn't see it.
    A. A Coffin.
    XVI Q Yonder in the corner lies a little red cow, give her hay give her straw and she will eat it all, now give her water and she will die.
    A. A Fire.
    XVII Q I have a little house it would not hold a mouse there are as many windows on it as on a Parliament house.
    A. A thimble.
    XVIII Q As round as an apple, as plump as a ball, can climb over church over steeple and all.
    A. The Sun.
    XIV Q What must you do before you come down the ladder.
    A. You must go up.
    XX Q What always walks with its head down.
    A A nail in a man's boot.
    XXI Q Humpty, dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty dumty had a great fall all the kings horses and all the kings men would not
  7. Riddles

    CBÉS 0038

    Page 0051

    kings horses and all the kings
    men, would not make Humpty Dumpty
    as he was before.
  8. Riddles

    CBÉS 0137B

    Page 23_011

    As black as silk as white as milk and it hops on the road like a hail stone. A magpie.
    It opens like a barn door it closes like a trap you would think of many thing before you would think of that. An umber ela
  9. Collection of Riddles

    CBÉS 0307

    Page 024

    Why is vain lady like a drunken man? because they are both fond of the glass.
    It bites and every bite it follows and never a bite does it swallow? a scissors.
    Why is a woman darning a stocking a queer sight? because her hands are where her legs should be.
    Where was Moses when he was smoking his pipe? behind it.
    What is like the half of a moon? the other half.
    When was Moses married? upon his wedding eve.
    Why does a stork raise up one leg? because if she raised up the two she might fall.
    What part of the cow goes over the ditch first? her breath.
    Humpty-dumpty sat on the wall, Humpty-dumpty got a great fall. All the King's horses, and all the King's men could not put him together again? an egg.
    Long legs crooked thighs, a head and no eyes. What is that? a tongs.
  10. Riddles

    CBÉS 0838

    Page 119

    Q. A humpty backed father a hollow hearted mother three dirty children one after the other?
    A. A pot.
  11. Riddles

    CBÉS 0105

    Page 188

    5. A steel horse crosses a bone bridge
    And a brass whip driving her
    (A needle, a thimble and a button)
    6. What smells most in a chemist shop?
    (Your nose)
    7. Why is a tramp compared to a pillow?
    (One is hard up, the other is soft down)
    8. Why should Ireland be the richest country in the world?
    (Because the capital is Dublin)
    9. What is this that is always turning and never falls
    (The world)
    0. What would you put into an empty half barrel to make it 2 stone lighter
    (Auger[?] holes)
    1. What has the roughest coat in the world?
    (A hedge-hog.)
    2. What is it that has the use of its limbs and never walks?
    (A frog)
    3. How many sides in a coat?
    54. Cork and Kerry and Londonderry spell that without a 'k'
    55. Humpty, dumpty got a great fall
    Humpty, dumpty down off the wall
    All the king's horses and all the kings men
    Wouldn't put it together again.
    (An egg)
  12. Riddles

    CBÉS 1022

    Page 147

    put humpty dumty together again.
    A. An Egg.
    XXII Q One half dead the other half living and a tail wagging.
    A A dog with his head in a pot.
    XXIII Q What black and white and "red" all over?
    A The newspaper.
    XXIV Q What is that which stands on one leg and has its heart in its head.
    A A head of cabbage.
  13. Collection of Riddles

    CBÉS 0058

    Page 0060

    80. Humpy dumpty sat on the wall, Humpty Dumpty got a great fall, and the the king's men, and all the kings horses could never put him together again? (an egg)
    81. It goes to America, it stops in America, and it didn't go at all? (A watch)
    82. What burns to keep a secret? (sealing wax)
    83. Two dead men fighting, two blind men looking on, two cripples going for the guards and two dumbies telling them to hurry on? (a lie)
    84. When is a cow the roundest? (When she is licking herself)
    85. What are the two shyst things in a house? (The twig, and the clock)
    86. What are the three quickest ways of sending news? (Telegram, Telephone, and tell a woman)
    87. Why is the tail of a dog like the centre of a tree? (because it is the farthest from the bark)
  14. Riddles

    CBÉS 0212

    Page 304

    five more couldn't put Humpty Dumpty together again. Ans:- an egg.
    What has a head and foot and four legs. Ans:- a bed.
    Twenty sick sheep went out in a wall, six of them died how many came back.
    Ans:- fourteen.
    If a lion's paw covered half an acre, what would his tail cover. Ans:- a whole acre.
    As white as milk as black as ink and hopps on the road like healstones. Ans:- (A wagtail) A mag
    Round the house and round house and leaves a loaf in every window. Ans:- the snow.
    Round the house and round house and drages her puddnes after her.
    Ans: a hen with her flock of chickness.
  15. Riddles and Answers

    CBÉS 0285

    Page 165

    ... and all the King's men could not put Humpty together again? An egg.
    Constantinople is a very great word and if you cannot spell it you are a very big dunce. IT.
    What fruit is on every page of your empty copy book. A date.
    Three ladies dressed in white, they got the fever and died one night? Three candles.
    As round as a marble as deep as a cup, the King and his army could not take it up? A sprung well.
    What crosses a room without making a noise? A shadow.
    Why is a wasp like a school masters cane? Because it stings.
    It is red it is yellow, it is parable green, the King could not get at it nor neither the Queen? The rainbow.
    Patches upon patches without any stitches? A head of cabbage.
  16. Riddles

    CBÉS 0561

    Page 120

    put Humpty Dumpty together again.
    Answer: An egg.
    How many cow's tails would reach the sky?
    Answer: One if it was long enough.
    Londonderry, Cork and Kerry; spell me that without a K?
    Answer: t.h.a.t.
    On yonder hill there lies a deer with silver horns bright and clear, neither fish flesh, feather or bone, but on this hill he lies alone.
    Answer: Beam of sun.
    Why is a window like a sick man?
    Answer: Because it has a pane.
  17. Riddles

    CBÉS 0917

    Page 145

    a thimble
    18 What part of the cow goes into the wood first. Her milk.
    19 Little red Nellie sits on the ditch and if you go near her she will give you the red itch. A nettle.
    20 Little red nellie sits on the table the longer she stays the shorter she grows. A candle.
    21 A humpty back father a hollow belly mother and three black children. A pot.
    22 A house full a roomfull and cannot catch a spoonful. Smoke.
    23 What is it which comes in on people back and goes out like a silk needle. Turf.
    24 Hairy in ad hairy out and hairy into hairy mouth. An old man putting on his stocking.
    25 A poker and a tongs cost £1-18-6 what would a ton of coal come too. Ashes.
  18. Unpublished Poem - The Farmers' Union Ball

    CBÉS 0388

    Page 190

    With masks and blackened faces dressed in a cowhouse stall
    They made straight for the schoolhouse for the Farmer's Union Ball.
    Their leader then stepped forward and tightly gripped the door,
    And sent a young man marching up through the schoolhouse floor
    He shook his humpty shoulders and then we heard a shout,
    "I bare orders from the captain - just five minutes all clear out"
    "What (with) orders" cried young Downey
    "We want no bombast here,"
    "Do you think your masks and shot guns will fill our hearts with fear.
    You know I must keep order, give up your shouting brawl
    And clear outside the schoolhouse
  19. Riddles

    CBÉS 0524

    Page 069

    56. what is the difference between a ladies jumper and a banana skin. ans. because both are easy to slip on
    57. what has a cat that no other animal has. ans. kittens
    58. what is the difference between a niahs ark and joan of ark. ans. one was made of wood and the other was made of oteeans
    59. there is a little man he stands in the hall if you touch him he will roar, screach and ball. ans. a bell
    60. why does a clock not strike fourteen. because it have not a face to do so.
    62. round like a marble deep as a and all the kings army could not lift it. ans. a well
    62. humpy dumpy sat on the wall humpty dumpty got a great fall all the kings horses and all the kings men could not put humpy together again. ans. an egg
    63. there is a field and in the field there is a house and in the house there press and in the press there is a cup and in the cup there is a sup for every one to take. ans. death
    64. why is a balloon like a tramp. ans. neither have visible means of support.
    65. why is a fly very tall. ans. because he stands over
    66. when is a clock wicked. ans. when it strikes one
  20. Riddles

    CBÉS 0586

    Page 019

    all the kings horses and all the kings men couldn't out humpty, Dumpty together again.
    An Egg.
    Riddle, riddle see such a riddle couldn't be This, a rook through a reel Through an old spinning wheel
    Riddle me that or leave it alone
    a moth
    There it is there and a thousand eyes
    in it
    A pot of soup
    Beyond the sea there is a tree and in the tree there is a nest
    And in that nest there are three eggs
    Elizabeth, Betty and Bess took one each
    How many were left
    R. (Eliz Betty Bess/name)