An Príomhbhailiúchán Lámhscríbhinní

Cuimsíonn an bailiúchán seo gach gné de thraidisiún béil na hÉireann. Breis eolais

Scag na torthaí


163 toradh
  1. Fairies

    CBÉ 0221

    There is a great belief in fairies in the Wexford. Almost every place a farmer goes he will fear fairy stories. The most of the people believe in them and what is more they believe in them up to the present day, and wouldn't for the world have anything to do with places that belong to them. For instance a large (?) which has got the name of a fairy (?) or rings in fields in which the mushrooms grow or old raths or forts or anything of that kind.
    There in an old (?) in boola Fullawn and it is there for thousands of years and it was always believed that the fairies had something to do with it. None of the old people would alow anybody to meddle with it or molest in any way, for fear of the good people. It is very
  2. Wife Taken by Fairies

    CBÉ 0265

    Once upon a time, a girl was married and that night she was taken by the fairies and she appeared to the two brothers and said that she was taken by the fairies and they would get one opportunity of getting her back.
    Then she said that the fairies would be crossing a field and says which was in the field and the way that they would know her, she said, that she would come last out in the gap upon a white horse.
    The two brothers went and stayed at the gaps, one at each side. The fairies came, some of them walking, and more of them on horseback. The girl came out last in the gap upon a white horse. When she was going away, she looked at the brothers. They hadn't the power to take her off and she was never seen anymore. The brothers never forgave themselves for not taking her.
  3. (gan teideal)

    There was once a man living in the parish of Adamstown.

    CBÉ 0106

    changeling you have Tom Murphy”, says he. “When you go home” says the smith to Tom “tell him that the fairy rath is ablaze.” Tom got the plough-iron welded and went home. The child was sitting on the doorstep waiting for him and began clapping his hands with delight when he saw the plough-iron welded. “You got it welded at last Daddy” says he in the voice of a very old man. “I did my son” says the father, but when I was coming by Jim Doyle’s field I saw the fairy rath in one great blaze. “You don’t say”, says the child “that the fairy rath is on fire” and his two eyes opening wide. “I do, begor“ says the father. “O Lord” says the child “my bellows is surely burned”, and away with him through ditches and hedges in the direction of the rath.
  4. Fairies

    CBÉ 0220

    There is a house in Lambstown at the present time and the people who are living in it are Breens. Well this house was full of fairies and every night after the people going to bed they could hear doors banging all night and the fan would be blowing and there would be an awful lot of noise down stairs. Well they got the priest anyhow to bring these spirits or fairies out of the place and he came and he brought them all down to the bogs and as he was going down wan of them got stuck in a bush and he couldn't get it any father so he had to leave it there and then he couldn't bring the rest down but however the doors stopped banging in the night time but the fan can be heard blowing to this day. I often heard it myself and it would be turning around and all the people would be long enough in their beds. It is said that all the fairies will come back again when the name of a Breen will be
  5. (gan teideal)

    There was a man wan time and he was a bit silly in his mind.

    CBÉ 0221

    had no gold at all. He kept the fairy there for about an hour an' a half, an' never took his eyes off him all the time. The fairy was gettin' fed up with him and could think of no plan ta get rid of him, and at last says he ta the man. "If you let me go I will give you three wishes. Two for yourself and wan for you wife". Very good" says the man "let it be so." You have only the three wishes mind says the fairy and mind make good use of them.' "Oh Begob I will" says the lad "I'll do me best with them" He went on home and it was fairly dark and begor didn't he lose his way he was so much taken up with thinkin' what he'd do with the three wishes that he didn't mind where he was goin' Begor anyway he went astray and didn't know
  6. (gan teideal)

    There was a man wan time coming home from the fair...

    CBÉ 0221

    There was a man wan night coming home from the fair of Taghmon and he was fairly full. He was after being in a public house and they were all talking about fairies. He was the only man that was in the crowd who didn't believe in fairies at all. When he was coming home he had to pass by an old rath and just as he was passing by it a great gust of wind came and swept him off his feet and he found himself going down across the fields and he landed in the rath. When he landed in the rath, the ground opened and he went down and down and at last he came to a place that was all lit up with grand lamps and he found himself being carried along until at last he was in a great hall and it was crowded out with thousands and thousands of fairies. When
  7. (gan teideal)

    There was a man one night and he was going along the road..

    CBÉ 0221

    There was a man one night and he was going along the road in the direction of the town of Wexford. and he was passing by a place in which there was an old rath, he heard great noises and he went inside the ditch and what did he see but a whole lot of fairies and they playing football. He didn't want to go near them and at last he couldn't resist the temptation of going up to them. So on he went to the very place where the fairies were and he started to kick with them, and he kicked away and away for hours and he was nearly dead, but he noticed that the fairies were only
  8. Girl and Fairies

    CBÉ 0265

    then told her he would go for her at 6 o'c that evening sreek '[?']. She got frightened & told all the people inside about it & that evening well a big crowd had gathered at her house to prevent her from being taken. She was to tell them when she saw him coming. All of a sudden she shouted that he was beside her & he had her down on the floor & was taking her from 20 of them. One man was sitting quiet up in the corner looking on when she said it to the men to let her go that it was better be taken by a fairy than to be torn to pieces. The man in the corner jumped down to where they were & let a few curses at the fairy & said he would tear the girl asunder sooner than let her go. On the minute the fairy ran away & was never seen there anymore.
  9. Another Tale of the Moate of Regorey

    CBÉ 0220

    Monday Tuesday Wednesday" he was to shout out "and Thursday."
    So the little hump backed man was delighted with himself and he set off for the moate at twelve o' clock and waited until he heard the fairies singing "Monday Tuesday Monday Tuesday Monday Tuesday Wednesday" Well when they came to Wednesday he shouted out "and Thursday" and begor the singing stopped inside and begor he started singing outside on the road and he began:
    "Monday Tuesday, Monday Tuesday, Monday Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday
    Monday Tuesday, Monday Tuesday Monday Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday"
    When he had finished the door opened in the moate and out walks the little fairy and brings him into the moate with her and when he went in he saw the queen sitting on her golden throne and all the rest of fairies sitting near her and every fairy and especially the queen had a very cross face on and coming into the moate the queen asked the humpy man what did he mean by destroying
  10. Raths

    CBÉ 0220

    Barr Móna, Co. Loch Garman

    There are several old Raths around Galbally. These ould raths were supposed to be fairy homes, whether it is true or not I dont know. There is a big rath in Barmoney; and long ago the old people said that the fairies used be seen dancing and feasting there and they all having very bright lights.
    Long ago the fairies used to take people away, and they used to make them very happy with themselves. When people got married the fairies used often try and steal the wife but they were often béat on it too.
    The old people used to say that one should never meddle with a rath. It was said that a farmer tried to level off the Rath in Barmoney, and make land out of it, but every time he went to dig it or level it it would be the same as every next morning.
    There was another man who tried to plough up a rath near Galbally, and the plough broke in bits and the horses took fright and ran away. The man went home and he was never the same after; and he died in a very short time. None of the people around here would like to meddle with a rath.
  11. (gan teideal)

    There was a family of people living in Galbally by the name of Laffan...

    CBÉ 0221

    of the fairy man one day and he was sitting down at the fire and he had the woman on his knee and he dancing her up and down the very same as if she was only three years. The fairy man was only about eight stone weight, and the wife was surely sixteen.
  12. (gan teideal)

    There was a man wan time and he went out wan morning...

    CBÉ 0221

    when he said he would sit down and have a smoke. Where did he sit down only on a fairy path and he was sittin there for some time when he got five or six stings in his lower part and looking down he saw five or six needles disaphearin down in the ground. It was the fairies that were stinging him for sitting on their path.
  13. (gan teideal)

    There was another man that never saw anything..

    CBÉ 0221

    There was another man that never saw anything in his life and one night he was going along the road and he found himself walking right into a fairy rath that was in a field by the side of the road. He didn't want to go into the rath at all, but he found himself being dragged along by main force and he was kept in the rath for a couple of hours, but he saw no fairies.
  14. (gan teideal)

    A Quigley girl was goint through a ratheen...

    CBÉ 0265

    Cill Charnaí Uachtarach, Co. Chill Mhantáin

    A Quigley girl was going through a raheen in Kilcarney with a bucket of buttermilk one day & it is said she was taken by the fairies & kept for a year. Every night music could be heard in her room at home. The girl that came back with the buttermilk was a fairy.
  15. Fairy Pass

    CBÉ 0265

    In Aughavanagh in old times gone by there was man fenced a garden for cabbage. This piece of land was a pass for the fairies & when he had it finished there used to be about 50 horses come at night & whinney into the windows & more nights goats would come & bleat & the neighbours used to see people carrying a coffin up on this house in the middle of the day. He had two lovely sons & the two died so he let out the piece of land & he never saw the fairies after
  16. Fairies

    CBÉ 0190

    door was shut and they began to say "Hie, out in the keyhole, Hie out in the keyhole". They all then got out, only one, and he was saying "Hie, at the keyhole".
    There was a man one night in a graveyard and he was on the lookout for the bodysnatchers. He was sitting down on a tombstone smoking his pipe, it was a fine Summers night, when two fairies got up and danced on a tombstone in front of him. He looked at them for a long time and at last says he "Well done shuckey shark" and in a moment all was dark.
    The fairies used to take young children long ago and leave in their places "fairy changelings". A child was taken from Lough Duncormick one time and there was an ugly looking
  17. Fairies

    CBÉ 0190

    They fairies were supposed to travel in the whirlwinds hence the name she gees side gaovil.
    There is a rath in the parish of Kilmore and three fellows went to dig it one time and one of them died soon afterwards and the other got a hump on his back, and the other got bone disease. There is another rath called Rath Ronan and there are a lot of fairy ring around it. There was a family lived near it, three or four brothers and they had one sister, she used be taken away every night by the fairies and brought back in the morning. The brothers went to the priest about it and he told them to watch by here bedside all night. They did so but it was as much as
  18. Fairies

    CBÉ 0221

    he was kicking football and got his arm broken and he was in hospital for a few months with it. Of course the old people had their own stories and adviced everybody not to have anything to do with it. or with anything that belonged to the fairies, and when speaking of the fairies or the banshee at the present day the old people would always speak in low tone as if they were afraid that the good people would hear their conversation and come and have revenge on them.
    The old folk also say that fairies are more numerous than lepracawns or luaracawn It is said that there is a lepracawn in (Polksmith?) to the present day and another in Shan. a place not far from Killurin
  19. (gan teideal)

    There was a family of people living in Galbally by the name of Laffan...

    CBÉ 0221

    passed by the strange spot the very same as if something had happened.
    Some of the old folk say that it was the fairies that was passing that time & on their way back to their rath or fort and they generally go back just before cock crow every morning. There is something curious about horses for they can always see there things before a human being.
    There was a man lived in Galbally one time and it was believed that he had something to do with the good people. He was called the fairy man. Some people say that he was a fairy changeling. He was only a small man but he could do as much work as five or six men. He was one day sent out to cut a ditch of briars
  20. (gan teideal)

    There was a family of people living in Galbally by the name of Laffan...

    CBÉ 0221

    time they heard him and he saying "Easy boys Easy boys". So then they knew that it was fairies that were helping him. The man who told me these stories said that he was one day coming home with a load of straw he was after getting in a certain farmer's place. He said that the load was everywhere except on the car. He met this fairy man on the road and told ty one of the ropes as it was after getting loose. He did so, and the fairy went on his way. Then this man with the load got down off it to have a look at it and he said a person would swear it was built in a model.
    This old man also told me, John Dillon is his name. that he went into the house