An Príomhbhailiúchán Lámhscríbhinní

Cuimsíonn an bailiúchán seo gach gné de thraidisiún béil na hÉireann. Breis eolais

Scag na torthaí


206 toradh
  1. The Hare, Lion, Eagle and Spider

    CBÉ 0265

    and I can't be killed till that egg is broke on my forehead. "Begor" says Jack "I won't be long till I break it on your forehead" so Jace goes out to the forest and he says "I wish I was a lion" and no sooner said then he was a lion and off he goes roaring through the forest till he meets with this lion and he kills the lion and out leaps a hare and Jack was his hound and he kills the hare and out leaps the hawk and he kills the hawk and the egg fell out of the hawk and Jack was turned into a man and he got the egg and came on up and knocked at the door and the ould lad was getting very weak inside. The ould lad opened the door and when he opened the door he hit him with the egg in the forehead and killed him so him and the
  2. Battle of Hacketstown

    CBÉ 0265

    killed at Hacketstown too. He lived where Hacketts live now & an orangeman killed him because he was after turning Catholic. A Pollard called the Big Smith was married to a Catholic girl. They has seven sons but he wouldn't let her near the Catholics but when he was killed with it years at Hacketstown she did rear them Catholics and four of them settled down here & their descendants are here still & that is how we have the Roman Pollards & the Protestant Pollards.
  3. Pisreoga

    If your nose is itchy you are going to fight.

    CBÉ 0265

    If you kill a swallow the cows will milk blood.
  4. An Tarbh Breac

    CBÉ 0463

    the whole thing. She told the mother what she had seen and how the boy was fed. The other now pretended to be very ill and told the King that nothing would cure her but a piece of a ittle red bull. The king told her that the little red bull was a familt heir-loom and that he could not part with him. Then she told him that she would die if she did not get a bit of him. At last the King consented and ordered the bull be brought in to be killed. The night before he was to be brought in the bull told the boy that he was to be brought in to be killed next day in order to cure the Queen. Then he told him what he was to do. He told that he was to get on his back and ride him to the palace yard - he would be brought to a stable to be killed - the boy was to accompany him to the stable. Just as the butcher was to draw the knife to kill him he was to jump
  5. An Tarbh Breac

    CBÉ 0463

    on his back again and hold on tightly. All happened as the bull had told him. The Queen was so anxious to see the bull killed that she came out to the stable to see the deed done. She stood in the doorway with a hand on each jamb.
    Just as the butcher drew the knife to kill the bull, the bull turned, put his horn through him, the boy jumped on his back - the bull made through the doorway, stuck his two horns in the Queen, tossed her up in the air and she fell down dead. The bull made for the mountains with the boy on his back. Having reached the mountains the bull told him that the time had come when they should part. He told him that he was to kill him but this the boy refused to do. Then he told him that by killing him he was doing him a good 'turn' - that by some magic power he was changed into a bull but that he would regain
  6. (gan teideal)

    Long ago the tide used to come from Kilmore Quay to Baldwinstown.

    CBÉ 0190

    at him. He fired a shot a him and killed him. He went home to his breakfast after hunting for a couple of hours and the first thing he saw when he went in was a black kitten it said to him. "Row row you've killed your dow". He was about to fire a shot at the kitten when it flew at him and stuck in his neck and never let go until it killed. That happened in the year 1636 and Walter Whitty of Ballyteigue Castle is buried in Grange Cemetery inside the walls of the old church. There is a headstone over his grave and the cat is to be seen on the top of it that is the form of the cat is on the headstone. There was a wooden
  7. (gan teideal)

    There was a boat load of fish came into Kilmore...

    CBÉ 0221

    Then the hound started to kill the hare, and when he had it about half-killed what jumps out of it but a bird and flew across the country as hard as it could. It was not long until a hawk made his appearance on the scene and took after the bird, and he caught it and was just killing it, when a man saw him and took up a gun and fired at him and shot the hawk stone dead. The hawk then dropped the bird and what came along but a sea-gull and he picked up the bird and went off in the direction of the Saltee Island. When the seagull landed on the Saltee Islands he let the bird off and it lit on one of the rocks and there were some bird fanciers on the Island and they noticed the strange bird and they went up to it and found that it was real tame
  8. Jack the Giant Killer

    CBÉ 0265

    An old woman had one son who was an asley pen & after remaining at the corner for several years he got up & shook several stone of ashes out of himself. He went out to a heap of dung with a shovel & killed a whole lot of flies. He go it into his head that he was a great champion & that he could kill thousands with one blow & he went home & he told his mother that he was only losing his time that he would go off & seek for adventures & he got a sword made & he got it engraved on it "Brave champion that killed thousands with one blow" & he travelled great long distances until he came to a kings palace
  9. An Tarbh Breac

    CBÉ 0463

    his human shape when he would kill him. The boy now agreed to do as the bull had asked him. The bull told him that before he killed him he was to cut a strip of his hide from the tail to the head and wear it round his waist and that it would him in all his difficulties. The boy thanked the bull for all his kindness to him and then proceeded to do with him as he was told. He cut the strip of hide from tail to head tied it round his waist and then he killed the bull. The boy set out from himself and after travelling all day he saw a light in the distance. He made towards the light, went in and asked for a night's lodging and some food. This they gave him. After the meal the boy asked the man of the house if he knew where he would get work. The man asked him what work was he able to do. The boy said that
  10. (gan teideal)

    When the Danes were here in Ireland they would make wine out of the heath.

    CBÉ 0190

    other man went and killed the Danes son. "Now" says he to the Dane, "you can give me your secret". "No", says the Dane, "you can kill me now and you'll never get the secret".
  11. Go and Kill a Hussian for Yourself

    CBÉ 0220

    a Hussian for yourself." I think the man who killed that Hussian or yeoman, his name was Mosey Furlong and the same Forlong are there still and there is a Mosey Furlong there two a direct descendent of the croppy who killed the yeoman.
  12. Woman and Three Daughters

    CBÉ 0265

    There was a woman & she had 3 daughters & the eldest said that she would go off to seek her fortune. "Very good" said her mother "I will kill you a cock & make a cake & you can go off & seek your fortune". She made the cake & killed the cock & she started off. On the road she sat down to eat her lunch & a robin came up the road & began to pick the crumbs. She says to this robin "Go to hell" & when she was finished she stooped down to get a drink but
  13. Woman's Escape

    CBÉ 0265

    in Kyle where the herring man was killed. They put her to sleep & in the middle of the night she heard them going in and out & then she heard them saying that they had all ready now for to kill her so she got out and ran over along the road until she met a man with a horse & car & she asked him to save her. He put her into the car & covered her up with sacks & when the others came & asked him did he see a woman passing he said "No" & they went on along the road.
  14. (gan teideal)

    Of another day I was down in the wood near Pack's Bridge, and there was a woodcrest up on the tree.

    CBÉ 0460

    Of another day I was down in the wood near Pack's Bridge, and there was a woodcrest of in the tree. I picked up a stone and fired at the woodcrest and killed her the stone dropped down on a rabbit in a seat and killed her, just then a hand came treaty in the gap and I picked the same stone and hit the Lane. So I got the three with the wan stone.
  15. Jack the Giant Killer

    CBÉ 0190

    Jack the giant killer. Jack was a powerful man, he was seven or eight feet high. When he was twenty years of age he went off in search of his fortune.
    There was a giant lived in a certain part of the country and he was an awful man. He used to kill people and eat them, and nobody could get rid of him. There was a sum of money offered to anybody who would kill him Jack said to himself that he would have a try at him. So he went the night to the giants' castle and said he wanted lodging for the night. The giant, of course gave him lodging, because he wanted to kill him and have a feed on him sometime. Jack was given
  16. (gan teideal)

    There was two youngsthers at wan time, a boy, an a girl.

    CBÉ 0485

    They was movin' away anyway, for they saw no use in heedin' the little man any longer, when they heard a sthir among the bushes, an' presently a great wild boar appeared, an' he made sthraight for the little man. The little man when he saw him, began to scream an' shout at the top of his voice, for he knew that the boar was comin to kill him. "Kill them two" he shouted to him pointin to the young boy, an' girl. The boar never heeded his screamin however, only stharted to nose round him, an' he was jusht goin bitin his head off, when what aught to come boundin' along but a great wolf-hound. The wolf-hound jumped on the boar, an' in a second the pair o' them was fightin for life, an' death, but in the end the boar was overcome, an' the wolf-hound killed him. The little man was jusht goin ta sthart scoldin the wolf hound for not comin sooner, an' allowin him to get such a fret, when the wolf hound turned on himsel', an' before the little man had time to say anymore, he ripped his head off.
    The little boy an' girl ran back to see the lasht o' the little man, but no sooner had the breath left the little joker, than the wolf hound was
  17. Long Story - Jack and the Giants

    CBÉ 0460

    and helped him. The mowed them down like corn. When they ad them nearly all killed the giant saw Jack and he mowing them down with his dagger. He took him up on his hand carried him home.
    When he got home he found his poor mother crying again because she said Jack had disappeared and she couldn't find him, and she was afraid he'd kill her
    "Oh he has not disappeared", says the giant because I have him here; and he is the best child I ever saw in my life. He sauved my life to-day. Only for him I would be killed."
    "I'm no child," says Jack, "all determined I'm a man."
    "What?" says the giant. "You a man? Have you a wife?"
    "Well, I haven't," says Jack, "but I was going to be married to a beautiful girl the other day and an ould man in the tree in the giants' lawn, where I killed the three of them come down and ran away with her on me
  18. Silly Thing

    CBÉ 0106

    bed. All the girls then went to sleep except Sillything. When she found them all asleep she took the necklaces off the three girls necks and put them around her sisters' nacks and her own. At about two oclock in the morning the old man again came in on his tippy toes and felt around the bed, he felt all the girls necks. He thought the necklaces were on his own daughters all the time. So he got a big stich and he killed his own daughters thinking it was the other three girls he has killed. Then he went out of the room quite satisfied with himself. Sillything was wide awake all the time, and the moment the old man left the room she started calling her two sisters. They told her to shut up and let them sleep, but she
  19. Jack the Giant Killer

    CBÉ 0190

    giant in a certain place that was killing all the people. Jack went to the castle and saw the giant lying in a corner outside and he fast asleep. He went up to him an looked at him for some time and then he saw that the club was beside him. So he took up the club and took it away two or three yards. Then he started pegging little bits of chips and stones at the giant. The giant awoke and says he "you saucy villain you've broken my rest, I'll broil you for my breakfast". So he began looking for the club. Jack took up the club and gave the giant a welt of it straight in the forehead. The giant staggered and when he did Jack gave him another blow and this time he killed him. So he went his way
  20. (gan teideal)

    Soon after the troubles in Wexford during "Nintety Eight" as the sheriff of the county and a few other...

    CBÉ 0220

    opposite colours , so they argued for a long time until about after a half an hour or so the chap thought of himself again and the load of hay and he jumps up up and says "oh me father me father' ll kill me if they don't come quick." "O Sit down on that" said the ould man "what about yer ould father won't the lads be here in a few minutes." So the chap sat down and drank the tay and ate away for half an hour and got into talking on politics again and after about another hour he jumped up again and shouts out "me father, me father'll kill me." "what about yer ould father" replied the ould man "What about him or where is it" "Oh sure he is under the load of hay" replies the chap.