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  1. (no title)

    Captain Ogle when he was doing the damage here in Ireland....

    CBÉ 0221

    There are two blessed wells in the vicinity of Ballyhogue. St Mary's and St Tebitts. Both of them are great wells for curing. St Mary's well is a great well for curing almost any kind of a cmplaint and St Tebitts is a great Well for curing a headache. Wexford is a famous County for blessed wells, as there is one or two of them in almost every parish.
  2. Blessed Wells

    CBÉ 0481

    Blessed Wells in the Parish of Newbawn
    There is a blessed well just near the Druid's Altar called Collop's Well. Then there is Tobar Seeán (Tobar Sheáin) and Tobar hAnnraoi, and Tobar na gCapall, and Tobar na Spay.
    All these ould wells were blest by saints long ago, and there is curses in them.
  3. Blessed Wells

    CBÉ 0106

    There are a lot of blessed wells in the parish of Glynn. St Mum's Well is in Brown's bastle about a mile from Laghmon. There is a rock just beside the well in the shape of a bed, and it is called St. Mum's Bed. If anybody with a weak spine or had a pain in their back, lay down in the bed, they would be cured. The well beside it was also very famous for curing, but people don't visit it as often as they used.
    There is a well in Ardcandrish about three and a half miles from the town of Wexford. St. Eusbius is the patron Saint. It is a great well for curing sore eyes and headaches, and it is
  4. Blessed Wells

    CBÉ 0106

    the crutch and walking-stick behind him! My father and mother were looking on at this miracle happening and it is the fact truth. There are a lot of old crutches and walking-sticks and medals and various other things left at this well.
    There are two or three other wells in the parish but they are almost exstinct, and the old customs are not kept up. But there was one thing certain, every well was famous for its curing powers, and the old people had great belief in them.
    Ther is a great stone cross in the middle of the damstown graveyard and there used be a blessed well beside it. St. Abbon was the patron Saint of this well and this cross was erected.
  5. Whitechurch

    CBÉ 0189

    There was an ould thatched chapel in Whitechurch - it must be hundreds of years ago. Some of the old walls can be seen there yet.
    There is a blessed well near it and it is called "The Lady's Well".
    Close by, near the hill of Wicleamstown [?] there are seven wells together. They are called "The Seven Wells".
  6. Blessed Wells

    CBÉ 0190

    There are two blessed wells in Tomhaggard, St. James's and St. Annes. St. James' well cures all kinds of pains, and St. Annes was supposed to cure nearly any kind of a complaint. The feast of St James is celebrated on the twenty fifth of July, and St. Annes on the twenty-sixth.
    The water used to be sold out of St James well on the great day, the twenty fifth. An old woman would sit at the well, and sell a tumbler of water for a penny, and anyone who wanted would buy the water would have a year's health.
    St. Patrick's well is at Kilmore Quay. It is in a rock, and everytime the tide comes in, it goes into the well. When the tide goes out again
  7. Blessed Wells

    CBÉ 0190

    the water of the well is as clear as crystal. A lot of the village people use this water. There are not many cures recorded from this well.
    St. Bridget's well was in Brideswell for anumber of years and it used to cure various diseases, but suddenly it went dry, and it came up again in Longridge and twelve candles burning around it about a mile away from Brideswell, and it is up on a bank over a river. It is there a good while now, and there are a lot of beads and medals and other things there, which prove that the well can cure.
    There are a lot of blessed wells in this country and nearly everyone of them can cure something and people have great belief in them.
  8. Blessed Wells

    CBÉ 0407

    Blessed Wells
    Hackelown ni/Jane John the Baptist
    N.B. ([???] fames & wells some of the time)