The Schools’ Collection

This is a collection of folklore compiled by schoolchildren in Ireland in the 1930s. More information

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87 results
  1. (no title)

    A long time ago there lived a man and every night when he used to go to bed a big, heavy hand was layed on his breast.

    CBÉS 0518

    John Mc Carthy, Martin Comans


  2. (no title)

    I heard the following story from an old man in the neighbourhood. One day a neighbour of his was dead and a man named David Burke went to the funeral.

    CBÉS 0518

    John Donoghue, John O Connor


  3. (no title)

    Well about fifty years ago it was the custom for farmers around this district to go away in the middle of the night with horse loads of oats to sell in Limerick.

    CBÉS 0518

    James Ryan, Mrs Carthy


  4. (no title)

    I heard this story from an old man in the neighbourhood. There was a certain man in the district and he had a very wicked bull.

    CBÉS 0518

    John O Connor, Martin Comans


  5. (no title)

    It was from a man named John Ryan. I heard the following story:- He said that one night about twleve o' clock he was coming home from Hospital in a trap-car and as he neared the cross of Ballyvistea, he looked back and saw a coffin which appeared to be fl

    CBÉS 0518

    James Ryan, Michael Kennedy


  6. (no title)

    It was from a man named Ailbe Kelly I heard the following story:- One day St Patrick was riding an ass to Tipperary and as he was passing through Cullen he got very hungry, so he went in to a house to get his dinner.

    CBÉS 0518

    James Ryan, John O Connor


  7. (no title)

    There is a holy well in Kilteely which has been famous through many centuries.

    CBÉS 0518

    John O Connor, Martin Comans


  8. (no title)

    About twenty years ago there lived a girl who was very industrious. She was in the habit of staying up late at night sewing, knitting and doing crochet work.

    CBÉS 0518

    James Ryan, John O Connor


  9. (no title)

    One night two men were coming home from a fair. As they neared a turnip garden they saw something like a railway carriage.

    CBÉS 0518

    John O Connor, Martin Comans


  10. (no title)

    I heard the following story from an old man in neighbourhood. There was a certain man in this district and when he used to be churning the milk it used to turn into some substance like blood.

    CBÉS 0518

    John Mc Carthy, Martin Comans


  11. (no title)

    In this district there is a hill called 'the hill of Derk'. The word 'Derk' is got from 'Dearg' the Irish word for red because the country around is very bare.

    CBÉS 0518

    John O Connor, Martin Comans


  12. (no title)

    An old man in the neighbourhood told me this story:- In olden times it was the custom of the people to dance sing and have various methods of enjoyment when any person in the district was dead because they said that they were gone from this misfortunate w

    CBÉS 0518

    John Mc Carthy, Martin Comans


  13. (no title)

    It was from a man named John Mahoney I heard the following experiences. He said that a certain man was returning home from a concert and he had to cross some fields. In one of those fields there was a moat in which fairies were supposed to dwell.

    CBÉS 0518

    John O Connor, Martin Comans


  14. (no title)

    One night two boys went into an orchard with the intention of stealing some apples. They were not long in the orchard when one of the boys saw a large dog with sparkling eyes coming towards them.

    CBÉS 0518

    John Mc Carthy, Martin Comans


  15. (no title)

    One dark night a certain man was returning from a neighbour's house.

    CBÉS 0518

    Martin Comans


  16. Riddles

    CBÉS 0518

    John Mc Carthy, Martin Comans


  17. (no title)

    Once upon a time a priest and a Pharisee wanted to find out which one of them had the right religion.

    CBÉS 0518

    John O Connor, Martin Comans


  18. (no title)

    This is a story I heard from an old man a few nights ago:- One night a certain man was returning home from a play.

    CBÉS 0518

    John O Connor, Martin Comans


  19. (no title)

    There is a hill called the Hill of Cromhil near the village of Kilteely County Limerick.

    CBÉS 0518

    Martin Comans


  20. (no title)

    Once upon a time two young men lived together and how they used to earn money was by betting.

    CBÉS 0518

    John Mc Carthy, Martin Comans
