Bailiúchán na Scol

Bailiúchán béaloidis é seo a chnuasaigh páistí scoile in Éirinn le linn na 1930idí. Breis eolais

Scag na torthaí

Féach torthaí ar léarscáil


15 toradh
  1. Story

    CBÉS 0848

    Bridie Dwyer, Mrs Dwyer


  2. Ghost Story

    CBÉS 0848

    Bridie Dwyer, Mrs Dwyer


  3. Richard Butler

    CBÉS 0848

    Bridie Dwyer, Mrs Dwyer


  4. (gan teideal)

    Once upon a time there lived an old woman in a house near a rath. She was very fond of money as she was a miser.

    CBÉS 0862

    Bridie Dwyer, Patrick Dwyer


  5. (gan teideal)

    Once upon a time there lived three big sisters in a great big house. Mary the oldest of the three was the house keeper. One day she went for a walk and had not gone far when she met two tramps looking for alms.

    CBÉS 0862

    Bridie Dwyer


  6. (gan teideal)

    Once upon a time there lived a man named Humppy Back and he lived near Doyle's house and he had gold and he buried it under one of Doyle's piers the one at the right hand side.

    CBÉS 0863

    Bridie Dwyer, Patrick Dwyer


  7. (gan teideal)

    One night a boy about twelve years old was coming home from his Aunt's house. It was dark when he was leaving the house and he had to go across fields.

    CBÉS 0863

    Bridie Dwyer, Patrick Dwyer


  8. (gan teideal)

    Once upon a time there lived a Lady named Kitty Murphy and she had crutches. She came to the well St John's day to get the use of her legs.

    CBÉS 0863

    Bridie Dwyer, Mrs Dwyer


  9. (gan teideal)

    Once upon a time there lived a man and his wife and six children. One night the wife stayed up to sew and when she was up a start a knock came to the door.

    CBÉS 0863

    Bridie Dwyer


  10. (gan teideal)

    One night a man was coming home from working and he had to pass through a wood. When he was passing through it he got very tired and he stood beside a tree.

    CBÉS 0863

    Bridie Dwyer


  11. (gan teideal)

    Once upon a time there lived a man named Jim Nolan. He lived in Tullabrin and he had cousins down in Clara.

    CBÉS 0863

    Bridie Dwyer, Patrick Dwyer


  12. (gan teideal)

    Once upon a time there lived a man named Jack Murphy. One night Jack was coming home from town and when he came to Brennan's dark gate lights flashed before him and when he looked up the lane he saw a coach coming down it.

    CBÉS 0863

    Bridie Dwyer


  13. (gan teideal)

    There is a quarry down in one of Martin Brennan's field the field is called Cloga Foize and there is a kiln beside it and every night of the month of June there used to be a whole crowd of fairies playing beautiful music.

    CBÉS 0863

    Bridie Dwyer


  14. Folktale

    CBÉS 0905

    Bridie Dwyer, Patrick Smethers


  15. Folktale - The Story of Crush Bush

    CBÉS 0905

    Bridie Dwyer, Teresa O' Toole
