Bailiúchán na Scol

Bailiúchán béaloidis é seo a chnuasaigh páistí scoile in Éirinn le linn na 1930idí. Breis eolais

Scag na torthaí


589 toradh
  1. Cures for Certain Diseases - The Brosna Plaster or the Brosna Ointment

    CBÉS 0350

    Leathanach 067

    The Brosna Plaster or the Brosna Ointment is an ointment of a dark green colour and is invaluable for all kinds of sores, cuts, burns, boils etc whitlow or any other bruise which is hard to heal. The secret of the preparation of this ointment is closely guarded by the people who make it. The name is Moriarty of Brosna in the County of Kerry.
  2. Local Roads

    CBÉS 0358

    Leathanach 593

    It was the same gentleman that constructed the "Sugán" road from Ballydesmond to Brosna.
  3. Baile an Chláir

    CBÉS 0813

    Leathanach 311

    The river Brosna flows past the southern end of it.
  4. Scéal

    CBÉS 0477

    Leathanach 005

    Tabhair aire anois ná cuirfir amú iad." "Mhuise faid saoghail chúghat mar Naomh". arsa Donnchadh agus chrom sé ag obair arís, ag machtnamh a t-am céadna cad a dheanfhadh sé leis an dhá guidhe. Níor bhain sé aon t-shásamh as ucht a mhachtnaimh, amhthach, agus ó bhí tuirse mór ar, do bhailig sé an brosna agus d'imthig sé i dtró a bhaile. Bhí an beart brosna ró-trom do agus tar éis tamaillín do suidh sé sios air, ar taobh an bhothair. "Ba mian liom", ar seisean, "dá d'tabarfadh an beart brosna abhaile mé in ionad mé 'gá thabhairt." Ní thúisce a bhí na focail úd as a bhéal, ná gur thosnuig an beart ag bogadh, agus níor stad sé gur shroiseadar tigh Donnchadh. Bhí fearg ar Dhonnchadh an cuma 'nár cuaidh ceann de's na guidhthibh amú air, ach níorbh fearg go dtí fearg a mhná, Maire. Nuair chuala sí an sgeal thug sí íde na muc agus na madraí ar Donnchadh bhochth, agus sa deire do
  5. Tomhaiseanna

    CBÉS 0642

    Leathanach 300

    7. Tá bó bán ag siubhal na trágha gan cnámh 'na corp? Tonn.
    8. Téighir chun na coille agus tabhair leat brosna. Ná tabhair craobh cham ná craobh díreach. Is ná tar abhaíle gan brosna? Brosna ainm an ghadhair. Fuair mé iad seo sa mbaile chois na teine.
  6. My Home District

    CBÉS 0810

    Leathanach 032

    There are no ruins in the townland. Only a few people emigrated to America. It is good grass land and good meadow land but it is not suitable for tillage. There is no wood growing in the townland now. The river Brosna flows northward between Dernagun and Pullough and there is a small river which divides Lemonaghan from Dernagun and flows into the Brosna beside Pollough. There are also three rivers which meet at this place. The Brosna, The Silver River, and a brook, and it is a wonderful place for fishing.
  7. Place Names

    CBÉS 0449

    Leathanach 341

    "Place Names"
    I live in the village of Brosna.
    A short distance form the village of Brosna there is a glen called Poul-a-herse. This glen is about twenty feet below the level of the road. There is water a the bottom of the glen and the sides are covered with brush woods.
    There is a legend attached to this old glen. In years gone by, when horse-drawn vehicles were the only mood of conveyance, a funerial was coming from some distant part of Kerry to the Brosna-graveyard. It was night when the funeral party arrived at this spot. Suddenly strange lights appeared and the hearse containing the coffin was seen to fall from the road into the deepest part of the glen. The place is still known a Poul-a-hearse.
    Pat Downey Brosna
    From Bridget Downey Brosna Aged 50
  8. The Landlord

    CBÉS 0033C

    Leathanach 05_011

    There lived in Castle Taylor a man named Taylor. When the railway was made first time from Limerick to Sligo. Taylor went for a spin in the train. That time almost every man in Castle Taylor was working at the castle. When a man went home in the evening, his wife told him to go to the wood for a brosna. When the man was going home with the brosna
  9. Local Heroes

    CBÉS 0353

    Leathanach 231

    by the people in Brosna and as he was passing through the village he met the sergeant and saluted him. The man was summoned and when he got the summons he got the sergeant to prove that he was in Brosna at such an hour.
  10. Place Names

    CBÉS 0449

    Leathanach 328

    Michael coming. Next morning as he was going to Brosna he saw Michael dead, covered with blood. He got a razor stuck in his throat and he got a letter in his pocket which read "Bury me in Brosna and march at my funeral." All people that were going that path carried stones with them and put it on the blood. There is a heap of stones at present on the exact spot where the suicide was committed. That place is called the Cnoicín.
  11. The Local Fairs

    CBÉS 0449

    Leathanach 507

    The most important fair in Brosna is that held on Dec 8th. No horses are bought or sold in Brosna. There are special fairs in Castleisland for the sale of horses and these fairs are "Red Letter Days".
  12. Folklore

    CBÉS 0495

    Leathanach 056

    There was a fort in Brosna near the village of Brosna. It is said that there was a young tree growing in the fort. The owner of the place dug the tree and planted them around his house. His leg began to get sore so he got a bad sickness for six months.
  13. (gan teideal)

    One day Bailey was at a funeral and he saw a man carrying a brosna and he passed the funeral and took the brosna off the man and kicked round the road and summoned him heavily.

    CBÉS 0573

    Leathanach 078

    One day Bailey was at a funeral and he saw a man carrying a brosna and he passed the funeral and took the brosna off the man and kicked round the road and summoned him heavily.
  14. Tomhaiseanna

    CBÉS 0641

    Leathanach 70

    Lá amhaín glaod an maighistir ar an mbucaill aimsire. Dubhairt se leis "Éirigh a Sheáin agus téighir go dtí an coill agus tabhair abhaile cughamh brosna. Na tabhair glas na críon leat é cam na díreac is na tar abhaile cugham gan brosna", "tá go maith a maighistir" arsa Sean.
    Chuaidh sé go dtí an coill agus thug se abhaile leis brosna.
    Fr. brosna
    Ainm an madra a bhí ag an maighistir a bhí caillte sa choill an lá roimhe sin. Má thógann tú uaim mo céad litir annsan an dara litir anna na litreacha go léir. Cad is ainm domh.
    F. Fear a phuist
  15. Local Roads

    CBÉS 0819

    Leathanach 062

    The local roads a nearly all called after the towns from which they come. The road coming from Roscrea is called the "Roscrea Road", the road coming from Brosna is called the "Brosna Road", the road coming from Birr is called the "Birr Road" and the road coming from Ballingarry is called the "Bog Road" because it runs through a bog.
  16. Scéal

    CBÉS 0030

    Leathanach 328

    Bhí fear ann aon uair amháin agus sé an t-ainm a bhí air Páidín. Bhí triúr aige. Pádraig, Líam agus Seán. Lá amháin bhí na triúr mac ar an bportach. Chonnaiceadar fear ag teacht chuca bhí mála aige. Nuair a tháinig an fear chomh fhada leo, tháinig (?) ar na buachaillí agus chuadar i bhfolach air. Ní raibh sé i bhfad go bhfuair sé iad. Rug sé ar Phádraig agus chuir sé síos na mála é agus d'imigh sé leo. Thosaigh an bheirt eile ag caoineadh. Ní raibh sé i bhfad go dtáinig sé go dtí teach. D'imigh an fear isteachsa teach. An fhad is bhí sé imithigthe isteach. D'oscail Liam an mála agus scaoil sé Pádraig amach.
    Annsin fuair siad beart mór brosna agus líon siad an mála leis. D'imthigh na triúr as amharc. Nuair a tháinig an fear amach agus d'árduigh sé an mála ar a dhruim. Shíl sé go raibh Pádhruigh thíos sa mála i gcomhnuidhe. Nuair a tháinig sé chomh fada leis a theach féin. D'oscail sé an mála agus nuair a chonnaic sé an brosna sa mála, ní raibh fhios aige cé chuir an brosna síos sa mála. Bhí fearg air.
  17. A Riddle

    CBÉS 0289

    Leathanach 009

    A Riddle
    As I went up the hill for Brosna I didn't bring sticks or stumps but yet I brought Brosna:
    Answer: Brosna was the cow
  18. The Local Roads

    CBÉS 0446

    Leathanach 228

    The local roads are names the Killarney Road, the Listowel Road, the Scartaglia Road, the Brosna Road and the Tralee Road.
    The Killarney road leads from Castleisland to Killarney; the Listowel road leads from Castleisland to Listowel, the Tralee road leads from Castleisland to Tralee and the Brosna road from Castleisland to Brosna.
    They were made about seventy years ago. The road through Scartaglia was the old road to Cork and it was through this road the old car-men used to carry butter and pigs to Cork in former times.
    There are a lot of places marked with crosses along these roads to mark the places where some brave young men gave their lives for Ireland.
  19. My Home District - Cloonagh

    CBÉS 0734

    Leathanach 178

    and in the barony of Moycashel. The boundry line between Cloneyheigue and Cloonagh is the main road between Kilbeggan and Mullingar. The boundary line between Liskelly and Cloonagh is a little stream which runs into the Brosna. The boundary line between Cloonagh and Dalystown is the river Brosna. The river Brosna also divides Knock and Cloonagh. This district is a very large one. There is something over five hundred acres of land in my district. Almost the half of this land is boggy and the rest is fairly good. There are twenty six families in my district. The names of the families are, Keegans, Bakers, Seerys, Geoghegans, Floods, Carneys, Reddys, Keatings, Lowes, Keenas, Corcorans, Reillys, Reddys, Kennys, Comoskeys, Fays, McCormacks, Seerys, Reillys, Welshs, Kearneys, Rocks, Cowleys, Heduans, Maloneys and two families of Lynams.
    There are eleven old age pensioners in my district. The names of these are, Joe Keegan, Mrs Seery, James Maloney, Mrs Keena, Miss Reilly, Michael Reddy, James Kenny, Mrs McCormack, James Rock, John Kearney, and Mrs Welsh. None of them know Irish. Most of the houses in my district are slated. The most of these houses are two storey houses
  20. Brosna

    CBÉS 0449

    Leathanach 221

    James Stack an N.T. Brosna, that it has the same shape and dimensions as St Patrick's.
    The French Priests found that the mound of green cultivated land (the moats) corresponded with their map but the surrounding district had been cultivated Their map was shaded around the mound & did not correspond with district as it is now and was then. However, we know that the land about was a bog & that it has been cut away, as the name Brown Bog still survives. Mr. Stack remembers to see turf or peat cut in the field south of the 'Moats'. The priests were not sure, but they said it was either at Knocknagoshel or Brosna which at the time combined to make the Brosna parish.

    Cnocán na mBuacaillí:
    This is situated in Tadg Downey's land, Laughvalla: it got its name from the fact that it was the scene of a great faction fight between the Lanes and the Curtins. The opposing parties met here & indulged in some rough "black thorn play". The battle raged hot and furious but the Lanes gained the day & the Curtins retreated. As the Curtins were retreating to Guiney's Bridge they met a party of 50 men coming to their aid but they advised them to return and wait for another day. Reidys came from Cove to help the Lanes.
    Told by John Reidy 70 years to Jade Lane Brosna over 25 years ago