Bailiúchán na Scol

Bailiúchán béaloidis é seo a chnuasaigh páistí scoile in Éirinn le linn na 1930idí. Breis eolais

Scag na torthaí


78 toradh
  1. (gan teideal)

    In a district named Hilltown, which is about four miles from Drogheda...

    CBÉS 0678

    Leathanach 016

    is about four miles from Drogheda, there lived a wealthy land-owner, who, was so much attached to his land, that when he was dying, his last words were "Hilltown, must I leave you?".
    By his own wish, he had to be buried in his own land, and the priests had to come and lay his ghost
  2. The Ghost of Hilltown

    CBÉS 0679

    Leathanach 207

    was compelled to confine the ghost into a shell house which the family got built for this purpose. This shell house remains there still and can be seen any day there is a race meeting at Bellewstown. The public are then allowed into the private grounds surrounding Hilltown.
  3. A Ghost Story

    CBÉS 0717

    Leathanach 359

    In Hilltown there are old ruins and in them is an old bush growing called "Jack's Bush". One night as a men named Terence Mullally was coming past the place he saw a coffin open on the ditch. Many people when travelling at night went astray in the field near the old ruins.
  4. A Strange Woman

    CBÉS 0717

    Leathanach 389

    About sixty years ago there lived in Hilltown an old woman named Nancy Skelly. She was a poor woman and when neighbours brought her some food she would shake some of it under the tables and the beds and say "May I take it, May I take it." Then she would go to the spinning wheel and spin it round and when it would creak she would be able to tell if she could take it.
  5. Holy Wells

    CBÉS 0787

    Leathanach 51

    There is a beautiful well in Hilltown County Meath. There is a statue of the Blessed Virgin standing life size in the rocks. The water in the well cures a headache. There is a well in Gerrads-town, it is in Sherwin;s Fielrd, It is Saint Kenny's Well. It was blessed by Saint Kenny. It never goes dry in Summer. The people round about get water out of it.
  6. Folklore - A Holy Well

    CBÉS 0878

    Leathanach 082

    In the townland of Hilltown, there is a holy well. This holy well is dedicated to Saint Bridget. Once a lot of tinkers washed their faces and hands in it. A night or two after that it was seen moving with four lighted candles around it. It is to be seen now in the field at the back of Mr. Furlong's.
  7. Witchcraft

    CBÉS 0994

    Leathanach 368

    There was a man in Lurigan between Ballyjamesduff and Virginia whose butter was being taken and he went to a man in Hilltown near hand who had the power to get back the butter for people. He gave them a ball or worsted and told him to be sure and be home before sunset or if he would not he could never get home. The man had five miles to go and the evening began to get dark and he got frightened and he began to run. There
  8. Local Place Names

    CBÉS 0716

    Leathanach 311

    Croc na sgeice is situated in Grall's field Baltrasna Oldcastle Co Meath
    Croc a bfadaidh is situated in Murdocks field Baltrasna Oldcastle Co Meath
    Croc a gill is situated in the same place as Croc a bfadaidh
    Croc a woddie is situated in McCormac's field Hilltown Castlepollard Co West Meath.
    Croc cruaidh is situated in Sheridan's field Baltrasna Oldcastle Co. Meath
    Croc tipp is situated in the same place a Croc woddie
    Croc Free is situated in Seery's field Hilltown Castle-pollard Co. West Meath
  9. Duleek Ghost Stories

    CBÉS 0682

    Leathanach 199

    in Duleek, and he came and got two more priests to come along with him. He began to pray and the others holding him. He heard some noise coming up under the floor. It was the dead man.
    The priest nearly fainted then, after they were praying a good while a head came up in the corner. The priest asked him what was on him and he said “Hilltown before Heaven.”
  10. Collier the Robber

    CBÉS 0685

    Leathanach 050

    Rumour has it that collier the robber stole a large sum of money from some man and he took the back roads to avoid the soldiers that were looking for him. He came towards Hilltown through the fields and from some height he spotted the soldiers on his trail. He ran to a great big ditch to try hide his haul and on this ditch there was one big thorn grown. As it was coming on evening the shadow of the thorn bush was thrown on to the field Collier thought it would be a good land mark to hide his money at. So hurriedly he dug a hole at the end of the shadow hid the money and ran for his life. Some time passed before he was able to get back and in the meantime the thorn had been cut down and his land mark gone so he was unable to find his money and it remains hidden still. The field where it is believed to hidden in is is called the "Glen Field."
  11. Story

    CBÉS 0685

    Leathanach 055

    This is a story which is a pecuialr one. It happened that a man going to work in Ballygarth Castle Was entering in a gate and to his amazement he saw the body of a dead man lying under a tree. He notified the Guards and done all that he could to help. The sticks that are taken from that tree never burn. Ballygarth is a very ancient but beautiful place and it is situated near the little village of Julianstown. In Hilltown there is a tree much the same and the sticks taken from it will not burn.
  12. Strong Women

    CBÉS 0685

    Leathanach 291

    There was a woman named Katty Kelly who carried 16 stone of bricks from Boylans of Hilltown to Warrens of Leggenhall. She often carried three cans of water, one on her head and one in each hand.
    Another woman who lived in Greenstown was Rose Finnegan who could get under a barrel of potatoes and it lying on the ground.
  13. (gan teideal)

    Whern is about 4 miles from this school.

    CBÉS 0717

    Leathanach 112

    One day Mac an Ruadh went up to Webbs of Hilltown with a sample of wheat. Webbs had a mill then. He had to pass by Mahers on his way but had the gun under his arm and the Mahers watched him coming home and Ellen was getting a pail of water out of the duck pool across the road and she lit on him and caught him in her arms so that he couldn’t work the gun. She shouted for Denny and he came with a bar for shoeing horses and split his skull in four halves. Hit him again says Pat. A dead cock never crows. There was a man cutting barley in a garden beside the road and the brains dashed on him but he lay down in the barley so that he wouldn’t have to go to court. Another man came on, on horseback going to Oldcastle and when he saw the row he turned and went around by Grieve (Gniomh) so that he’d escape witness. Nobody saw the murder then but Helen Briody (Helen Reilly) who was in the
  14. Skelly's Fort

    CBÉS 0717

    Leathanach 129

    About ten perch from my home there is a fort known as Skelly's Ring in the townland of Hilltown. Many years ago people coming from their ceilidhes used to see lights, and hear music inside the fort. It is said by the old people that there is a Crock o' Gold hidden in this fort. About seventy years ago a man from below Ballyduff dreamt of a Crock o' Gold in this fort for three nights in succession. Then he came up and went up to Lynch's where Mr. Gammel now lives and told his errand. He wanted a basket of boiled potatoes as there is a cat and as sow minding the Gold and you have to shoot the cat with a crocket sixpence and let the sow be eating the potatoes while you get your Gold. Anyway Mr. Lynch would not let him go to find it, as the first person who tries to find it his life shall be lost but the second shall succeed. The fairies were last seen there about ninty years ago
  15. A Fairy Story

    CBÉS 0717

    Leathanach 387

    One night about eighty years ago a man named Paddy Gillies was coming through some fields in Hilltown. He was carrying a buck of bacon on his back and as he walked along he heard people cheering as if they were playing football but he could see nothing. Some were shouting "Who will give it the next kick." And others were shouting "Who but Paddy Gillies with the back of the bacon on his back. It was supposed to be the Good People. Many other people heard them through the same fields.
  16. Hidden Treasure

    CBÉS 0722

    Leathanach 152

    Once there were people living in the district of Hilltown who dreamt for three nights that there was money hidden under a lone bush on the top of a hill. One night they went to look for the money. They dug down deep at one side of the bush until they came to a flag. They lifted the flag and found a pot of gold. They brought home the flag and the gold with them. There was writing on one side of the stone and they did not know what it was. A poor man came to the door one night and he asked for lodging and they told him about the writing on the flag. He looked at the writing and told them what it was. The writing was "One side of the bush is as good as the other." So they went the next night (a dug) and dug at the other side of the bush and found another pot of gold.
  17. Holy Wells

    CBÉS 0787

    Leathanach 287

    There is a holy well on Mr Wilson's farm at Hollywood, Ballyboughal, Co Dublin. It is called St. lamices well. it has a good spring and never goes dry.
    There is a beautiful well in Mr Boylam's land in Hilltown Co. Meath. there is a beautiful life - size statue of the Blessed Virgin standing in the rocks beside it. People go there for water to cure certain diseases.
  18. Giant Stories

    CBÉS 1033

    Leathanach 102

    There is an old story around here about a giant who lived on Barnes Mór [?]. He could lift a stone any weight and throw it any distance. A band of robbers or warriors used to live in an old house on a hill called Hilltown in Drumholm, not far from Drumholm graveyards. When there was a burial, they would go that night and open the grave and lift out the coffin and take out the corpse, which they would sell to a doctor for a sum of money. It is said a doctor had two children and he sat himself for several nights next to the grave in case the robbers would lift the bodies.
  19. Local Roads

    CBÉS 0716

    Leathanach 341

    Local roads
    The name of the road that passes my house is called the New Road because it is the last road made in this district. It is two miles long it was made in the year 1910 and it goes from the town's land of Springhall to the town's land of Hilltown and the name of the town's land that's in between is Baltrasna.
    Just a little bit above the beginning of the New Road there is a crossroads and it is called Moylough crossroads, there is a road going from it and it is called The Moylough road it is about 3 miles long and it goes from the crossroads to Dromone. From the same crossroads there is an other road and it goes to Oldcastle it is about 3 miles long
  20. Place Names

    CBÉS 0721

    Leathanach 056

    Smoothing Iron
    Field near my house at Hilltown. So called because it is shaped like a smoothing iron.

    The Glebe
    A field adjoining ours at Hilltown

    So called because clay for making bricks used to be got there

    Black Road
    Running from Whitehall chapel to Bigwood and through Kiltoom. So called because of overhanging trees

    The Bog Field
    So called because it is of a peaty nature. Fields in different localities are often called thus.

    The Kennels
    Adjoining the Benison Lodge road. Formerly the Westmeath Foxhounds were housed here. Ruins of old walls are all that remain.

    Stony Field
    Beside my house. So called because although we are constantly picking the stones there seem to be as many left.

    Origin unknown. Old people say it got its name from a gentleman's residence which stood near where Whitehall Chapel now stands.