Bailiúchán na Scol

Bailiúchán béaloidis é seo a chnuasaigh páistí scoile in Éirinn le linn na 1930idí. Breis eolais

Scag na torthaí


159 toradh
  1. The Dragon of Scattery

    CBÉS 0480

    Leathanach 343

    Before the time of St. Senan a monster inhabited Scattery island. He came out at certain times of the year when food, to his liking got scarce within, and went along the coast as far as Glin devouring all that came in his way.
    When Senan arrived in Scattery his first act was to drive out this beast. The monster met him with open jaws. Senan made the "Sign of the Cross" and the monster remained rooted to the spot.
    St. Senan compelled him to avoid destruction in the places over which he passed when in the air, or in th eplaces where he went.
    This Barony is now called Shanid but once it was called BallygiollaSenáin as the people were very grateful to the Saint who saved them in their hour of need.
  2. Folklore

    CBÉS 0504

    Leathanach 124

    the left bank of the Maigue. One body proceeded by land and the other by water, they united at Ballyculhane castle and there they were attacked by David Barry. The soldiers made a breach in the walls, rushed into the castle and slew one hundred and fifty men, women and children. David Barry escaped but he was captured at Scattery island by the Mac Mahons of clare. He was executed at Limerick afterwards.
  3. Life Sketch of Saint Senan

    CBÉS 0600

    Leathanach 037

    Island can still point out the spot where she was buried as it is marked by a slab or flag.
    There is a splendid Round Tower still in the Island and the ruins of seven Chruches and other buildings of great antiquity - monuments of its former importance Once of the old Church ruin is called "Teapall na Marbh" or Church of the dead. The other Churches in the Island are the Cathedral Church of St Mary which is the largest of the ruins and to which is attached a Sacristy and Oratory of great antiquity; a short distance to the north of these ruins lies "Teampall Senáin" or St Senan's Church where tradition tells us the illustrious Saint is buried (in St Senan's bed).
    Since St Senan's death no woman dares to enter St Senan's bed and men are only allowed to enter it on their bare feet. Some women who did deliberately enter St Senan's bed were punished for their foolhardiness in a very signal manner. In the centre of the Island lies "Teampeall na n-Aingeal" or the Church of the Angel. It was here the Saint was deposited when an Angel took him from Ballard to Scattery Island first
    There is also a Churchyard in Scattery Island where the islanders and the people of the town of Kilrush and district still bury their dead. It is said that in ancient days it was only the elite of Corca Bhaiscin
  4. Saint Senan

    CBÉS 0623

    Leathanach 141

    When Saint Senan was in the Island of Scattery he banished many serpants. The biggest one was banished to Doolough Lake. He took three jumps from Saint Senan's Lake to Doolough Lake. He had to eat a trout and a half every day. It is said that he used to be seen lying on the north of the lake where the Cuilneac is now.
  5. A Story

    CBÉS 0623

    Leathanach 158

    There was once a lot of serpents in Scattery Island and they used to cause a lot of mischief, when Saint Patrick saw that,he banished them and he sent them to Doolough Lake.He commanded the serpent to live on a trout and a half a day and he died in Doolough Lake.
  6. Doolough Lake

    CBÉS 0623

    Leathanach 167

    Doolough Lake.
    The serpent was in Saint Senan's Lake,and why he was put into Doolough Lake he been a bad serpent.The sailing vessels when they used to be going long ago they used to have perform "a round"around Scattery Island .Very few vessels escaped him at all. Saint Senan then drove him from Scattery into Doolough Lake.and commanded him not to eat but one fish and a half in the day.
    A giant lived in Kilcrate and one in Kanturk also.The giant in Kanturk challenged the the giant in Kilcrate .The giant in Kilcrate came all the way, when the giant was leaving ,he left things in the town after him until he came back again .When he was passing Doolough Lake something foreshowed him that the giant in Kanturk
  7. Scattery Island

    CBÉS 0624

    Leathanach 311

    the wish to be buried in Scattery but when his remains were to be brought in the sea was so suddenly rough that they could not put out. They waited until next day but it was all to no avail. They had to inter him in the local cemetery after four days.
  8. Stories of the Fianna - Diarmuid and Gráinne

    CBÉS 0624

    Leathanach 581

    were two serpents in the Shannon. There was one of them around Scattery and he came to the boat to devour Diarmuid. Diarmuid always carried a gadearg. He flung it at the serpent and struck him. The gadearg came back into his hands again. The serpent was floating on the water and he was as big as a whale. So Diarmuid got safe into Kerry.
  9. Naomh Pátrúin

    CBÉS 0625

    Leathanach 353

    Her foal was grazing on the headland and all the foals she ever had belonging to the neighbours went off through the country and were never seen again. St. Senan used to say mass regularly at the Leacht which is near Bansha N.S. on top of a small hill and the remains of a road are to be seen from the Leacht to the shore near Scattery Island where he used to travel.
  10. Clog Óir

    CBÉS 0626

    Leathanach 291

    Some say that it descended from heaven on Scattery Island when St. Ciaran and St. Brenden were there but others say that it fell on the cross between Kildimo and Farrigha. It was shaped like a pyramid and quadrangular. It was exhibited at Lisdoovarna by the Royal society of antiquities.
  11. Naomhphátrún an Cheantair

    CBÉS 0627

    Leathanach 155

    An account of St Senan's Miraculous Arrival at Scattery island and of the Sea Monster which kept the island waste until Senan's arrival there.
    The Angel appeared to St Senan and said "Come along with me and I will show you the place of your resurrection, for God is now willing that you should see it and dwell therein the rest of your life".
    Then St Senan and the Angel waked together, and came to Fairy Hill south right of Scattery and the Angel said
    "Behold this island is kept hallowed in its primitive purity since the creation of the world for your sake. There was no sin committed against God therein. A Sea Monster from
  12. Graveyards

    CBÉS 0629

    Leathanach 411

    There are five graveyards in the parish, namely, Shanakyle, Briaffa, Kilcarroll, Scattery and the Protestant Churchyard. Shankyle graveyard is in the townland of Leadmore, Briaffa in Tullabrack, Kilcarroll in Kilcarroll and the Churchyard in Kilrush. They are all in use. The
  13. Old Ruins

    CBÉS 0629

    Leathanach 510

    There are several ruins in this district but the most important one is the Round Tower in Scattery Island. It was built by St. Senan and is 115ft high. It's walls are 5 1/2 ft thick.
    When the Danes were invading Ireland, the people of Scattery took refuge in the Tower. When the Danes were about to attack them, they withdrew into the Tower and barred the door, which was about 5 yards up the side of the Tower and could be reached only by means of a ladder. The people brought all the ladders in the Island in with them and so the Danes had no means by which they could reach the door.
    Near the coast of the island lie the bleak ruins of a castle once inhabited by Charles Keane, one of Elizabeth's soldiers. Further inland are the ruins of St Mary's Parish Church once occupied by monks who were hunted from the Island in Elizabeth's reign.
    Another important ruin is that of the Paupers' House which is to be seen in Merchants' Quay (formerly called Paupers' Quay). During the Famine the people sick with the cholera were brought to that house and nursed.
  14. Weather-Lore

    CBÉS 0629

    Leathanach 521

    When the Kerry mountains or Scattery Island seem near it is a sign of bad weather. The blaze in the fire turns blue when bad weather is approaching.
  15. Story - How Scattery Island Came to Be Inhabited by the Present Race

    CBÉS 0630

    Leathanach 071

    communicating with the owners. They fared successfully, and after a few weeks the owners paid a personal visit to Kilbaha. It was then the pilots learned that the ship contained a valuable cargo of copper-ore, and the owners glad that nothing had happened to it, compensated the pilots heavily. With that money the (four) five pilots namely, Scanlan, Melican, McMahon, Griffin and Brennan, bought the greater part of Scattery Island from Marcus Keane, and Irish landlord living in Kilbaha.
  16. Story

    CBÉS 0630

    Leathanach 083

    About sixty years ago a man named Moran was drowned off a ship somewhere in the Atlantic. As soon as word reached home concerning his death, all the neighbours gathered together and went to sympathise with his sorrowing family. On that night the Pilot boat was anchored in the Scattery Island Roads, and some of the pilots remained on deck to watch for incoming ships. At 12.30 a girl's voice singing the jig "An Ghaoth aniar an Deas" was wafted over the smooth waters and one of the pilots said "If
  17. Local Ruins

    CBÉS 0629

    Leathanach 512

    While St Senan was on Scattery a bell fell from the clouds. Every time the Saint celebrated Mass, the bell was rung and was heard throughout Corca Baicinn.
    There is a story told of St Senan
    When one day building a church a woman remarked how lovely it was but forgot to say "God bless it." The Saint being angry threw his cap on the top of the church and the cap formed a roof.
    There are also the ruins of the "Church of the Dead" and St Senan's Church. Attached to St Senan's Church was an oratory and a sacristy of very great antiquity. In the centre of the island are the ruins of the Angel's Church. It was here that St. Senan was deposited by the angel when taken by him from Baltard.
    ()Maura Howard, Henry St. got this information from her father)

    The earth got round the Tower in Scattery Island is supposed to cure a mole.
    (Patricia Reidy, Henry St.)
  18. The Holy Family

    CBÉS 0403

    Leathanach 174

    Or if you were suffering from any disease you would be cured from it. St. Senán made a road from Carrig Island to Inis Cathaigh and when he was making it a woman was passing and said that the road was very big and she overlooked it, the shovels would not work for him and he had to leave it there. This road is plain to be seen to this day. A monster serpent circled Scattery Island and he used do great harm killing people and animals, St. Senán banished him into a big lake where he could not come out of. There is also a blessed well in Tarmons named St. Senán's Well, it is said he was passing one day and got very thirsty, he took a stone from the ground and he discovered that there was a Spring there.He took a drink and he said that anyone that would have trust in it would get cured, and this was how it got its name. As he was going away he left a medal with the words Holy Well written on it. At that time
  19. Local Drowning

    CBÉS 0403

    Leathanach 282

    A very sad drowning fatality happened in this locality about the year 1893. A crowd of people numbering seventeen between boys and girls left Saleen in a small boat for a days pleasure. They visited Scattery Island and then into Kilrush and after enjoying themselves they left late in the evening for their homeward voyage. But alas they never reached home and what was still worse no body left to tell what happened as the whole seventeen were drowned. There were several surmises as to what happened but it is generally thought that there was too big a crowd in the boat as the boat only measured seventeen feet and then the men or boys may have drink taken coming home.
  20. Historical Tradition

    CBÉS 0502

    Leathanach 268

    A battle was fought in the Blood Field by the Delaceys.
    When Cromwell came to Ireland he visited askeaton and did much damage. He also visited Scattery Island and did the same. His visit affected the district very much for at the time he evicted many and they became poor.