Bailiúchán na Scol

Bailiúchán béaloidis é seo a chnuasaigh páistí scoile in Éirinn le linn na 1930idí. Breis eolais

Scag na torthaí


159 toradh
  1. Diarmuid agus Gráinne

    CBÉS 0601

    Leathanach 137

    Diarmuid and Gráinne were one day roaming through the Kerry hills and their pastime was casting or stone throwing. Diarmuid was beating Gráinne in the throw and began to jest over the fact. Gráinne became angry and lifted a huge stone and threw it with all her might. The stone landed on the western corner of Hog Island near Scattery about a mile from Kilrush. The stone measures eight feet each way and is still to be seen in the position in which it fell. She defied Diarmuid to beat it, but he still mocking her said "as the throw was not too far, he would give her another throw. In a great fury, she caught up a stone much larger than the first and threw it. It came to rest in a field near the village of Kilmihill owned at present by T.J. Lillis. Diarmuid caught up a stone about the same size as the one she had thrown and threw with all his strength and it came to rest just beside
  2. Folklore - Blessed Wells

    CBÉS 0601

    Leathanach 208

    There are two wells in this district namely, St. Michaels, and St. Senans. St Michaels well is in the village of Kilmihil and St. Senans is in George Sullivan's farm. It is called St. Senans well because it was founded by him. He was hunting a serpent from Scattery Island and he was going across George Sullivans land and he went taking a drink out of a well and from that day on it is called St. Senans well. People go there to cure sore eyes and they say the "Rosary" there, and they rub water to their sore eyes. The print of St. Senans is to be seen yet because he knelt
  3. Folklore - Blessed Wells

    CBÉS 0601

    Leathanach 286

    went together to the spot and found the well and she drank some water and was instantly cured. Rounds are performed there from the 8th May to the 8th October. It has been recently repaired by Fr. O Reilly. St Senans Well is in the townland of Shyan. It is in George Sullivan’s land. It is said that when St. Senan was driving the monster from Scattery Island to Doolough lake as he was passing the townland of Shyan he got thirsty and he knelt down at a little well to take a drink and the print of his knees is to be seen to this day. After that it got the name as St. Senans Well. The water of
  4. Scattery Island

    CBÉS 0612

    Leathanach 344

    of the angel. Advancing from this hill, Senan put the monster to flight, and banished him from the island forever.
    The monastery which he built on Scattery Island soon became renowned any many saints, such as St. Ciaran of Clonmacnois came to visit him there.
    Senan died while on a visit to his first teacher and master.
    His holy remains were brought back to Scattery Island and buried there with great pomp and ceremony.
    After Senan's death, the monastery continued to flourish, though, owing to it exposed position, it suffered severely from the Norsemen of Limerick and from the Danes.
    In 972 Magnus, son of Harold violated its sanctuary by carrying off Imhar of Limerick, who had sought refuge there.
    The Danes of Dublin plundered it in 1057 and those of Limerick in 1176.
    Inspite of these and many other disasters, the monastery survivied to the time of Elizabeth, when it was completely destroyed. Into the subsequent history
  5. A Story

    CBÉS 0623

    Leathanach 196

    Long ago Scattery Island was full serpents. St.Sinon banished them all away .One of the biggest and largest of them came to Doolough Lake. The serpent made three jumps and everywhere he jumped the sign of him is there yet.
    When he came to Doolough Lake he was ordered to eat one trout and a half every.One night it made great frost and the Lake was covered with ice and he went upon the ice and he died then.
  6. Ollphéist

    CBÉS 0624

    Leathanach 387

    Most people in West Clare have heard of the great serpent which resided in Scattery Island on the Shannon near Kilrush. When St Seanán visited the island he was met by the great serpent which opened its mouth to swallow him, but he made the sign of the Cross and kept the serpent at bay. Finally he drove the serpent out of the island across the Shannon and northwards to Doolough Lake where he commanded it to stay and to live on an eel and a half each day. He also commanded the serpent not to do any harm in the locality. The three sons of Traolach Mach Stairn heard about this great serpent and after despatching the famous cat of Sruthán a' Chait they came to the lake which was convenient and they attacked the serpent after a long battle they killed
  7. Naomhphátrún an Cheantair

    CBÉS 0627

    Leathanach 157

    These words he uttered sitting on a broad stone. Immediately the stone and he were miraculosly transported by the Angel and placed in the middle of Scattery island on a hillock which is now called "Ard-na-Angel" unto this day, in the island the same stone is to be seen there, called Lacknangel (The angel's flag). Then the Angel and St Senan sung hymns and psalms of praise to God and afterwards went together to find the dragon which they easily found and he on seeing them rushed furiously with open jaws to swallow them up alive and made his approach in a most terrible manner. The Saint made the sign of the Cross over him with his staff
  8. (gan teideal)

    The Queen Elizabeth daughter of Henry VIII king of England laving obtained possession of Ireland and having chased away princes O' Neill and O' Donnell who in defence of the faith had taken up aims against princes she put forth her efforts to exterminate

    CBÉS 0627

    Leathanach 160

    The Queen Elizabeth daughter of Henry VIII king of England having obtained possession of Ireland and having chased away princes O' Neill and O' Donnell who in defence of the faith had taken up arms against princes she put forth her efforts to exterminate the Catholic faith in Ireland as she had done in England. To attain this end she sent all the Catholic Bishops from their sees and put herictics in their places. Amongt others she sent to Limerick an individual named 'Bernadulus'. This Bishop visiting his diocese resolved to pass into Scattery Island to make the islanders recognise the Queen as pontiff in those territories but this individual
  9. (gan teideal)

    The Queen Elizabeth daughter of Henry VIII king of England laving obtained possession of Ireland and having chased away princes O' Neill and O' Donnell who in defence of the faith had taken up aims against princes she put forth her efforts to exterminate

    CBÉS 0627

    Leathanach 161

    having heard recited some punishments upon those who had attempted to profane a land that was under St. Senan's protection he dared not himself to go there but he send one of his ministers to compel the islanders to submit to the Queen's will. This minister went to Scattery and immediately had proclaimed in all parts of the island that the next day the islanders should take on the oath of allegiance to the queen. All the people excessively afflicted at this command and they were not disappointed in their expectation for the minister having supper taken went to bed and as he was beginning to fall asleep St. Senan entered the room but without being seen the Saint having left the minister remained
  10. Hidden Treasure

    It is said that there is a cave going out under the Shannon to Scattry Island and that there is a firkin of gold on top of a barrel at the end of the cave.

    CBÉS 0629

    Leathanach 118

    It is said that there is a cave going out under the Shannon to Scattery Island and that there is a firkin of gold on top of a barrel at the end of the cave. One time three men made up their minds to go out there and see what the cave was like. They went about midnight and went looking for the mouth of the cave. When they found it they went in and they saw a small channel going along the middle of the cave they went along the channel and they saw the barrel and the firkin of gold on top of it they came nearer to it they saw a big black cat sitting above on the barrel the cat ran after them and followed them out of the cave when the three men came home they told their neighbours the story and no one went near it anymore.
  11. Local Ruins

    CBÉS 0629

    Leathanach 513

    There are many old ruins in Scattery island, three miles from Kilrush. The ruins of 7 Churches and of a Round Tower can still be seen.
    The Round Tower - was built by St Senan when he was brought from Baltard to the island by An Angel. It is 115' high and the walls are 5' thick. It was
  12. Drownings

    CBÉS 0630

    Leathanach 074

    Forty years ago Mick Melican, a Scattery Island pilot, together with his wife and son, went to Kilrush in a four men canoe. They bought 80 eighty stones of seed potatoes, and when they attempted to return home that evening they found that they could not do so owing to a strong westerly gale. They called in at Cappa, and
  13. Story

    CBÉS 0630

    Leathanach 078

    canoe passed by, one of the sailors told Melican that he would not reach the island with such a load. Melican however, being somewhat intoxicated would not listen to such timely advice. The canoe was leaking badly but he managed to reach Hog Island without mishap. Instead of landing on that island, which after all is quite convenient to Scattery, the foolish man continued on his course. His girl companion, realising the danger that threatened them, took off her shoe to bail the water. Her attempts were in vain, and to the horror of all especially his poor old uncle the canoe sank like a stone. Melican was a dextrous swimmer, but the girl alas was not, and in her efforts to save herself she clung to Melican and drowned him. She then clung to an oar, and six hours later she
  14. Funny Story

    CBÉS 0630

    Leathanach 090

    When, Mrs. Hanrahan, the terror to fourteen families lived in Scattery she kept the islanders continually amused. She (kept) had three children, and if the mother was amusing her children were equally so. Jim, not being too good at the "larning", hated the idea of going to school, and every opportunity he got managed to play truant. One day his mother, or by nickname "Lal" heard of Jim's roguery, so next morning she had a bag ready for him. She succeeded in putting him into the bag alright, and off she went singing, as was usual with her when in an angry mood
  15. Cúram na gCos

    CBÉS 0630

    Leathanach 138

    About sixty years ago, no Scattery woman used wear shoes winter or Summer. Mrs. P. Scanlon an old woman of eighty seven years, used wear boots only while visiting the town of Kilrush. She is still living and can knit stockings and thread the smallest needle without the aid of spectacles.
    The islanders nowadays
  16. An Cloigtheach in Inis Chathaigh

    CBÉS 0630

    Leathanach 168

    An Cloigtheach in Inis Chathaigh

    Photo: Round Tower, Belfry Scattery Island 1939
  17. An Tobar Naofa in Inis Chathaigh

    CBÉS 0630

    Leathanach 170

    An Tobar Naomhtha in Inis Chathaigh

    Photo: - Holy Well on Scattery Island 1939
  18. Teampall Naomh Mhichíl agus an Reilig

    CBÉS 0630

    Leathanach 171

    Teampull Naomh Mhicil agus an Reilg

    ( Photo of St Michael's Church and graveyard on Scattery Island - 1939 )
  19. Taispeántar Anso an tSlí ina gCuirtear an Currach chun Farraige

    CBÉS 0630

    Leathanach 175

    Teasbaintear annso an t-slighe 'na gcuirtear an currach chun fairrge

    Photo: Scattery Island 1939 - Currach entering sea
  20. Ruins, Blessed Wells etc. on the Island

    CBÉS 0630

    Leathanach 186

    Of the many ruins which still remain as silent witnesses of Scattery Island's past, the Round Tower is perhaps the most interesting. It is such a picturesque and striking structure when viewed from the mainland or from the Shannon that it thrusts itself upon the notice of all who have lived or travelled in the vicinity.
    It is still practically perfect, all but a small portion of the pointed top still existing. It is 52 feet 4 inches in circumference at the base, as measured on the outside. Its internal diameter is 7 feet 4