Bailiúchán na Scol

Bailiúchán béaloidis é seo a chnuasaigh páistí scoile in Éirinn le linn na 1930idí. Breis eolais

Scag na torthaí


2,122 toradh
  1. Bread

    CBÉS 0802

    Leathanach 158

    The kinds of bread are flour bread, oaten bread, potato bread, wheaten bread, and boxty bread.
  2. Food in Olden Times

    CBÉS 0944

    Leathanach 348

    art of making potato-bread, boxty and oat meal bread is dying out.
  3. Bread

    CBÉS 0957

    Leathanach 276

    pan, hot and well greased, pour in some of the batter, spreading with a spoon. When brown turn and bake till clear in the centre. Serve very hot with plenty of butter.
    Boiled boxty is made in the same way only not so much milk used and enough flour to form the boxty into dumplings. These are dropped into a pot of boiling water and boiled about half-an-hour, gently moving them with a stick so as to prevent them sticking to the pot and burning.
    Boxty loaf is made like dumplings only it is put into a pot over which has been well greased and baked on a turf fire with coals on the lid. Double the quantities should be used according to the size of the family. The dumplings were served hot with sugar and butter, or left till cold, cut and fried with bacon for breakfast. Boxty load is cut in slices when cold, and fried in bacon dripping also. Every Irish woman should know how to make boxty.
  4. On Food

    CBÉS 0994

    Leathanach 385

    The people long ago had no tea. They used to eat oaten meal bread and milk and boxty. They used to take "boxty" at Halloween. The men working in the fields would get boxty bread and butter-milk for their food. To make boxty the would get some boiled potatoes and some raw potatoes and they would then grate them. This was done by means of a piece of tin drilled with holes. This grated them into a pulp. Then it was put into a bag and it was squeezed to take the water out of it. Then it would be baked on a pan or in an oven.
  5. Food in Olden Times

    CBÉS 1000

    Leathanach 204

    The kind of bread eaten long ago was oaten bread, potato-bread, wheaten bread and "boxty".
  6. Bread

    CBÉS 1016

    Leathanach 049

    People long ago ate bread baked on griddles. They ate oaten cake, potato cake and boxty bread. The oaten bread was the most popular. The boxty was made for halloween. The way they made the boxty was first they washed and peeled the potatoes then they grated the with a tin grater. Then they mixed them with some boiled and mashed potatoes, flour and salt. It was made into cakes and baked in a pot-oven.
  7. Boxty

    CBÉS 1030

    Leathanach 290

    Long ago boxty was a favourite dish in Ireland. It must have been pleasant to get up in the morning and get a nice hot breakfast of boxty. In the country boxty was made because the people had plenty of potatoes.
    Boxty is a food made out of potatoes. The first thing to do is to get a bucket of potatoes, wash, and peel the potatoes, then grate them, then wring them dry, then add mashed potatoes and flour, and salt and some cloves to the mixture, then remove in cake form, and bake in an oven four hours.
  8. Bread

    CBÉS 1127

    Leathanach 093

    Pan Boxty
    First the potatoes were washed and the skin taken off. Then they were grated. Next it was put into a little bag called a "boxty bag" and the water squeezed out. While this was being done they had a pot of potatoes boiling on the fire. When these were boiled they were peeled and bruised so as to take all the lumps out of it. This was mixed with the other potatoes, salt and butter were added. When it was well mixed it was spread thin on a pan. After a few minutes it was turned and after another few minutes it was taken up and another one put on. This was continued until all the boxty was baked. They ate that for their dinners.
    Boiled Boxty
    The boiled Boxty was made the same way only there was no milk added. It was made into little cakes and boiled in a pot for an hour.
    Boxty Loaf
    It was made the same way as the "boiled boxty". It wasn't made into little cakes but was put into one big cake and baked for an hour in an oven.
    All these breads are still made in our district. White soda bread was very scarce because there was not much flour then. If they bought a bag of flour they would hide it as they would be ashamed of any one to see it with them. At
  9. Bread

    CBÉS 0169

    Leathanach 382

    bread made, Boxty, Potato cake, Oatmeal cake, and Meal and Home made flour cake.
    Recipe for Boxty = Wash potatoes clean and grate them. Put them into a cloth and squeeze well. Mix with flour then and knead well to make into cake. Put griddle on fire and grease well then put on Boxty cake.
    Boxty on the griddle
    Boxty on the pan
    If you dont eat Boxty
    You'll never get a man.
    Oatmeal cake = wet oatmeal with soft water and knead well, and flatten out into a large scone. The bake on a griddle on front of the fire. A cross used to be made with the fingers on top of the cakes. The potato and Oatmeal Cakes used to be made specially for November Eve and Christmas
  10. How Boxty is Made

    CBÉS 0181

    Leathanach 260

    How Boxty is made
    Boxty is made in many ways. I know two ways for making it, to boil it or to bake it.
    The way the boiled boxty is made is, first of all you get potatoes and wash them. Then you put half of them down to boil and leave the other half aside for a few minutes. After a while you get a grater and you grate them into a basin and when the other potatoes are boiled you mix all up together and put flour, salt and caraway seeds with it. Then you have a pot of water boiling and you make little cakes out of the mixture and put them into the pot of water and in three quarters of an hour you will have boxty.
    The baked boxty is made differently. There is
  11. Bread

    CBÉS 0934

    Leathanach 212

    Long ago there was different kinds of bread. One of them was boxty. Boxty was made by grating raw potatoes into pulp. It was then left to sour for about twenty four hours. It was then mixed with a little flour and made in to a thick dough. It was then flattened out and cut into farrols, and baked on a large pan known as a griddle. It is said it was very nice when fried with a pan of Irish Bacon.
    Boxty on the griddle,
    Boxty on the pan,
    If you dont eat Boxty,
    Youll never be a man.
  12. Foods of the People

    CBÉS 0977

    Leathanach 291

    Boxty Bread
    Boxty was another very healthy food of long ago. It is very rare now-a-days, and very few girls know how to make it. To make boxty raw potatoes are grated on the potatoe grater. They are then put on the "potatoe" or "boxty bag" and all the water is squeezed out of them. They are then put out on the table and mixed with flour, salt and buttermilk. When it is mixed well it is put on the fire to cook. It takes generally an hour to cook. When it is cooked it is left to cool. When it is going to be eaten it is cut into "farls" like the potatoe cake. Sometimes boxty is made into dumplings, and boiled in a pot.
    Oaten-bread is another very rare food now-a-days. It should be made oftener than it is, as it is very good for children. It is generally made in the following way:- Some oaten meal is put in a bowl. It is then mixed with some salt and boiling water into a dough. It is then flattened out and
  13. Boxty

    CBÉS 1036

    Leathanach 126

    Boxty is a kind of potato - bread. Nowadays boxty is a luxury and is only made in the country on "Set Nights". But in the years (eighty) eighteen eighty and eighteen seventy when the crops failed, owing to the damp summers, boxty first made its appearance. It was the chief food of the peasantry at that time.
    Most of the potatoes were rotten. The sound portion of these potatoes were grated and made into boxty.
    When a woman makes boxty she first makes grates the potatoes with a grater.
    A grater is a small piece of tin. On one side there is a rough surface. The potatoes are rubbed up and down on this rough surface. This makes them into a thick liquid.
    Then the woman gets a thick piece of muslin and
  14. Na Fataí

    CBÉS 0072

    Leathanach 225

    ait anois ach bhíodh sé acha fadó. Is le plúr a deintear anois é.
    In aimsear an droch-shaoghail bhíodh dhá chinéal aráin dá dhéanamh as fataí. Arán ar a dtugtar Boxty agus práisginí nó Platy-cake. Sé an boxty a bhíodh acha fadó uille ní bhíodh arán déanta dé phlúr acha chorr ar bith. Bíonn Práisginí dá dhéanamh uaireannta fós féin.
    Boxty. Sé an caoí a ndeantar an boxty ná: Na fataí a ghlana ar dtús agus gan iad a bheith bruithte. Nuair a cheapas tú do dhothain
  15. Arán

    CBÉS 0081

    Leathanach 308

    The bread we have nowadays is much different to the bread that used to be made. They long ago. They used to make many kinds of bread and it had many queir names, such as "boxty bread" "oaten bread" and "Arán póta". The boxty bread is made from rotten potatoes. The old people had to make a scraper and a squeezing bag. The scraper was used for scraping the rotten potatoes and the squeezing bag was made for squeezing the water out of the potatoes. They used to squeeze the boxty until it would dry. The would mix a few boiled potatoes through it and last of all they would put some flour through it and in that way they made the 'boxty Bread' Then they baked it in a 'Grid iron.'
    Arán Póta
    An oaten cake used to be made. They used to cut it in four farrels and boil it in the pot
  16. Bread

    CBÉS 0184

    Leathanach 0188

    Oaten bread that was used long ago. Boxty was also made. there were not many cakes made long ago.
    The oaten bread was made wit oaten meal some water and salt and sometimes sugar. The oaten cake was baked on a gridiron.
    The boxty was made with potatoes some flour and salt.
    The boxty was baked in a noggin. The people grated the potatoes with a grater for the boxty.
  17. Boxty

    CBÉS 0212

    Leathanach 102

    In the olden times the people used to make three different sorts of bixty namely pancake, boiled boxty and loaf boxty. Here is the way they used to make pancake boxty. First they used to (make) get some potatoes and wash them. Then they used to peel them and grate them with a grater. They then would get about a half a plate of flour and put it into this and also some salt and soda. They used to mix all of this up together and make it into pancakes. Then they used to take some coals out of the fire and put them on the flag in front of the fire then they put the pan on those coals and when this pan is sufficiently hot they put this boxty on the pan.
    @Here is the way they used to make boiled. First they used to get some potatoes and peel them and grate them. Then they used to get a bag and wring them (and)
  18. Bread

    CBÉS 0220

    Leathanach 354

    In olden times boxty bread and potato bread were used, because flour was scarce and dear and it was only used at Christmas.
    Was boxty was a making there were raw potatoes peeled and they were grated. Then it was put in a boxty bag and was strained. Then there was boiled potatoes brused and mixed with the grated ones and salt was added. Then it was either put on the pan and baked as pancakes or put in an oven and baked as a boxty loaf or made into dumplings and boiled in a pot.
    When potato bread was made the potatoes were boiled and peeled and were brused in a basin with the bottom of a porringer and salt was put on. Then it was put on the pan to bake. When it was on
  19. Foods Still Made and Used in This Part of Co. Leitrim

    CBÉS 0221

    Leathanach 112

    added and the mixture is spread on the pan like a pancake. When the underside is nicely baked the cake is turned and the other side is baked. Six or seven of these cakes are made and when well buttered make a delightful meal with tea. A person can fast far longer on boxty than any other meal.
    "Boxty Loaf"
    Potatoes are grated as for pan boxy and about twice as many are boiled. The boiled potatoes are are peeled and mashed. The grated potatoes are wrung in a "boxty bag" eg the water is squeezed off them. The "boxty bag" is usually a clean flour bag or a pillow case. The water is let settle and the starch which forms on the bottom is put into the potatoes. The boiled and grated potatoes are then kneaded together with the hands. Salt a little soda and currants raisins or other ingredients are added if desired and the whole is made in the shape of a
  20. Food in Olden Times

    CBÉS 0221

    Leathanach 713

    on a board or table. An equal amount of the largest sized potatoes that could be got was washed peeled while raw again washed, and then rubbed against a sheet of perforated tin, and so reduced to a pulp. This process was called "grating" boxty. This pulp was thrown into a calico bag and pressed till all the moisture was squeezed out of it. This dry pulp was next mixed with the boiled mashed potatoes and well kneaded on a table a pinch of salt and a handful of flour were added. Then the boxty was ready for either boiling or baking. If Baked boxty was decided on this mixture was made into flat cakes from a quarter of an inch to half an inch in thickness the size of the Pan in the house, put on the pan and baked over the fire. Several panfuls being baked on each occasion.
    If Boiled Boxty was decided on, the the well-kneaded mixture was made into cakes about the size and shape of the present day Bun or toastcake. A large pot of clean spring water was boiling on the fire, and these often as many as twenty were put into the boiling water and left boiling over the fire for an hour.