Bailiúchán na Scol

Bailiúchán béaloidis é seo a chnuasaigh páistí scoile in Éirinn le linn na 1930idí. Breis eolais

Scag na torthaí


11,747 toradh
  1. Fairy Forts

    CBÉS 0725

    Leathanach 124

    There is a fort in "Cnoc na Riog" It is the nearest fort to Clonmellon. There is an entrance hole in the fort of "Cnoc of Riog" There is a fence of trees around it. The Danes built them. Fairies used to live in the fort at "Cnoc Na Riog" There was a man out of Clonmellon sitting on a wall near Galboystown with a crowd of people. He stood up on the wall and he saw fairies kicking football but no one could see the fairies only the man. Then he said he would go down and kick with the fairies but the people tried to stop him but they could not do so. He went down to kick with the fairies and they
  2. Fairy Forts

    CBÉS 0768

    Leathanach 011

    There are two or three Fairy Forts in Longford. One is situated in Farnagh Lane and the other one is in one of the near by fields. They are not in view of one another but it is said that the fairies when playing music they are answered by the fairies of the other fort. The fort on Farnagh Lane is square in shape and it is surrounded on three sides by a wall of about three feet high and on top with thick briary bushes. There was a cave which is said to run under the ground to the centre of the fort. Wood pigeons are seen in forts very often and it is said that every November's night they change their forms into fairies. On every November's night the fairies are heard singing and lights are seen in the forts. There is a lone tree near the fort and it is said that who ever would cut a branch from it would be caught by the fairies on November's night.
  3. Fairy Forts

    CBÉS 0789

    Leathanach 124

    There is a Fairy Fort about five hundred yards from my home. It is called the fairies arch. The arch is situated on the outskirts of Swords. It is made of large stones put on top of one another in the form of an arch. There is a tunnel at the back of the arch which runs under a road and extends for about a mile. It (is) comes out at another arch the same as the Fairies arch which is supposed to be haunted by fairies also. There is a little (fo) pond and there are a lot of tiny stepping stones going from one side to the other. The fairies are believed to walk across. Some people have actually seen them walking across the stones. The lone bush was cut down by the farmer, and ever since then the fairies are not so numerous.
  4. Fairy Forts

    CBÉS 0872

    Leathanach 135

    They is a rath in Rathnageera It is now owned by Mr Maurice Murphy. At midnight each night in this rath a ring of fairies is seen dancing for an hour One night a man was coming home from a house and he saw these faries dancing. He said he would not look at the fairies that night but he would go the next night and see the fairies So he went the next night When he went the fairies were again dancing. He sat looking at them for a long time Then all at once the fairies caught sight of him and they stopped dancing and disappeared The man sat there for a little while. Then all at once
  5. Fairy Forts

    CBÉS 0907

    Leathanach 070

    Many people stand in great awe of these forts and would go any distance at night to avoid passing by them. In the summer time there is often a gale of wind called a fairy blast" It will take anything such as hay or corn that it meets in its path. People are not supposed to bring back the hay or corn as they say the fairies want it and will have their revenge. Many instances are known of people who were cursed through incurring the displeasure of the fairies. In olden times the teacher used to tell the children to bless themselves when they would see the blasts coming and to let a straw or something go with it and to say "God speed all travellers". Long ago the fairies often used take healthy children and leave weak ones in their places. No mother would let her child sleep out for fear of the fairies or "good people" as they are sometimes called. Nowadays when we see a small stunted or puny person we say "He is gone in the fairies". If you do not
  6. (gan teideal)

    Once upon a time a man was told that there were some gold hid in a forth near Meenglass, and it was marked with a cross, and some of the people thought it was a grave.

    CBÉS 1097

    Leathanach 112

    the rest of the fairies that the gold was missing so they went to the first house they met. So the knock came to the door and the woman came out and and she took them in and gave them tea so they all gathered around the fire and began to talk and another knock came to the door and all the fairies crept under the bed. The woman opened the door and in walked the man and he said if you never tell anyone about a secret I will tell it to you so he said, "I have the gold that the fairies is keeping guard he said. I told you and if I ever be got I will blame you. So with that all the fairies jumped at him and took him to their house he was never saw again. They old people say it is not lucky to take anything off the fairies.
  7. The Leipreachan

    CBÉS 1118

    Leathanach 510

    had none but the ones she was going to use shortly. The fairy walked out and when the lady had the meal ready she discovered her spoons were gone and they had to eat the slice of potatoes on the bread and the next day she got the spoons on the place she had left them the day before. Sometimes when people do any harm to the fairies they come into the byres and shoot the cows. Once a man knew a place which the fairies inhabited and he went over and said "Give me a horse" They gave him a horse and then he could ride about the continent for three or four days but he then had to give back the horse to the fairies again. Fairies are never seen after sun-set. Some people in this district used to keep a round stone with a hole in it hanging in the byre so that the fairies would shoot through it and not at the cows.
  8. The Oak Tree

    CBÉS 1123

    Leathanach 173

    father talk about an oak-tree that was about here, and the fairies always dance round this tree, every night from twelve o'clock until morning. And fairies multiply in their numbers very quickly and a tree that fairies get into its roots spread and spread every year." "Well" says Micheal, "I wouldn't believe the story." "Well don't" say's John "but if you come with me here tomorrow night "we'll" see if the story's true." But they should "a" went that night because the fairies threw a charm over them and they could not sleep. When John and Micheal had finished their supper the next night it was half past eleven so they went on to see the dance and believe or "believe it not" there "wur" fairies by the score dancing as far out as the roots of the trees reached. "Now," said John "will you believe the story from this on: "No" says Micheal, "but if you are able to catch one and make him repent for what he said this morning to us when we were about to cut the tree
  9. Old Customs or Piseoga about May Day and May Eve

    CBÉS 0026

    Leathanach 0191

    sun-set or to drive your cattle through hot embers of a fire?
    The fairies come around our house's too to do mischief as well as they come to the cattle; you should sweep the hearth very clean and leave food aside for them. If you don't: the fairies will come when you are asleep and will torment you by tricking you or pinching you: And if you want to keep out the fairies: seatter the of the door when you are to bed with primroses or hang a horse-shoe over the door: You should not go alone through hills or forth's or lonely places for fear of the fairies might take you away or listen to any sweet singing in lonely places for these are fairies Don't leave any food over from May Eve it should be thrown away or given to the dog's because the fairies takes away the good food and leave bad food instead?
  10. Sióga

    CBÉS 0102

    Leathanach 178

    Long ago fairies were very plentiful. Most of the people of the present time do not believe in fairies. About sixty years ago fairies were very plentiful, and they were very powerful. The people used to do a lot of queer things to keep on good terms with them. For instance, they would not throw dust after sunset in case they would dirty the fairies.
    They would not throw out water after the setting of the sun, as they might wet the spirits. Some people would never cut black thorn buses, as they used to say the fairies got shelter under them.
    There was a man in Bailecaislean, named Pat Hughes, and he went out to cut a bush with his hatchet and he heard a great shout from under the bush. He struck it again and he heard another shout. So he got frightened and he went home and he was sick in bed for a year, and everyone said it was the fairies that put a spell on him for
  11. Taken by the Fairies

    CBÉS 0148

    Leathanach 11

    Some years ago when Fairies or "Good people" as they were then called were numerous in this country a man's wife was taken away by the Fairies and he was in great distress. Some of the older people in the village told him that if he knew where the fairies passed at night he would get her back.
    At last he got to know where the Fairies were to pass one night, and he waited at a certain gap or pass-way and the Fairies all came on horse-back and his wife was on horse-back with them. He jumped up and took her off the horse and brought her home with him and was very glad indeed. He got the best of the fairies this time.
  12. A Story

    CBÉS 0276

    Leathanach 205

    Long ago there lived a woman and her son together and there was an old ruined castle not far from their house. The people used to say that the castle used be lit up every November's night by the Fairies. This boy told his mother that he would go to the castle on the next November's night. His mother told him not to go. So he went. When he was going near it, he saw the castle all lights. He went as far as the window and he looked in. One of the fairies called him by his own name. He went in and he was playing with the fairies. About one oclock in the night the fairies asked him would he come to Dublin for a girl. He said how could he go and they said that he would go with them.
    When they went to Dublin one of the fairies threw a piece of timber in the window and the girl came out. They brought the girl away home with them. When they were coming near the castle the boy asked the fairies would himself bring the girl for them and they gave him the girl. When they were going near the boy's
  13. Fairies

    CBÉS 0282

    Leathanach 096

    Many stories are told about fairies. All the people of this district believe that the fairies live in forts and duns and they dare not go into them by night. There are some people who have very strong minds and the fairies can take no effect of them.
    There was such a man there long ago and he was very interested in the fairies and their doings, and he would not let them alone. He used to visit the forts every night and the fairies did not want him because they had no power over him. One night they asked him to go with them on an expedition to next county for they were going to steal a young girl and he asked them
  14. (gan teideal)

    There is a leipreachaun in Carr's fort in the townland of Shranabale.

    CBÉS 0715

    Leathanach 403

    There is a Leipreahaun in Carr's fort in the town land of Shranabole. Some nights he comes out and blows a horn. Then a door opens and all the fairies march out into the field. Then they start kicking football. Some of the fairies sit down and watch the others kick. When the game is over the door opens again and they march off to Crock at the back of Tom Glennan's house. If there was anyone in the field when the fairies would be going the fairies would bring them off with them. When they are going off they sing a song. The Leiprehaun makes shoes for the fairies. One night a man tried to catch him but he did not succeed. There is a leiprehaun in Kit Reilly's field also. Kit Reilly tried to catch him one night but he disappeared. There is a fairy ring in Matew Leavy's field. At night the lieipreahaun plays a fiddle and the fairies dance for him
  15. Ballinahinch Fort

    CBÉS 0822

    Leathanach 033

    Ballinahinch Fort
    In olden times fairies used to visit forts a pathway lay along the side of Ballinahinch near Moneygall fort An old man was passing by the fort. The fairies inside of the fort were singing and the song they sun was Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. When the fairies stopped their song Jacky Carroll repeated their song. The fairies asked who was outside. One of the fairies made answer "humpy back Jack Carroll". Tell him to come in here. They caught him and took the hump off his back and hung it in a tree. Jimmy Sweeney was talking to Jacky Carroll and asked him how did he get the hump off his back. He told him he was passing by a fort near Ballinahinch. I heard fairies singing in a fort. The song they sang was Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
  16. A Fairy Tale

    CBÉS 0931

    Leathanach 388

    (collected by Patrick Sherry - pupil at Broomfield N.S. in Dec. 1938.)
    There was once a man named Mickey McGarill from Broomfield, and he was coming home late one night from Carrickmacross. Mickey was slightly under the influence of drink, and when he was drawing near to the Dry-bridge, in Rathmore, he noticed a field full of ragweeds. In this field there were about three hundred fairies riding on ragweeds - the ragweeds being used as horses.
    When Mickey came to the gap leading into the field, he stood watching the fairies for a while, and then said Mickey in a loud voice,- "Get me a horse." Immediately the fairies placed Mickey riding on a ragweed. One of the fairies then struck the ragweed with a magic wand, and Mickey had a splendid horse under him. Off with the fairies and Mickey with them, and in five minutes they were in Connaught. The fairies wished to take a Connaught girl back with them, and they proceeded to the girl's house. Mickey accompanied
  17. Clontreat Fort

    CBÉS 0950

    Leathanach 414

    They used to have a band, and would go over to the "lone-tree" and march round it. The fairies used to go in through the key-hole of the door and take things out of the houses. These things would not be missed. These fairies, if you followed them, would go into a cave in the ground, near the forth.
    These fairies took many young children and made fairies of them, but after a while they would leave them back. The mothers from whom they took the children wondered where they went, but after a while they would return. Often a batch of fairies got round a man and took him (and took him) away to the cave.
    One time these fairies got round a man and took him to the cave in the ground, and when they brought him down under the ground he found out that they had a house as tidy and nice as any other house in the country could be. When he reached the parlour, the table was set for tea. They gave the man tea, and plenty of every kind of bread to eat.
  18. Fairies

    CBÉS 1037

    Leathanach 48

    People say that fairies lived at Patrick Monaghan’s bushes. They were dressed in red. There were people taken away by the fairies. This is a story about the fairies. “Manus and the Meal” is the name of it.
    Manus and the Meal.
    A man asked the fairies “Give me a horse to go and see the wourld.” (sic) They said they would and welcome. They asked him did he want anything else. He said that his wife and family and himself were short of clothes and if they would give him a web of cloth. So they did. They asked him did he want any other thing. He said that he had no money and the fairies gave him plenty of money. They asked him did he want anything else. He said that they had no food. The fairies gave him
  19. Fairy Forts

    CBÉS 1085

    Leathanach 109

    There is a fairy fort in Loughagannon, called Bell Rock. It is on the side of the mountain. Fairies were supposed to live here in olden times. Old people say that they sometimes heard music here. There are many large rocks with huge holes or caves under them where the fairies used to run out and in. There are many holly and rowan trees growing beside the rocks. There is a man named ODonnell who cut a stick of one of these for a churn-staff: [some?] of his cows died. The man left back the stick and he had no further trouble. People left milk for the fairies in jugs. When they returned for the jug in the morning the vessel would be empty and perfectly clean. The fairies often took people and kept them for some time. They used to lead people astray and delay them on their journeys. They took a very pretty girl. She escaped one night to her own people and told them where she was but that she had to return to the fairies. She told them that she would be riding with the fairies on the following night on a horse. She described the colour of the horse. She told them that they were to make a ring of fire and twelve
  20. Fairy Haunts

    CBÉS 1110

    Leathanach 325

    long ago fairies were supposed to have been seen under the little mounds of earth all over the country. Each mound was called a lios or fairy fort. Some years ago fairies were seen in a wood dancing playing and jumping around the trees. Many people heard music coming from rocks and they thought the music was played by fairies who were under it.
    One time long ago there lived a family near Gransha who believed in the fairies there was a little girls in the family and late on night she went out to see were there such things as fairies. She went on until she came to a stream where she took a drink. When she turned around she saw a crowd of fairies around and they asked her to come to their palace. She went with