Bailiúchán na Scol

Bailiúchán béaloidis é seo a chnuasaigh páistí scoile in Éirinn le linn na 1930idí. Breis eolais

Scag na torthaí


1,184 toradh
  1. (gan teideal)

    People had three meals a day in olden times.

    CBÉS 0491

    Leathanach 161

    bread long ago, such as potatoe cake, stampy, oaten meal bread, Rye bread, yellow meal bread, and cream cakes, which was a great treat in them times.
    The potatoe cake was made by boiling the potatoes and when boiled they used to peel them, they then mixed them through flour. They used bake them in the usual way. The stampy was made by grating the potatoes with a grater and put into a fine cloth and they used to squeeze them and they used to mix flour with it.
    Oaten meal bread was made by mixing oaten meal and flour and soda and they used bake it in the usual way.
    The yellow meal bread was made by mixing meal, flour, and soda together and it was then baked.
    Long ago people used to make cream cakes when they were expecting visitors. It was made with cream, flour and soda and baked in the same way as the others. Some people used to make bread once a week and others used to make it once a fortnight. The bread was sometimes made at night when all the work was finished.
  2. Bread

    CBÉS 0999

    Leathanach 156

    There are many kinds of bread made locally, such as potatoe-bread, oaten-bread, soda-bread and boxty.
    Potatoe-bread is made from potatoes. First they are boiled and then peeled and mashed. The ingredients the cake contains are as follows:- mashed potatoes, flour, salt, and sweet-milk. The ingredients are mixed with the hands and rolled on a bread-board. The cake is cut into quarters and baked slowly on a pan. This bread is very palatable for breakfast when fried in dripping and is still very popular.
    Oaten-bread is made from oaten meal, flour, salt, and soft water. There are two handfuls of flour to every three handfuls of meal. The ingredients are kneaded on a bread-board in order to make the dough soft and light. It is put in front of the fire on a griddle.
    A soda-cake is made from flour, salt, soda and buttermilk. The mixture is mixed together and is baked in an oven.
    Boxty is made from unboiled
  3. Bread

    CBÉS 0016

    Leathanach 233

    In olden times people never used any soda bread or brown bread, as is used nowadays. The bread was "boxty"
    The following is a description of how they made "boxty". They had a square piece of tin about a foot long and the same in width, and one side rough and the other side fine. When they had the potatoes washed and peeled they rubbed them up and down on the rough side of the tin until they are as fine as flour. Then this was put in a bowl and mixed with flour salt, soda and a little drop of milk. Then it was mixed with a spoon or a fork and afterwards put on a well-greased pan to bake for about half an hour. It was eaten while it is hot with butter.
    In the long ago people made oat meal bread out of grinded oats for their own use. There wasn't any flour that time so that was the way the bread had to be baked The things they baked the bread in or on were called pan oven, griddle or grid iron. These
  4. Bread

    CBÉS 0090E

    Leathanach 02_025

    people grew. They got it ground and they made bread out of it.
    Long ago the people used Querns for grinding the corn and they are still used by an odd person at the present day.
    The different kinds of bread made were, Potato cake, Boxty bread, and Oaten Meal bread. The potato cake was made of potatoes, salt, and soda and it was baked in a shallow pan. The oaten meal bread was made from oaten meal, salt, soda, water and flour. It was baked on the tongs besides the fire. The Boxty bread was made of raw potatoes scraped by a scraper. They were put down in a little
  5. Bread

    CBÉS 0152

    Leathanach 176

    scraper. When a few potatoes are scraped a few handfulls of flour is mixed with it and it is baked in a pan. Oatmeal bread is made by mixing oatmeal with water and a little salt, into a dough and baked it on a flag, before the fire.
    Plain soda bread is made with flour and soda and buttermilk. It is the most used now-a-days in Ireland but long ago it was scarcely known as it was very seldom flour was brought into a country house.
    It was the custom long ago to make as much bread in one day in the week as would supply the needs of the house for one week. The person that makes the bread traces lines or squares on the dough so that the cake will bake evenly and quickly.
  6. Bread in Olden Times

    CBÉS 0202

    Leathanach 034

    People in olden times never ate much bre[ad.] They never ate loaf bread because there wa[s] not any loaf bread being made in the[ir] time. They used to eat oat meal bread. They used to make their own oat meal and m[?] oat meal bread and boxty(?) and potato bread. They wet oat meal bread with warm water. Then they mix it until it gets into a paste. Sometimes they put a little sugar or a little salt. Then the flatten it out an bake it in front of the fire. The thing that they bake the oat meal bread in is made of tin. They boiled potatoes and grated raw potatoes and when they had the potatoes grated they peeled the potatoes and mixed the, with the grated potatoes and put salt and soda and a little flour in it them. The flattened it out into cake and baked it on the pan. There is another kind of boxty(?) too. They grated potatoes and put them into a bowl and put a little milk on it then they put a little salt and flour and made soda in it. Then they made
  7. Bread in Olden Times

    CBÉS 0209

    Leathanach 181

    the flour, if the people wish it so. This flour makes very wholesome bread. It is made just the same as the ordinary soda bread but is not as white as the other bread. Sometimes the Bran is left in the flour, and then the bread is just like the brown bread you buy and is very good for indigestion.
    Soda Cake.
    is made by all classes of people in my district. It is found to be very nourishing both for young and old.
  8. Bread

    CBÉS 0290

    Leathanach 017

    was melted in a cup and that was used to mix the flour and bruised potatoes. It was then made.
    Bread was also made out of oats. Oats was ground like wheat. It was mixed like flour but there was no soda put in it. It was baked on a pan. None of these breads rose for there was no soda put in it. Oaten bread was black when baked. This bread was called "rís". The most of the people call the home made bread "seagal" which means "rís."
    If it is in an open hearth the fire was, the cake was baked in a bastable. A bastable is made of iron. Burning turf is put on the cover and under the bastable so there is fire above the cake and below the cake so it does
  9. Bread

    CBÉS 0343

    Leathanach 283

    Bread was generally made from wheat or oats. In my district three kinds of bread were made potato Bread, White flour Bread, and oaten meal bread. The white flour cake was made up of white flour, soda, salt and milk. The oaten meal cake consisted of oaten meal, soda and milk. Some women baked enough bread for a week in advance.
    When the cake is made a cross is put on it so that it would be baked through properly. The name of the vessel used baking is generally called the oven or bastable.
  10. Bread

    CBÉS 0355

    Leathanach 483

    Oneway bread was made in the district long ago. It was made from wheat grown locally. The flour was made locally. The flour was made locally. It was made in Derrygallon mill. Potato bread was also made in the district. It was made from potatoes mixed with flour and bread soda. The people of this district never heard or saw querns being used in the district. Yellow meal bread was also made from Indian meal and thick milk. Skimmed milk flour and bread soda were the ingredients used. Milk was added in kneading. Enough bread was baked for a week at one time. Some people used to make the prints of the shamrock on the cake when baked and some people
  11. Bread

    CBÉS 0400

    Leathanach 133

    following way:- They got boiled potatoes, peeled them and mashed them and mixed with flour, bread-soda and salt and baked it and it was usually eaten hot. They also made stampy in the following way:- They washed and peeled potatoes and grated them, they put them through a coarse cloth into a basin. When this was done it was kneaded with flour and bread-soda and baked in a griddle, this was also eaten hot.
    In 1875 there was a scarcity of food in the district and the flour was very dear and the poor people could not afford to buy it. This is how they made the bread:- They got turnips and boiled them and strained them and cut them up fine and got a grain of wheat and mixed
  12. How they Used to Make Bread

    CBÉS 0592E

    Leathanach 04_027

    How they used to make bread 25.3 '38.
    Long ago the people used to make bread in a dish or ion one end of the table .At first ,they used to get the oten meal and salt and soda and they used to wet it with warm water.They had no ovens and they used to put three soda standing on each other and leave the cake standing by them until it would be baked.
    The bread used to be as hard as a stone and they used to have milk with it.They used to make boxty two they used to squeeze it in a bit of a cloth and mix salt and two potatoes to make
  13. Bread

    CBÉS 0595

    Leathanach 089

    bread eaten hot with butter. This is what the people had on certain occasions. The cross or mark on the top of the bread allows the air out of the dough, and so keeps the crust from lifting off. This is how we make the bread at home. My mother gets a plate of flour and she puts it into the bread pan. She then gets the soda and the sour milk. She puts the soda and salt in the flour and then she adds sufficient sour milk to make the dough. She puts it in the oven to bake for three quarters of an hour or an hour.
  14. Bread

    CBÉS 0652

    Leathanach 134

    The bread used in olden times was oatmeal, wholemeal, yellow meal and barley bread. Bread was made of corn, wheat and barley grown locally. Flour was made locally. A long time ago querns were used in this district. Potato cakes, oatmeal bread and yellow meal bread were made. The people do not ever remember boxty or stampy being made. Potato cake was made with potatoes, flour and bread soda and it was all mixed with milk. Oatmeal bread was made with a large amount of oatmeal and a few spoonfuls of flour, salt and mixed with water. Yellow meal bread was made with more than half of yellow meal and the rest was flour, salt, bread soda and it was mixed with water. Milk was added in some cakes and water in others. Bread was made two or three times a week. Marks were put on the top of the cakes long ago. It was done to help the cake to rise. Crosses were put on them. The bread used be baked on a griddle. The people do not remember bread being baked in front of the fire. Griddle bread was made. I do not know of any special bread made on any occassion.
  15. Arán

    CBÉS 0655

    Leathanach 337

    Oaten bread was the bread most used long ago. It was made from oaten-meal, salt and water and cut in squares and baked on a griddle. The meal was ground at home, between two special round stones. There are stones at home for grinding meal, but we do not use them now. They used another kind of bread made with flour, mashed-potatoes, barm and salt. Barm is an extract from beer. People used to get it at the brewery in Carrick. There was a special bread called [?]-poca baked in a pot. The people used to put crosses on the bread to keep the fairies away.
    The bread we use now is oaten-meal bread, flour bread, bakers bread and many other kinds of bread. We make oaten bread with oaten-meal, salt, soda, flour, sugar and sour-milk. We make flour bread from flour, salt, soda and sour-milk. We bake it in an oven-pot or an oil stove.
  16. Bread

    CBÉS 0739

    Leathanach 347

    Long ago the bread was made from wheat and from oats grown locally. A good many people remember grind-stones being used in the district, because at that time nearly everyone had his own grind-stones.
    They used to make oaten bread, flour bread and wheaten bread. In the oaten bread, oaten meal, salt and water were used. In the flour bread, flour, soda, salt, milk were used. In the wheaten bread, wheaten meal, salt, flour soda and buttermilk were used. Milk was used in kneading. When they would be making bread they would make as much as would do for a week or two weeks. The sign of a cross was made on the top of a cake. This sign was put on for good luck. The bread was made on a vessel called a griddle. The griddle was made of iron. Griddle bread was
  17. (gan teideal)

    Long ago people used to bake bread nearly the same as nowadays.

    CBÉS 0752

    Leathanach 289

    Long ago people used to bake bread nearly the same as nowadays
    The most kind of bread they used to eat was, soda bread, wheaten bread oaten bread, potato buns, boxty and stampy which is called paste cakes nowadays. Stampy was wet with milk. Soda bread was wet with buttermilk. Wheaten was wet with milk. The people long ago used to bake every day. They used to bake the bread the day before they would eat it. They used to mix the bread on a losaid which are called bread boards nowaday.
    Potato cake was
  18. Bread - Oaten Bread

    CBÉS 0870

    Leathanach 369

    Oaten bread was used long ago, but not now. The oaten bread was real hard and thin. They used to mix it with flour and then put a little of salt and soda in it. The oaten bread used not rise, because they used not put much soda in it. The crust was real hard.
    They used water to mix the bread, and butter-milk when they would have it. After one day the oaten bread would be real stale, and it was hard for the old people to eat it. It was made from white oats and black oats.
  19. Bread

    CBÉS 0912

    Leathanach 187

    Farmers' cake, Flat Bread, Soda Bread, wheaten Bread were made in this district long ago and still. Farmers' cake is made like soda Bread only currants are in it too. Flat Bread was made the same way as now, only it was baked in a pan with no lid on it and every five minutes they had to shake the pan around so as not to let the cake burn. It is not as healthy as the wheaten Bread, and so it is not used much now.
    My Grandfather Pielow grew wheat during the Last War (1914) and got it ground into flour with Mr Taylor, Saw Mills, Tinahely. They baked it, so the flour that time was very bad and black.
    Mr P. Byrne, Knocktemple, Roundwood, still grows wheat and gets it ground with Mr J.P.Hopkins, Wicklow. Mrs Byrne bake
  20. Bread

    CBÉS 1010

    Leathanach 420

    lest it should burn. Of course at the present time and within the last five years there was more oaten bread made in this district as also boxty than forty years ago owing to the dearness of flour and the price of loaves.
    Wheaten bread or wheat-meal bread is mixed in a basin with soda and salt and usually wet with buttermilk and made on similar lines as the soda cake of the present day, baked in an oven but takes longer than the foreign flour bread. It too was used extensively in the last five years though the labouring classes refuse to it in the farmers' houses since they got the "Dole". Of course no one would eat this bread twenty years ago but "necessity is the mother of invention.