Bailiúchán na Scol

Bailiúchán béaloidis é seo a chnuasaigh páistí scoile in Éirinn le linn na 1930idí. Breis eolais

Scag na torthaí


1,184 toradh
  1. Bread

    CBÉS 1014

    Leathanach 088

    wheaten meal, soda, salt and butter-milk. The wheaten meal is put in a dish and a little soda and salt mixed through it. Then it is wet with the butter-milk and kneaded. It is then put in an oven and baked.
    Bread is baked in an oven in a a range and in a pot oven on the hearth. There are marks cut on the top of the cake to let out the steam. A quantity of bread is made every day for the next day. In former years is was a custom to make boxty bread and potato bread for Hallow Eve night.
  2. Bread

    CBÉS 1014

    Leathanach 087

    rolled out thin. It is then let stand a while until it gets hard. It is then baked on a griddle over the fire. It can be baked in front of the fire standing before a bread-iron.
    Potato bread is made with potatoes and flour. At first the potatoes are boiled and peeled and mashed. Then they are mixed with flour and a little salt. It is then rolled out on a table and cut into ferrules. It is then baked over the fire on a griddle. Flour bread and wheaten bread are used at the present time.
    Flour bread is made with flour, soda, salt and butter-milk. The flour is put in a dish and a little soda and salt mixed through it. Then it is wet with the butter-milk and mixed. Then it is put in an oven and baked. Wheaten bread is made with
  3. Old Cures

    CBÉS 0084

    Leathanach 163

    An old cure for a corn is to steep it in bread-soda for nine days after which, the corn is supposed to go.
  4. Bread

    CBÉS 0567C

    Leathanach 10_037

    little salt and soda. This bread was baked in a port oven.
    The boxty or potato bread was made from potatoes, which were first cooked and then mashed with a little flour, and a little milk and soda and cut into squares. These were baked on a griddle which was placed on a support called a brand. This brand was the shape of a triangle and had
  5. Cures

    CBÉS 0682

    Leathanach 048

    Measles can be cured by getting baked bread with no salt or soda in it from a woman who did not change her name in marriage.
  6. Bread - Soda Cakes

    CBÉS 0738

    Leathanach 036

    were waiting for the bread car.
    It is commonly baked in a pot oven but sometimes in a range or oil stove. They say that soda bread baked in an oven on a white thorn bush fire tastes best of all.
    White flour or a mixture of flour and wheaten meal are put in a basin. A little soda and salt are added and the mixture is wet with buttermilk. The dough is well kneaded and shaped. It is put into the oven. A cross is cut on top to keep the crust from breaking.
    We bake two big soda cakes at home every day as the men would not be satisfied with loaf bread.
  7. Local Cures - Toothache

    CBÉS 0803

    Leathanach 201

    (1) To cure a tooth ache a bit of bread soda put into the hole of the tooth will cure it.
  8. Local Cures

    CBÉS 0845

    Leathanach 435

    into your mouth
    (3) Bread soda and water
    Pain in Stomach - Drink hot milk and pepper
    "Boils" - Put bread and milk to the "boil"
    Hysterics - (1) Ground glass
    (2) Cattle salts
    Mange - Lard mixed with black sulphur will cure it.
    Diabetes - Drink forge water
    Burns - Rub bread-soda to the burns
    Heart-burn - Drink bread-soda and water
  9. How Potato Cakes Were Made

    CBÉS 0881

    Leathanach 219

    (a) Potatoe-cakes are made with flour, a pinch of salt, and bread-soda. Some use butter-milk, but the way they made them in olden times was:- they used no butter-milk, they boiled the potatoes, peeled them, then mashed them up. They put a pinch of salt and bread-soda in them and kept putting in the flour, kneading all the time until they had enough flour in. It is much easier to make them by putting in a small supply of butter-milk as the kneading is not so heavy. Next heat the pan, shake on some flour, and bake until each side is brown. It does not take long.
  10. Homemade Bread

    CBÉS 1019

    Leathanach 037

    Most people prefer home made bread rather than bought bread, soda bread and brown bread are used mostly.
    How to make Soda Bread.
    A quantity of flour is put in a bowl. Then salt and soda is added and butter-milk is stirred in.
    It is mixed, then it is put out on a floured board and kneaded and formed into shape. It is then put into a tin and baked in a moderate oven.
    Brown bread is made much the same way only an equal quantity of wheaten meal is added with the flour.
    Pan Cakes
    A quantity of flour is put in a bowl. Then sweet milk, an egg, and baking powder is added and mixed and then it is put on the pan and fried.
    Potatoe Cake.
    Boiled potatoes are peeled and bruised and mixed with flour and then caraway seed is put in. It is then baked on a pan.
    Potatoe is very nice when fried for breakfast.
  11. Bread

    CBÉS 0014

    Leathanach 097

    There are a lot of different kinds of bread such as. Boxty, potatoe cake, slap jack, otean bread, and soda bread. This is how boxty is made first a scraper is made this is how it is made a piece of tin is got and boared and the side that the stabbers are on
  12. Local Cures

    CBÉS 0014

    Leathanach 301

    cure the pain. The Dandellion was (got) good for curing colds and all kinds of sickness in the chest. The juice was boiled and given to the invalid. Only Dandellions that were fully in bloom were got. Corrigin Moss which is got at the sea-side is also good for colds. There is another cure called "Fuar leite". Cream and meal and mixed together in a cup and this is called "Fuar leite". This is good for all sores. Long ago the dust that came off a rotten stick was used as a baby powder and was called "Bleicne". When a person kills a goose that take out the lard that is in her. If anyone of the family gets hurt during the year they rub this on the injured part and they are cured. The cure for ringworm is ink, and to rub bread-soda or pepper on the sore tooth for teethache, When a person has mumps they pull "chicken weed" and they put it to their faces and this cures them very quickly. Another cure for teethache is to get a frog and to leave him on the tooth. The cure for a burn is "bogeal" out of the bog. Also bread-soda is good. Hot bread is also a cure for a sore foot.
    There is a cure in the waters of St. Patrick well at Templetogher, There are many wells all over the country and people that are blind go and wash their eyes with the water, and these are called "tobar mo suil". The seventh sun (sic) or daughter is always said to be doctors. People come (to) a long way to such person if they have any (cure) sore to be cured. Any one that rubbed their tongue on a "allplougher"
  13. Bread

    CBÉS 0016

    Leathanach 252

    In olden times people never used any soda bread or brown bread as is used nowadays. What they lived mainly on was potatoes. They (sic) bread they had was called "potato cake," "boxty" and "griddle cake." The following is a description of how they made "boxty". They had a square piece of tin about a foot long and the same in width. One side of it was rough and the other side was fine. When the potatoes were washed and peeled they rubbed them up and down on the rough side of the tin until they were as fine as flour. Then this was put in to a bowl and mixed with flour, salt, soda and a little drop of milk. Then it was mixed with a spoon or fork and afterwards put on a well greased pan to bake for about half an hour. It was eaten while hot with butter.
    The following is a description of the way "potato cake" was made. Boiled potatoes were peeled and blended with the hands in a basin. A pinch of slat was put in the mixture and then all was mixed with flour until it was formed in to a cake. Then it was flattened and cut
  14. Bread in Olden Times

    CBÉS 0028

    Leathanach 0098

    was made from oatmeal, flour, bread-soda and water. The vessel in which the bread is made is called a lossad. The bread used be baked on a griddle up against the fire.
  15. Bread

    CBÉS 0029

    Leathanach 0502

    Oat meal bread was made in the following manner:- The woman of the house used to get some luke-warm water, oat meal, and salt, and a small quantity of bread-soda. She would mix all these ingredients
  16. Bread

    CBÉS 0045

    Leathanach 0091

    griddle standing against a support. This is made of iron. There are two iron lags standing against it behind to keep it from falling.
    Boxty bread is made with potatoes cut into slices a little flour is used and salt is used instead of soda. Then it was baked in an oven.
    Griddle cake is made with flour and bread soda. Buttermilk was used also. This bread is always made very flat. It is made the size of the griddle. It is always baked in a griddle. Some people make griddle cakes for Halloween night and put a ring in it. All those old customs are still kept in the towns.
    Some people do not buy currants for Christmas. They use boxty bread and potato cake instead of currant cakes. Mostly in Connemara these old customs are kept.
  17. Food in Olden Times

    CBÉS 0078

    Leathanach 266

    The kinds of bread the people had long ago, were potato cake, oaten cake, soda cake, Boxty bread and loaves. They used eat meat only when they would kill a hare or a rabbit. They used to eat an odd salty herring.
  18. Bread

    CBÉS 0107

    Leathanach 335

    salt which was baked in an oven. Boxty is made with raw pealed potatoes grated and mixed with new milk, flour, salt and bread soda and baked in an unlided pan. Long ago enough bread was baked that would do a house hold a week. At chrismas time they used to make christmas cakes, and at the time of a wedding they made a special cake.
  19. Bread

    CBÉS 0177

    Leathanach 071

    Long ago there were many kinds of bread made in my district. Bread was made from wheat and oats. The oats and wheat used to be ground at home with stones called "querns". There were many different kinds of bread made, namely, boxty bread, oaten meal bread, potato bread and soda bread.
    The soda bread was different to what it is at present it was of a black colour because the wheat was not ground as it is now.
    It was also the custom in the district long ago to bake enough bread for a week at a time.
    This is how the oaten bread was made. The oatmeal was wet with soft water and sugar and the dough then flattened out on a bread board and left there for a few hours until it was dry and nearly hard. Then it was left against a support called a "bread iron" in front of the fire for about half an hour.
  20. Bread

    CBÉS 0181

    Leathanach 088

    Potato bread is made from potatoes and flour. Oatmeal bread is made with oatmeal and flour, and wet with water. Boxty is also made from potatoes, the potatoes are grated and mixed with flour, flour is also added. Long ago the cakes used to be baked in front of the fire. The cakes that are baked nowadays are called soda cakes, they are made with flour, and mixed with milk, salt and soda are also added, they are baked in ovens and coals put on the led of the oven. Long ago the sign of the cross used to be made on top of the cake.
    The people in olden times never ate any white bread, the only bread they ate was oaten bread. They used to ate no white bread at all because there was no flour at that time. There used to be mills throughout the country in order that they might be able to grind the oaten meal, and to make sort of flour out of it. Sometimes they used to use potato bread, and boxty bread.
    The usual kind of bread the old people used to use in olden times was oaten bread. There used to be no flour used at