Bailiúchán na Scol

Bailiúchán béaloidis é seo a chnuasaigh páistí scoile in Éirinn le linn na 1930idí. Breis eolais

Scag na torthaí


1,703 toradh
  1. Local Cures

    CBÉS 0757

    Leathanach 295

    Many old remidies or cures were used in old times, for Ailments which are not used now. But still some of the old people resort to the old cures and have great belief in them. The cure for the Rose" or Erysiplis in old times or even at the present time is made by certain people and some have great faith in it and are often cured. Pat Loughry of Greagh and many others make this cure - thus it is made on certain days. They use a piece of unsalted butter and say prayers for it and this is rubbed to the sore three times in the name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost and in many cases the person is cured. The cure of the Strain is made by others by a piece of thread on which prayers are said and it is tied round the strained limb - this cure is also made on certain days - this cure is made by John Molloy of Barrabeg and others
  2. Old Cures

    CBÉS 1035

    Leathanach 283

    Old Cures
  3. Old Cures

    CBÉS 0276

    Leathanach 391

    All the old cures which were there long ago are sill carried on nowadays. I often see my mother use these old cures still.
    If you got toothache to chew the leg of a frog or to get soot and chew it the old people say that is a great cure for toothache. Instead of using power for keeping babies skin cool the old cure they had for it was to get leaves of briars and roast them until they get very hard. Then take them between your hands and rub them very hard until they get as fine as flour. Then shake them on the babies skin. If you cut your hand or foot their is a herb that grows on the ground. It is a kind of a leaf and put it with the cut it will stop the blood.
    There is another old cure if any [?] a drop to get sredded soap and sugar & butter and honey, brake the sugar very very fine and mix them all together. Also heat them before using. Carrigeen Moss to use after cooking is good
  4. Local Cures

    CBÉS 0387

    Leathanach 111

    In my locality there are many old cures. To cure a tooth-ache there are many ways. Tobacco, bread-soda, salt and other things are the old cures to be put into the sore tooth.
    The old cure for warts is count the number of warts you have. Then, collect the same number of stones and put them into a small bag and lay them at a cross roads.
    Whoever would catch the bag they would get them and the warts would go from yourself. Anoter old cure for rheumatism is to boil heather and drink the water in which it is boiled. The old local cure for pneumonia is to drink milk and
  5. Local Cures

    CBÉS 0867

    Leathanach 062

    A lot of old people around Tullaroan believe in old cures. One of them cures is to carry a potato in your pocket to keep away Rheumatish.
    Another old cure is to get a snail and rub it on a wart, then put the snail on a thorn, and as the snail withers away the wart withers away. Jack Bergin who lives in the village of Tullaroan told me if I ever had a cut to rub goose grease on it. He also told me a ferret's leavings would cure the chin cough.
    Another old cure for a toothache is to mix salt and hot water then rince the mouth with it. Some old people believed in curing a ring-worm by rubbing a burned stick on it.
  6. Leigheasanna

    CBÉS 0276

    Leathanach 138

    There are several old cures in Berehaven. The old people could tell several of them because long ago there were no doctors. This was one old cure the old people had for toothache, to eat the leg of a frog or to smoke a pipe. One very common cure is that whenever people have warts on their hands, they get stones and put them ahide, and if anybody would find them, the person who had them, would be cleared of them. Bog water is a very good cure for sore eyes, as several people tried it, and they got better. There are two other common cures connected with the eyes and I will write them now. Cold tea-leaves is a very good cure or using water which is found between two rocks unexpectedly it is very good also.
    A very common cure for measles is to get the sheep's'
  7. Local Cures

    CBÉS 0599

    Leathanach 476

    They used the white juice that is in the flowers of the dandelion for curing warts. They also used to rub a snail to a wart for to cure a wart. They used to eat dandelions for stomach trouble. They used washing soda for corns. They also used parafin oil for chillblans.
    Old people say young nettles are very good in the Spring. There is also a old cure for a cough to scoop out the cunture of a yellow turnip with brown sugar and when it is melted to use a spoon full of it every hour.
    Rib-grass is a cure for cuts or sores which cures cuts in less than a week. It is plain wild grass which grows in the fields. In olden times the old people had their own cures for warts the old people would cut a raw potato and rub it around the warts and when it would be rubbed on
  8. Old Cures

    CBÉS 0689

    Leathanach 319

    Old Cures 26-1-1938
    The old people have a lot of cures. They say if you have sore eyes, get nine gooseberry thorns and point each thorn at your eye, bless yourself nine times and throw each over your right shoulder and it will cure them. Another old cure is to get a bottle of melted March snow and rub it in your eyes , it will cure them.
    This is a cure for rheumatism. The old people say Carry a raw potato in your pocket for seven days and each time you put your hand in your pocket without thinking you should bless yourself and the rheumatism is supposed to go.
  9. Old Cures

    CBÉS 0816

    Leathanach 391

    Old Cures
    There are many very old cures to be found in Ireland yet. The blacksmith can cure many diseases. He cures wild fire and ring worm also. He gets wheat and puts it on the anvil. Then he heats an iron and burns it and then he puts the oil of wheat on the affected parts. Where the blacksmith cools his irons it cures warts. A person with comsumption goes to a blacksmiths forge and inhales the smoke of the burning hoof of a horse. It helps to cure them. A black snail can cure warts. They make the sign of the cross three times on the wart and then they put him on a white thorn bush to wither. It is the old way of curing the whooping cough by doing what a man says riding on a white horse the child is cured. There is another old disease known as corns
  10. Holy Wells

    CBÉS 0772

    Leathanach 015

    There lived an old Protestant where the C.B.'s are living now and there was a well in the yard. People believed in it and went to it for cures. The old Protestant got angry and filled it up. Old people say it was the same well which sprang up and is now called Green Well.
  11. Essay on Old Cures

    CBÉS 0627

    Leathanach 326

    The old people never went to doctors because they had cures of their own which they thought were better than any doctor's cure. I am about to tell you now of some of the old cures which a man named Michael McGrath told me. If a person got burned long ago, the cure was another person to lick a lizard and lick the burn afterwards with his tongue. Then the burn was sure to get better. A great cure the old people had for hurts and sprains was to dig the root of an herb called Cumpary and boil it well. When it was boiled into oil it was rubbed to the hurt. Long ago if a
  12. Old Cures

    CBÉS 0768

    Leathanach 151

    The old fashioned cures for the whooping cough was :- If a women saw a man going by the door with a pibald pony she would ask him to think of something and the first thing that would come into his head the woman would give it to the child and it would be better in a few days. The old cures for burns was:- the people would rub on a cows-manure on it. Dandelion is also a great cure for a bad cough. Flaxseed is also good for a cough. It is also said to give a child ferrets milk with out sugar and the child will soon be better. The old people saw that it was a great cure for the whooping cough was pass the child three times under the donkeys stomack and the child will be healed. It is always a great cure to rub raw meat on your eyes and it would prevent it from getting black if you got a bruise.
  13. (gan teideal)

    CBÉS 0638

    Leathanach 367

    52. Weather Lore
    53. Potatoes
    56. Ancient cures
    59. Local cures
    60. Old buildings
    62. Old cures
    64. Old buildings
    67. Turf
    68. Dip in the dip and leave the herring for your father
    69. The Sídhe Gaoithe
    70. Forts
    71. Potatoes
    73. Tailors
    75. Ghosts
    76. Tanneries
    78. Old buildings
    79. The Old Corn Store
    80. Old Prayers
    81.Weaving in Tallow
    82. Bartering
    83. Why there is no school on Saturday
    84. Mr. Pyne's trial in Dungarvan
    87. Old Cures
    88. A True Story
    89-93 Old Prayers
  14. Old Houses

    CBÉS 0014

    Leathanach 058

    Here are some of the old cures I have heard of. If a person was wasking in a field and finds a snail and rubs it on the wart, it would cure it. Long ago this is the cure the people used to have for cattle. They would bleed them in the hind legs and it would keep every disease away from them. This is another cure for warts the old people had. If you got a white stone [?]
  15. Cures

    CBÉS 0033C

    Leathanach 08_008

    The old people have many old cures. The following are some of the cures they have. If you have a sore eye look through a gold ring three times they say that it will cure it. If you have consumption and that if you eat parsley that it will cure it. If you have blood-poision and you eat parsley that it will cure it. They say that if a person has the chin-cough and if you keep walking until you
  16. Some of the Old Cures

    CBÉS 0086

    Leathanach 250

    Some of the old cures
    I know some old cures which I have heard from the old people, the name of the cure I know is "Macra Cumra" it is a great cure for cuts. I know man in the Valley it cured, and his name was "John Gallagher John"
    A frog is a great cure for toothache but the frog must be alive when you are chewing his leg. There was once a woman living at the Valley and she was very bad with toothache she went to an old woman ad the old woman told her to get a frog but he must be alive she got the frog and she chewed his leg, the next day she was all right. I heard about curing warts when they are on your hand, you should get a raw snail and rub it on the wart and it will cure it then hang it to a hawthorn bush. Or if you could not get a snail, or if you came across a flat stone and a hole to be in it and water rub the wart in the water and it will be cured in a week. Some people say there is a cure in a dead person's hand, if any person would have a running evil and to rub the dead persons hand on it it would cure it. I know a man who is living at Dooniver and he is the seventh son, if he would put a worm in his left hand the worm would die.
    Bridgie McLoughlin,
    Valley N.S.
  17. A Local Cure

    CBÉS 0252

    Leathanach 190

    to hear of them going to Dublin or some other large city to get rid of diseases. Such as warts, canes, and ringworm, calfpox and the old famioned cures of the old people are mocked at.
  18. Local Cures

    CBÉS 0270

    Leathanach 041

    Local Cures
    In former times old people had several methods locally for curing their ailments. Some of these old remedies are still continued, especially in houses where old people are living. If ever young people are suffering from ailment, they generally consult the old people, who advise them what to do.
    People had many remedies for curing a tooth-ache in olden times. It is said that if a person suffering from a tooth-ache licks a frog he gets cured. Old people also say they heard of a man being cured of a tooth-ache when he put a dead man's finger in his mouth. Mustard was also applied to the tooth as a remedy. Cold water was also said to be a cure for a tooth-ache. It is said by the old people that if a child puts the first tooth which falls out under an ash tree he or she will never have a tooth-ache.
    It is said that if a person suffering from mumps applies a kind of flower called"Gladam" to thair throat it cures them. The "Gladam" should first be heated by the fire so as to soften it, and then applied to the throat.
    Old people say that in olden
  19. Local Cures

    CBÉS 0321

    Leathanach 030

    Long ago the old people had many cures. "If a young baby or an old person had "Creas galar" they would get a gander and put his beak into the person's mouth and after a few days the Creas galar is gone." The
  20. Local Cures

    A number of cures were made by quack doctors, some by charm and more with the aid of herbs.

    CBÉS 0534

    Leathanach 340

    A number of cures were made by quack doctors, some by charm and more with the aid of herbs. There is an herb growing in Ballintotty old castle called Marsh Mallow which cures Yellow Jaundice. This old castle is about four miles outside Nenagh. There are several cures got from "Dandeline" one which cures "Pains"