Bailiúchán na Scol

Bailiúchán béaloidis é seo a chnuasaigh páistí scoile in Éirinn le linn na 1930idí. Breis eolais

Scag na torthaí


117 toradh
  1. Patron Saint of this District

    CBÉS 0610

    Leathanach 479

    Patron Saint of this district.
    People say that Saint Lactan is the patron saint of Kilnamona. There is a blessed well in the land of John Brody called St.Lactan's well and there is a blessed well in the land of Patrick Hegarty in the townland of Kilnamona called Saint Lactan's well.
    There was a monastry near Saint Lactan's well in the land of Patrick Hegarty.Other people say that Saint Joseph is the patron Saint of of Kilnamona.Kilnamona church is called Saint Joseph's church.
    There is a story told about two Saints in Kilnamona .One said that he would set fire to the parish of Kilnamona and destroy it.The other said if fire is set to Kilnamona let there be a well at every house.
  2. Mo Cheantar Féin

    CBÉS 0610

    Leathanach 339

    The townland that I live in is
    Ballyduffmore ,which means the big black townland in the parish of Kilnamona barony of Inchiquin. There are eight houses in this townland now ,there were eighteen houses in it long ago.there are four slated houses in it now.There were only small thatched houses in it long ago. The reason why Kilnamona got its name is that a Church was built in the midst of a bog.Cill means a Church. Móna means turf.There are a few people over seventy years of age living in Kilnamona not many of them can speak Irish or tell Irish stories that are over seventy years.Their names are - Mrs O Shea,Clongowna,Thomas O Keeffe ,Ballyduffmore,Mrs O Keeffe ,Ballyduffmore .Mrs Guerin ,Shallee,Mrs Neylon Ahashla.Tom Mac Tigue Gurteen Michael MacTigue Gurteen.Annie Hegarty Rushane .Kate Mahony Clounchara .Mrs Meschall Rushane. They can all speak Irish.There are not many ruins of houses in Kilnamona ,there are the ruins of an
  3. Mo Cheantar Féin

    CBÉS 0610

    Leathanach 340

    old Monastry or church in the parish of Kilnamona ,it is now used as a burial ground.The ruins of Shallee castle are in the townland of Shallee,it belonged to
    Brian Dubh O'Brien and he gave it over to Teige son of Morrough. Seilge means the hunting ground There are also many ruins of houses in it.It was usual for a lot of people to go to America from townland and parish long ago.Most of the land of Kilnamona is good land rich and fertile .None of it is under wood only woods which the people themselves try to raise .There are no big rivers in Kilnamona ,only Shallee river which rises in a high hill in Ballyduffmore lake.There are no high mountains in Kilnamona,one high hill is in the townland of Ballyduffmore. There are not many lakes in Kilnamoma .In Rushane a barrel of gold is supposed to be hidden ,at the bottom of that lake Drumcreen lake ,Ahasla lake, Ballyduffmore
  4. Local History

    CBÉS 0613

    Leathanach 199

    there was a fight. There were two Dysert men killed in the field and one Kilnamona man.
    The Kilnamona men followed the Dysert men to the road near Lyons Bridge and one Dysert man turned around and hit the Kilnamona man over the wall and killed him.
  5. Cistí Óir i bhFolach

    In the townland of Toureen in the parish of Kilnamona there is supposed to be a hidden treasure....

    CBÉS 0610

    Leathanach 281

    In the town land of Toureen in the parish of Kilnamona there is supposed to be a hidden treasure in Michael OLooneys land.It was guarded by a little man and he used to convey everybody that passed by the road at night . He was often seen coming to a well in John Bordy's field, but somebody cussed him and put two dogs after him, and he was never seen there again. t is supposed that the treasure is still there. Mary Ann Brody Caherbanna. Told by Mr John Keane Derulia, Kilnamona, Ennis, Co. Clare
  6. An Reilig

    CBÉS 0610

    Leathanach 419

    in the borders of the parishes of Inch and Kilnamona,it is a very long time since people were buried there .There is a burial place for children who die without Baptism in the borders of the parishes if Kilnamona and Inagh.It is known by the name Cilling.
    Children who die without Baptism at present are buried there .A good share of people are buried outside the parish in the neighbouring graveyards.
    Angela Keane
    there is only one grave yard in the parish of KIlnamona .It is in the townland of Knocktemple .There is no name on it ,but it is is known as Kilnamona grave is situated almost in the centre of the parish,it is very near the church and school.A great deal of people are buried in it up to the present day.It is a square grave yard there is a stone wall built around it,it is not a large grave yard.In the centre of the grave yard there are ruins of an old parish church.
  7. Mo Cheantar Féin

    CBÉS 0610

    Leathanach 335

    Mo Cheantar Féin
    I live in the townland of Ballymongaun in the parish of Kilnamona ,Barony of Inchiquin, Ballymongaun got its name from a family named Mongon who lived there in olden times.There are four houses in the townland and there was only one house in it twenty years ago,they are all slated houses .There are a few old people over seventy years in the parish ;they are Myles Keane,Caherbanna,Kilnamona,Michael O Keeffe ,Toureen Kilnamona,Thomas Hegarty can tell stories in Irish and English but the others can only tell them in English.There are no old ruins of houses in the townland .There are no songs or old sayings connected with the parish.thjere is good limestone land in the townland . A river known as Shallee river divided the townland of Ballymongown from Shallee,there are no other rivers in the town
  8. Scéal W

    About eighty years ago there was a curate in Kilnamona named Father Joe Meade.

    CBÉS 0776

    Leathanach 199

    whipped up the horse and went along somewhat livelier. After about ten minutes the bird again flew across the road and this time it said "Dun deabhadh" quite distinctly. This time the priest was terrified and he whipped up the horse and galloped along at full speed. As he was approaching a cross where a by road branched off the main road he saw two men standing there.
    "On thank God you have come Father," said one of the men. "We were afraid you would be late." The priest reined in his horse at once and asked what was the matter. "My wife is dying," said the man, "she won't live until morning. I sent a messenger some time ago to Kilnamona for the priest but I did not think you could be here so soon though I came out here to be ready to guide you up the boithrín." "As a matter of fact I am not coming from Kilnamona now but from Milltown," said the priest "and I have not got the holy oils but at least I can hear the woman's confession and give her absolution and the other priest from Kilnamona may be along very soon."
    The women's husband then went with Father Meade up the boithrín while the other man stayed out the cross in case the second priest came. Father Meade heard the woman's confession and said the prayers for the dying. Then while he was waiting for the other priest he asked her if she practiced any special
  9. Cistí Óir i bhFolach

    In the parish of Kilnamona, in the townland of Rushane....

    CBÉS 0610

    Leathanach 273

    In the parish of Kilnamona, in the townland of Rushane, there is supposed to be a pot of gold in hiding under an old white thorn tree guarded by two
  10. Cistí Óir i bhFolach

    In the townland of Crohane, parish of Kilnamona there stands an old Danish fort...

    CBÉS 0610

    Leathanach 276

    In the townland of Crohane, parish of Kilnamona there stands an old Danish fort in the centre of a green meadow.
  11. Mo Cheantar Féin

    CBÉS 0610

    Leathanach 337

    The name of the townland I live in is Raheen ,in the parish of Kilnamona barony of Inchiquin .it is called Raheen because there
  12. Famous Men from this Locality

    CBÉS 0610

    Leathanach 446

    Famous men from this locality
    Michael and John McTigue Gurteen, Kilnamona, Ennis competed against Tom Neylon of Sookeen, Dysart and Patrick Heffernan of Doora, Ennis at Doora, Co Clare, at weight throwing. Ned Kelly, Caherbanna, Kilnamona was famous for jumping.
    John and Denis Rynne of Lickaun, Kilnamona were famous for running. They competed against Michael Healy of Ruan and Reynolds of Tubber at Fushaga, Fountain Cross. Thomas Hegarty Ahasla, competed Pat Casey (Stack) at Gortmore at running.
    There were great walkers in this parish. Paddy Burley, Caherbanna walked to and from Limerick in a very short time. About a hundred years ago an old man named Terence McCarthy lived in Magowna. One day he heard that he should appear at the Four Courts in Dublin the next day. That time there was no railway but a stage coach left Ennis in the evening to go to Dublin. McCarthy left Ennis at the same time walking and beat the stage coach to Dublin. He beat it up hill and down
  13. Trades in this District

    CBÉS 0610

    Leathanach 454

    The people of this district grew flax and were famous for the growing of flax. There was one family who were famous for flax growing that was the O'Keeffe family of Toureen west, Kilnamona. They have still sheets, that were made from flax and they are from fifty to eighty years old.
    When the flax was ripe it was cut down and buried in the bogs for three weeks. Then it was spread out on a field to make it white. After some time they spun it to the hacklers in Ennis to hackle the thread. Then they made sheets and shirts. They have home-made quilts which are fifty to eighty years old and are still as good as ever.
    Almost every one had spinning wheels and made their own clothes. Many years ago there was a weaver named Mr Meaney in Derroolagh, Kilnamona. Spades were made by Michael Barry, Gobisland. Baskets were made from osier and hazel rods by James Keating, Toureen east, Kilnamona.
    There were famous thatchers in this place also,
  14. (gan teideal)

    The parish of Inagh is noted...

    CBÉS 0612

    Leathanach 363

    The parish of Inagh is noted for lakes, the parish of Kilmaley for forts, and the parish of Kilnamona for springs.
  15. Old Schools

    CBÉS 0613

    Leathanach 153

    There was a teacher in Kilnamona named Mr Mac Gillate and he had two crutches because he was very lame.
  16. Local History

    CBÉS 0610

    Leathanach 485

    There was a battle at Dysart O'Dea between the Irish and the English in the year thirteen eighteen. It is supposed the people of Kilnamona fought there. Some of the English went by Toonagh which is near Kilnamona and they were forced back to Dysart and fought there.
    It is said that there was a battle in Toureeen in the land of Michael O'Keefe. The Irish fought against the English who were going from Galway to Limerick.
    During the land-war there were several cattle-drives in Shalle, Ballymongaun, Caherbann. There was a man shot for taking a farm of land from which a man was evicted.

    John Barrett
    Michael Fitzgibbons,
  17. Cistí Óir i bhFolach

    In the townland of Magowna, parish of Kilnamona there stands the ruins of Magowna Castle...

    CBÉS 0610

    Leathanach 275

    In the townland of Magowna, parish of Kilnamona,there stands the ruins of Magowna Castle on a lonely and rocky hill,overlooking a deep and wide valley,through which runs Magowna river, beside the wall of the old ruins there is supposed to be a crock of goldhidden, probably placed there by the owners of the castle(ODeas) in ancient times. The treaasure is generally supposed to be guarded by a fierce bull. Years ago some people came and searched for it, on Sunday during Mass time.They dug deep down into the earth until they reached the flag that covered it and after many weary hours of digging there was suddenly a peculiar darkness spread over the place,so that they could scarcely see each other, then they heard the loud bellow of the fierce bull and shortly after that the hugh form of the bull made its appearance. The ground shook for miles around with its mad bellowing. All the men fainted away and did not recover four hours. They never attempted to look for the treasure,it ay still be in hiding there,guarded by this fierce animal. Philomena Brody, Caherbanna. Told by Mr Michael Keane, Kilnamona, Ennis, Co.Clare
  18. Toibreacha Beannaithe

    CBÉS 0610

    Leathanach 341

    Toibreacha Bheannaithe
    There are five blessed wells in the parish of Kilnamona .Ther are two situated near the old church in the townland of Knocktemple.
    Tobar Laughteen-is in the townland of Knocktemple and in the parish of Kilnamona .it is situated near the ruins of an old monastery once inhabited by Friars. Now the monastery ruins and a small plot of ground are enclosed by a stone wall and used as a graveyard.The Holy well is almost opposite the south east corner of the wall - a short distance from the wall.there a now two huge ash trees growing near the well, there were eight or perhaps more but some of them have long since cut down.there is no protecting wall built around the well. The well itself was in olden times lined with rough stone .Now a large stone has fallen into it and no care, whatever,taken of ot. Tobar Laughteen -now it is known as St Joseph's Well.People used
  19. Seanscoileanna

    CBÉS 0610

    Leathanach 430

    The old school that was there before the National Schools was in the townland of Knocktemple in the parish of Kilnamona .The National School is also in the townland of Knockatemple.
    The school that is there now is about thirty feet from the foundation of the old was called no name only Kilnamona School.There was only one school in this parish that school was situated beside the road.
    In the old school there were two teachers -Mr Mc Elligott and Miss O Grady.They taught about seventy five or eighty years ago.They were strangers.
    During those teachers times the schools were not held in the farmers houses .The children were