School: Cashen, Baile Dubh, Tráighlí (roll number 14992)

Ballyduff, Co. Kerry
Máire de Paor Dd. Allman
The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0415, Page 005

Archival Reference

The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0415, Page 005

Image and data © National Folklore Collection, UCD.

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  1. XML School: Cashen, Baile Dubh, Tráighlí
  2. XML Page 005
  3. XML “Birth and Childhood”

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On this page

  1. I. It is not lucky to send a child to school on a Monday for the first time.
    II. You should never leave a child’s cradle outside a table.
    III. You should never shov (sp?)a child a looking glass, because he sees himself in his own hands.
    IV. A child that’s born on Good Friday, won’t live long.
    V. It isn’t right to take a child out when it is asleep.
    VI. If you go into a house with a child asleep in your arms, you should wait until the child wakes before you bring it out.
    VII. You should not let a child look into a looking glass, when he’s under one year old.
    VIII. You should never cut a child’s nails while he’s under one year, for fear he’d grow up a thief.
    IX. You should never let a child sleep in a headland.
    X. Dream of a birth and you’ll hear of a death.
    XI. It isn’t right for the father and mother to buy a cradle for the first baby. It should be made a present of.
    XII. It isnt right to buy a cradle before the first baby is born.
    XIII. A mother should never attend the funeral of the first child that dies.
    XIV. it isn’t right to give a cradle away when your family is reared.
    XV. You should never have two cradles in the one house.
    XVI. You should never rock an empty cradle, because it’s the devil you’d be rocking.
    XVII. You should never leave a child inside alone, or if you do you should put the tongs across the cradle.
    XVIII. You should always put something in a child’s hand, when you see him for the first time.
    (continues on next page)
    Transcribed by a member of our volunteer transcription project.
    1. activities
      1. social activities (~7)
        1. rites of passage (~573)
          1. birth (~49)