School: Poll Réamoinn (Cailíní)

Pollremon, Co. Galway
Treasa, Bean Mhic Diarmada
The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0014, Page 327

Archival Reference

The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0014, Page 327

Image and data © National Folklore Collection, UCD.

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Available under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

  1. XML School: Poll Réamoinn (Cailíní)
  2. XML Page 327
  3. XML “Emblems and Objects of Value”
  4. XML “The Local Fairs”

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On this page

  1. (continued from previous page)
    If they said he was they were honouring St. Brigid. St Patrick's cross was sometimes made. These were worn by the man on their hats or caps and on the capes of their jackets St. Patrick's Day. Holly, ivy and laurel are hung about the houses at Christmas to greet Our Lord. On Palm Sunday palm is brought home from the Church ; and some of it is put in the out-houses.
    Many objects were made from matted straw. It was used for donkey and horse straddles. The men used it for "knee garters," and it made ties for sheep and donkeys. The women when spinning used it for tieing the "proach" to the spinning wheel. It is also used for making mats, and making mats for beds. Ribbons were used for helping to make fancy articles. At Whit time the people bring home holy water and shake it round the house. When people perform their stations at St. Patrick's Well at Templetogher they bring home some of the water. Also when people go to some holy place such as Knock they bring some token clay or stones home with them.
    Transcribed by a member of our volunteer transcription project.