School: Tobar Pheadair (roll number 4789)

Peterswell, Co. Galway
P.S. Ó Muireadhaigh
The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0059, Page 0572

Archival Reference

The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0059, Page 0572

Image and data © National Folklore Collection, UCD.

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  1. XML School: Tobar Pheadair
  2. XML Page 0572
  3. XML “A Story”

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On this page

  1. Mick Diviney, Ballychalan. fort, co galway
    Once upon a time there was a man named jack who was very poor so he was unable to pay the rent. One day the landlord came to evict him and there was a boiling pot which jack just taken from the live in the middle of the floor. When the landlord entered he asked jack how the pot boiled and the latter replied that he had only to say "boil pot" three times and it would boil. When the landlord heard this he promised jack that he would never again have to pay a rent if he gave him the pot, but the latter refused several times. At length he estimated and gave it to the landlord. Next day he filled the pot with potato for the dinner and said "boil pot" three times but it was all in vain. This made him very angry and he set out to arrest jack. As the latter know that he landlord would be soon back again he killed a goose and tied the pudding around his wife's neck so when they saw the landlord coming they began to fight and stuck a knife in the pudding and it started to bleed. The wife fell on the floor as if she were dead. The landlord seeing this said that jack would be hanged but the latter said that he has a little whistle which would bring her to life again by blowing it three times. he blew the whistle once
    (continues on next page)
    Transcribed by a member of our volunteer transcription project.
    Folktales index
    AT1535: The Rich and the Poor Peasant
    AT1539: Cleverness and Gullibility
    Mick Diviney
    Ballycahalan, Co. Galway