School: Oylegate (roll number 5918)

Oilgate, Co. Wexford
Séamus Ó Braoin
The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0886, Page 187

Archival Reference

The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0886, Page 187

Image and data © National Folklore Collection, UCD.

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  1. XML School: Oylegate
  2. XML Page 187
  3. XML “A Funny Story”

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On this page

  1. One Christmas morning an old man and woman were going to mass when they heard a bird singing. The man said to his wife, "I never heard a blackbird singing so nice before." "Thats not a blackbird its a thrush', said his wife. "I say its a blackbird", "I say its a thrush". So they fought the whole way going to mass. When they came home from mass. The missus said to John "Will you ever forget us fighting going to mass about the blackbird." "Sure" said John, "that wasn't a thrush it was a blackbird." I say it was a thrush" and such an unhappy Christmas they never spent. When the next Christmas came they went to mass and when they came home she said to John, "Will you ever forget the way we spent last Christmas fighting about the blackbird" and he said "It wasn't a thrush and they fought that whole day and every Christmas for seven years they fought about the blackbird and the thrush.
    (continues on next page)
    Transcribed by a member of our volunteer transcription project.
    Folktales index
    AT1365B: Cutting with the Knife or the Scissors
    Kathleen Dwyer
    Scurlocksbush, Co. Wexford
    Mrs Dwyer
    Scurlocksbush, Co. Wexford